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Jul 21, 2016 2:29 am
Hello GamersPlane, I'm another new arrival from the Modifier podcast, interested in a new PbP venue. I've tried other forums, but they all had some wrinkle - too big, too small, poor toolsets, or too much focus on D&D (don't get me wrong, I love it, but I prefer other systems for PbP).

I'm a recent college grad and an English teacher; high school during school and second-language during the summer. As for my gaming career, I've been playing tabletop games from a very young age - my brother-in-law DM'd for my friends and me in elementary school. I love role-playing, and have spent lots of time on both sides of the screen. While I still have a soft spot for D&D (raised on 3.5, but I love 4E and 5E as well), my go-to games right now are 13th Age, FATE, and *World games. I have a ridiculously immense library of games both print and digital that I want to explore further, and would love to get some hands-on time with the various Monte Cook games and maybe get in a few games of Fiasco as well.

I've lurked here for a little while, and want to start strong right out of the gate, so I'm starting up a game of Dungeon World. Sign up and post in Character Creation if you're interested!
Jul 21, 2016 2:43 am
Wellcome Diamond_Rhombus! Hopefully GP doesn't disappoint. I'm sure there'll be a wrinkle, but hopefully we can work through it to still give you a good experience.

Awesome to see a Dungeon World game. We've had a number of recent registrants who will probably enjoy a game like Dungeon World; CheshirePope, who also just put up an intro thread, may find it fun! In fact, I'll put it up as a system in the next few minutes, and if you want, I can swap your game type over to Dungeon World.
Jul 21, 2016 11:49 am
Welcome!! Always happy to see more DW on here. A good spot to recruit more players is in the Games Tavern, found here:
Jul 21, 2016 12:33 pm
I've signed up for this game too! Saw the game pop up before I saw this intro post. Welcome to GP, Diamond_Rhombus! :-D
Jul 21, 2016 1:16 pm
Cool beans. Welcome to the site and enjoy. I never see dungeon world i will have to look it up.
Jul 21, 2016 2:01 pm
Howdy! Man, I'd love to get into Dungeon World but I still haven't had time to read much about it. Friends at the Table is an awesome podcast though so I should really get on it. :P
Jul 21, 2016 3:14 pm
Welcome, Diamond_Rhombus! Fiasco seems like it would shine in PBP. I've been curious about playing/running a story game here, too.
Last edited July 21, 2016 3:14 pm
Jul 22, 2016 1:07 am
Thanks for the welcome, guys. If you've never played Dungeon World, I highly recommend it. If you're curious, why not sign up for this game?

Thanks for the change, Keleth. Having Dungeon World be "official" on this site right as I join is definitely cool.

Thanks for signing up, Moofsalot and Jabes. Looking forward to starting up.

Just a big ol' post full of thanks right here, jeez.
Jul 24, 2016 8:03 pm
Just have to say: love the name. Oh, and welcome :p (but it seems everyone else has that covered).
Aug 1, 2016 6:27 pm
Hello and welcome.

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