Dennan nods in acknowledgment of Veronica’s warning, he suspects she’s referring to the woman who seems to be captivating a man who looks like he’s just recently made it to the city, although Dennan’s not entirely sure. In any case he minds his belongings and raises his guard, glad Veronica has her perceptive eyes on the room.
Though, he himself is interested in the Gnome and human absorbed in a map together. He wonders what the two could be discussing and also if the Gnome is from Highforge or maybe deeper north in the Wufwolde Hills. If so, Dennan wonders if he the Gnome knows anything thing about Thousand Axe orc activities south of the mountains.
He figures, if given a chance, he will find a way to strike up a conversation with the Gnome. He can speak Gnomish due to his past experience dealing with Gnomes (as he has be hired on many occasion by Halflings to retrieve specialty Gnome made items from the Hills and bring them to the Shires). He figures he could strike up a conversation on those grounds.
But before doing anything like that he first wants to get a sense of his companions thoughts and plans for the evening and for tomorrow.
Dennan responds to the waitress trying not to be too forthcoming with infomation, "I am a ranger and really would call much of the woodlands and hills from the edge of the 5 Shires all way to the Hillfollow river my home. Still, as much as I try to avoid spending time in towns and cities, I realize it is sometimes necessary for supplies. There are good craftsman here in Threshold."
Last edited March 1, 2023 6:33 am