Dec 27, 2022 12:23 am
Welcome everyone and thanks for your interest in this play test!
I have written down the rules for this system here so have a look around and let me know what needs some clarification!
In the mean time, you can start thinking about your character concepts as we slowly go through the character sheets. A sentence or two is enough to start since the game suggests rolling some secrets for each character.
I have written down the rules for this system here so have a look around and let me know what needs some clarification!
In the mean time, you can start thinking about your character concepts as we slowly go through the character sheets. A sentence or two is enough to start since the game suggests rolling some secrets for each character.
[ +- ] Charatcer hook
You have all signed up as guards on a caravan making its way to Icewind Dale from Luskan, the city of sails. The question we will sort with the secrets is why...