[IC] Chapter 1 - Concerning Orcs

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Jan 5, 2023 5:12 pm
Veronica and Dennan slip behind the bonfire out of sight of the battle. They pick a careful path toward the supply wagon and take a hurried look inside. In the pile of loot they see their weapons and equipment.
If you want you can grab your equipment and run or take some time to look through the loot for additional supplies.
As they turn toward the woods, Cadigan shouts "When this hell is over, Layla, I owe you a great debt." He starts sprinting toward the woods. "Watch your step there!" As they start to pass an orc wheezing from an arrow wound in his chest as he lays on the ground.
Jan 5, 2023 7:10 pm
Dennan replies to Veronica at the supply wagon, "maybe we should grab anything else that seems useful. Hopefully we can find Layla’s gear here and maybe a few other small weapons for the other prisoners too. Zirchev knows that these either clans of these vile orcs should not get to keep any of this."

Beside grabbing his weapons and gear, Dennan hopes to spot Layla’s as well. He looks for a bag or backpack to stuff any manageable small weapons into. And of course he’s on the lookout for anything else of interest.
Jan 5, 2023 9:28 pm
Layla looks at Cadigan. "Don't be silly about the debt, I am just trying to help," she smiles. As they run, she dodges the wounded orc. No wasting her powers on orcs. She ignores him and takes cover in the bushes, making sure she is hidden as well as she can from the orcs, while peeking through the bushes for Dennan and Veronica, hoping they can see her somehow. So stupid, they forgot to agree on a signal. Best hope that Dennan can indeed sense Silas.
Jan 5, 2023 9:57 pm
Veronica nods. She already grabs her weapons and backpack of stuff before grabbing other weapons and any magical items and any gold that were there too.

"If you find a bag of holding or a large burlap sack or something, Dennan, we'll place all this extra stuff in there. If not, just grab what you can carry. I already grabbed my backpack and weapons already. I don't know what Laylas equipment looks like though. Hope we can get to Layla and the others soon and hopefully they are safe with your dire wolf friend. " Veronica said a moment later.
Last edited January 5, 2023 10:03 pm
Jan 5, 2023 11:13 pm
"I hope so too. The wolf knows how to find and take advantage of the cover the forest offers. I believe he can sniff them out a cave, high protected cover, or something of the like. I hope they move fast, far, and safe from here. I am not worried about being able to track the wolf and Layla, once you and I make it into the woods."
Jan 6, 2023 12:10 am
"...I'm sure the wolf and I will find each other," Dennan says to Veronica. "But making to the into forest unnoticed, that I hope we can do."
Last edited January 6, 2023 12:13 am
Jan 6, 2023 2:41 am
Dennan and Veronica spend a little time rummaging through the loot.

Layla, from her hiding spot, can see the battle start to turn. The pockets of resistance start to crumble under the more organized and sober Stone Tusk advance. Behind the fighting Layla can barely make out the large shape of three Stone Tusk orcs riding on top of bears surveying the battlefield.

In the loot Veronica and Dennan find:

6 daggers
1 short sword
4 bloody and sliced sets of leather armor
1 one quart keg labeled oil
1 twenty quart keg labeled herbs
A few chairs
3 rations
Laylas equipment.

There may be more if you keep digging.

Some of the defending orcs start to flee. Just a few at this point; including one running toward the prisoners hiding spot.
Jan 6, 2023 3:41 am
Dennan curses, "No great way of carrying most of this."

He pauses quickly to listen and notices the roar of battle is beginning to subside. He thinks that their window of opportunity to use battle chaos as cover may be growing slim. He grabs Layla's equipment in one arm---wearing whatever is wearable--stuffs a couple daggers into his belt, makes sure he has his own weapons sheathed with his own gear on his person, grabs the looted shortsword with his other hand and turns to Veronica to say, "Well, no bag of holding. I know the idea was mine, but it's probably a bad one to linger any longer looking through this stuff."
Jan 6, 2023 4:55 am
"Well, leave the chairs and let's go!" Veronica calls out placing the herbs in her backpack and begins to stealthily and silently dash to wherever Layla and the others are.
Last edited January 6, 2023 4:59 am
Jan 6, 2023 5:57 am
Dennan shrugs and follows Victoria's lead toward the treeline, thinking to himself, "well, at least she secured the herbs."
Jan 6, 2023 2:21 pm
Veronica enters the treeline and cries out in a whisper "Layla, are you and the others alright? Dennan has your belongings and we grabbed what we could from the wagon including our things before coming your way. "
Jan 6, 2023 3:30 pm
"Here they come" Cadigan edges closer to Layla as Silas brushes against her leg. He points to the orc fleeing from the battle toward the prisoners. "Do we hide? I dont think he knows we are here."

Veronica makes it to the treeline unseen. She turns to see Dennan loading the equipment on his back and starting to shuffle toward her. The retreating orcs go from a trickle to a flood as every orc starts running for the safety of the Trees. The Stone Tusk orc bloodlust isn’t satiated and they give chase, killing any they catch.

Veronica now notices the three Stone Tusk orcs mounted on bears. Her eyes dart to Dennan as the orc leader leans to talk to another orc pointing toward the supplies and Dennan making his way toward the treeline. He has been spotted.

The mounted Stone Tusk kicks his bear into motion cutting a path toward Dennan who can hear the heavy pawbeats of the bear chasing him. The bear easily cuts a path through the running orcs of both clans.
Looking at the speeds (you thirty but encumbered, the bear forty) he will catch you just about at the treeline. He has a lot of ground to cover as you weren’t close to each other. I dont know what you are planning but assume he will chase you and you will get first action when he gets there (either due to the distance or you preparing). If you just run it will occur just at the treeline, else it would occur in the field with everyone running everywhere.

We do block initiative so the players and prisoners will go in a block then the Stone Tusk will go. We can assume that Layla can see what’s happening and can be there with one turn of moving/dashing for distance. Or she can remain and deal with the orc fleeing in her direction as well. A lot going on overall.
Jan 6, 2023 3:48 pm
Dennan, hears heavy beast pawbeats cutting a path toward him and does his best to dash to the treeline as he would rather make it to the cover of the forest or at least face his oncoming enemy with the cover to his back.
Jan 6, 2023 4:15 pm
Its Veronica, lol.
Veronica dashes into the treeline and goes invisible as soon as she enters it. She stays silent and uses her 60 feet of dark vision to keep an eye out for their enemies and the others. She pulls out her dagger and prepares to strike out at the enemy if any comes near her.
Jan 6, 2023 4:19 pm
When Dennan makes it to the treeline he readies to Dodge the oncoming bear/orc attack.
Jan 6, 2023 4:19 pm
When Dennan makes it to the treeline he readies to Dodge the oncoming bear/orc attack.
Jan 6, 2023 4:28 pm
Also if that works out for him, his goal will be to dart into the cover of the woods.
Jan 6, 2023 6:57 pm
Layla looks at the situation. Orcs fleeing their direction, and Stone Tusks charging at them.
The Stone Tusks are probably more dangerous, she thinks. A fleeing orc just would like to get to safety. If they don't pose a threat, he won't be a threat... Right?

She keeps her sight on both the fleeing orc and the Stone Tusks... both of them...

"We could hide from the runner," she says to Cadigan. "But not from them..."

She channels her energies, ready to throw fire at the Stone Tusks if they pose a threat to Veronica or Dennan.
Readying Firebolt for if a Stone Tusk attacks Veronica or Dennan.
Jan 7, 2023 2:41 am
Dennan reaches the treeline and turns to Dodge as the mounted stone tusk raises his axe and swings at a full bear charge.
To be continued after rolls


Orc attack at disadvantage for dodge - (2d20L1+5)

(68) + 5 = 11

Layla ranged spell attack (fire bolt) - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Fire bolt damage (if hits) - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Veronica Crane: 2 daggers to hit - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Jan 7, 2023 2:50 am
"Holy hells!" Cadigan ducks as fire erupts from Laylas hand. The dart of flame shoots across the open space and splashes against a tree next to the bears head. The bear jerks and the axe swings wide from Dennan as he dodges into the brush.

Veronica lashes out with a dagger as the bear charges past slicing the stone tusk riders leg to a scream.

The orc pulls the reigns to his bear as they are in the forest now turning toward Veronica (the only enemy he sees and is now in the path of his next charge).


Damage from Daggers (sneak attack) - (1d4+2+1d6)

(2) + (1) + 2 = 5

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