[IC] Chapter 1 - Concerning Orcs

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Mar 6, 2023 5:19 am
Gramun responds to Veronica, "oh I don't know him, but he seemed to know why the orcs were in the woods, and that is something I would like solved. Sometimes you just have to go in the direction of the wind, even if the wind smells a bit foul." Gramun takes note of Dennan preparing to go over to the gnome. "He also seems to like sticking his nose in it." He chuckles loudly. "This is reason one of the many reasons, cities never provide a good place of rest." He downs the rest of his ale, mutters a small prayer and scans the room for folks watching the pickpocket, after all there is no guarantee she is at it alone.
Gramun cast guidence while checking the room
Mar 6, 2023 1:55 pm
"Of course darling. Go have your little conversation with the gnome over there. We'll be just fine." Veronica tells Dennan with an amused smile.
Mar 6, 2023 4:53 pm
"Thank you," Dennan says, nodding to Verionica and Gramun.

He then takes another sip of his ale, very much wishing he was out exploring with Silas instead of sitting in this Tavern about to invent small talk with an unknown gnome and potentially confront a pickpocket. Still, he grabs his tankard, gets up, and proceeds over to the Gnome table, watching the pickpocket closely as he approaches.

When he arrives he says to the gnome in the Gnomish tongue, "Excuse me sir. Sorry to interrupt, but I didn't want to miss my chance to make your acquaintance. I'm Dennan Dmitros, a ranger. I have been tasked on occasion to run errands for the hin of the Shires. They prize many gnome-made goods and send me to Highforge and sometimes, for real specialty items, deeper north into the Wufwolde Hills to purchase items and bring them back to the shire. I once was even tasked to personally escort the Gnome merchant [insert name] to and from the Shires. Pleasant and intelligent fellow. Gnomes always make good company.

I couldn't help but notice that you look very knowledgeable yourself. I wanted to ask, how's the safety in the hills these days and the mountains beyond? I'm hearing troubling reports from fellow rangers as of late. Instability there is not good to hear for the sake of your kin and also not good for anyone's business in general, including the jobs I get from the hin."
Last edited March 6, 2023 4:55 pm
Mar 7, 2023 1:56 pm
Veronica carefully scans the bar making sure that no trouble comes for them or Dennan like last time with Sir Antonic and his ilk.

She whispers to Gramun "Be on your guard. The last Tavern we went to in asking for help after we escaped from the Orcs, some very unfriendly human types accosted one of our own and is actually working for the Orcs. It was a man named Sir Antonic who was a town guard. If he or his men stop by, we need to quietly take them out or anyone like him."

Veronica then scratches the back of the kittens ears before returning her to her backpack.
Mar 8, 2023 3:47 am
The kitten snuggles into the bag after Veronica’s scratch, purring loudly.

The gnome stops talking mid sentence as Dennan speaks in Gnomish. Smiling wide he responds in gnomish "Names Quadon, Quadon Bilge. Well let Ranger! I have long ago come to trust your ilk in my journeys." The pickpocket, now forgotten by the gnome, scowls at Dennan.

"The hills are good as far as I’ve heard. It’s been many years since I’ve been to Gnomes Ferry, I doubt I would recognize the place. I have to say it’s refreshing to hear one speak the language." He smiles before looking back at the map.

"Ranger, I have a commission to make a map of the northern mountains. My patron believes the current maps are lacking in both contemporary information and accuracy. As you know north of Threshold is sparsely populated. But where are my manners, I am a cartographer, a master some might say."

He pauses for effect before continuing. "In your Ranger duties, have you travelled north? This woman here was just telling me about her excursions north and the peoples there, fascinating stuff!" He nods to the pickpocket who shifts uneasily. Those at the table can she her hand absently slipping under her cloak.

"Regardless, we will be leaving in the morning to start our survey. A marvelous adventure, and one to pad my pockets if this patron comes through with the rest." He grins through bright teeth.
Mar 8, 2023 5:42 pm
Speaking in Gnomish…

"Wow, yes Gnomes Ferry is quite a magnificent achievement of ingenuity. A cartographer you say? It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Master Bilge. I do have some knowledge of the northern mountains, mostly from other ranger companions, though. Personally, I have spent most of my days protecting the hills and the forest south of the mountains.

I am happy to find that you have heard the hills are yet safe. The things I have heard still worry me though especially about orcs coming through the mountains.

I very much hope it is safe out there for the sake of your survey."

Still speaking in Gnomish, "As far as safety goes though, if you intend to have this woman accompany you, I wouldn’t count on her being available in the morning. I suspect her motives are simply those of a common thief and would hold fast onto your purse in her presence. From our vantage point at ourtable, my companions and I witnessed her pickpocketing her last mark in this tavern. I wonder what fantasies she has spewed about the north to gain your confidence."
Dennan will rely on anything he knows about North to reveal the thief. Especially if she or the Gnome says what their conversation was about and he could contradict her story with fact.
Last edited March 8, 2023 5:57 pm
Mar 9, 2023 3:00 pm
Veronica sitting at the table says to Gramun " That woman we spied on the road that was heading to this town. I saw her the night I snuck into Sir Antonics house looking for information. She was arguing with Sir Antonic about working with the Orcs and I think she was his mistress. If she is going to speak to the Baroness, I hope they help her. Otherwise everyone is going to be made into slaves because that was what happened to Dennan and I. That's why we escaped so we can continue to survive. I hope we can gather allies to help us fight back against the evil humans and the Orcs."
Mar 11, 2023 6:08 pm
"You would think it would be such a simple thing to realize that slavery doesn't work, because you're never going to have someone desiring to actually be a slave. Of course trying to explain that to an orc or an idiot human like this Sir Antonic of yours. And folks wonder why I hide away in the woods." Gramun lifts the tankard of ale once more to his lips only to realize how empty it is. He frowns and turns his attention once more to surveying the room.
Mar 12, 2023 12:32 am
Veronica nods. "Indeed. I'm smarter than a lot of humans and I am a dhampir. Even though I am half vampire, half human, I know that slavery is wrong and I would love to suck the life of anyone that believes otherwise. Feckin Humans and their deals of death! May they all get their just desserts." Veronica then stabs her dagger into the table to prove a point and shows her fangs in anger with a growled hiss before she clears her throat and composes herself and places her dagger back into her boot before giving a closed mouth smile though her red eyes looks at the room like she is insane.
Mar 12, 2023 3:50 am
The gnome replies to Dennan. "Yes, the best cartographer if I do say so myself. As for orcs, I am sure we will be able to handle ourselves." He smiles.

"A simple thief you say?" The cartographer glances at the woman; who in turn squints at Dennan and the gnome. "Well I thank you for your help in this matter, ranger, I hope to see you again. Unless you are free to accompany me and my colleague on our commission. I don’t know that we would have much to offer, financially."

The pickpocket, reading the room turns toward the door. Another man from one of the booths rises and leaves with her.

Back at the table, the waitress comes back. She’s can relay rumors that some of the garrison had been told to be ready to leave in days, some secret news apparently caused the Baronnes to send out the call to be ready. Though, she is still holding court tomorrow.
Mar 12, 2023 1:22 pm
Veronica nods at that. "It sounds very interesting. If they are against the Orc slavers, they should be able to help put a stop to their nefarious ways but we'll see what happens. Is the public allowed to attend the Court of the Baroness?" Veronica asks the waitress a moment later.
Last edited March 12, 2023 1:22 pm
Mar 12, 2023 3:15 pm
Dennan says, "You and your colleague, a party of two that knows the land, surely could avoid orcs in the wilderness. They are careless, always leaving trails and never moving quietly. Good luck to you Master Bilge. I look forward to your finding your completed maps. Perhaps you would share the name of your patron so I know where to study your completed work in the future. I unfortunately have business in this area or I would certainly be interested in accompanying you on your excursion."

After the gnome’s reply, Dennan will return to the table with Veronica and Gramun.
Last edited March 12, 2023 3:19 pm
Mar 13, 2023 12:41 am
Veronica looks at Dennan with a smile "So, how did it go?"

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