Rule Summary and Character Creation

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Jun 15, 2023 6:35 am
Fabulous ending, Q! Thanks so much for running this for us, and nicely played, fellow knights!
Jun 15, 2023 1:12 pm
Thanks for running it Q. Had a lot of fun with my knight!
Jun 15, 2023 2:32 pm
How did you all feel about the system itself? The coin flipping, the modifiers.

I know the mass combat rules (with the boars) were difficult for me to fully grok.
Jun 15, 2023 3:14 pm
Thanks, that was a blast and the ending is awesome: complete with the villain escaping to see another day! ;)

The system was fine, which is to be expected from something produced by the great Greg. It is great for initiation, and lends itself well to the theme and PbP.
Jun 15, 2023 4:06 pm
Indeed! Nice villain get away and also having the wise King Arthur give Parwick a chance to redeem himself was a nice touch.

I thought the system was interesting. Coin tosses certainly did NOT allow us to be super human. So everything seemed so dangerous, which added to the excitement and kept us on our toes.

Also, we as players did a decent job being (in fantasy RPG terms) a party of the all the same class. We found ways to slip into roles and get the job done. It was an excellent touch to make Sir Wolstan the senior knight.

I could go on and on, but we are wrapping this up. So, once again thank you all, and until next time!
Jun 16, 2023 4:13 am
I really enjoyed playing Wolstan, and all of your portrayals. Digging classless / level-less systems generally, I had no trouble seeing the individuals beneath the armor. I expected to enjoy the system more than I did; I felt it was 'okay.' We did a fair bit of fancy RPing that might have neutered it a little in places, but I also feel like we had some pretty poor rolls at times. I'd absolutely play it again, as the overall conceit and just the way it all hangs together and allows for one-roll resolution for some things is pretty great. I think you, Qralloq, also established more mastery as you went, and the final roll with the multiple outcomes based on different numbers of successes rolled -- that was some good stuff.
Last edited June 17, 2023 5:07 am
Jun 16, 2023 1:40 pm
Thanks everyone. I'll retire the game. See you next time!

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