Rule Summary and Character Creation

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Dec 30, 2022 6:38 pm

Prince Valiant is a dice pool system, based upon coin flips. In live play, this would be assembling a number of coins, dropping them on the table and counting the heads. Online, we can simplify the coin flips to a roll of 1d2-1 which gives a result of 0 (tails) or 1 (heads), and summing them to get the required "count" of heads on the coins. So if you have 7 in your pool, you would roll 7d2-7, giving results between 0 (all tails) and 7 (all heads). If you roll maximum, this is called a Complete Success and you gain a bonus success (i.e., 7 coins resulting in all heads counts as 8) -- despite the name, this doesn't guarantee you beat your opponent, but it does give you that extra success.

There are two attributes (Brawn and Presence), a number of Skills, and several kinds of modifiers based upon equipment, morale, and environment.

Here is an example from the book that illustrates the Dice Pool system:

Example of Personal Combat: in one famous combat young Prince Valiant fights Prince Arn, his noble foe, for the love of Lady Ilene. The combat is to the death, so Extended Resolution must be used.

At this time young Val has a Brawn of 3, while Arn has a weak Brawn of 2. Val has an Arms skill of only 2, Arn the same. Val chooses not to use his Dexterity skill in this combat, probably because he is too jealous and angry to plan out proper tactics.

Modifiers augment each character's Brawn: Prince Valiant gets +2 for his medium armor and Arn gets +3 for his heavy armor. Arn is armed with the magical Singing Sword which gives him an extraordinary +3 modifier. Val has an ordinary sword, worth the usual +1. Finally, both young warriors are inspired with their love for their lady and their jealous rivalry, each gaining +1 to Brawn.

Thus Val initially throws (3 + 2 + 2 + l + l) = 9 coins, and Arn throws ( 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 ) = 11.

In the first combat round Arn gets 7 heads, and Val gets only 4; thus Arn wins. 7 - 4 = 3, so Val loses 3 coins, a significant loss. He probably has a bruise or small wound. He throw s only 6 coins next round. Neither opponent did very well this round, given the large number of coins they started with.

In the second round, Val gets 5 heads, but so does Arn. No one wins, and no one loses any coins.

On the third throw , Val gets 6 heads, while Arn does dismally and gets only 3 heads. 6 - 3 = 3, and since Val got a Complete Success (he currently has only 6 coins), his opponent loses another coin, for a total of 4. Arn goes down to 7. He is winded and bruised now, though not enough to stop him from continuing the fight.

On the fourth round, the fighters both get lucky. Val gets 6 heads again, another Complete Success. Arn also throw s 6 heads. Norm ally 6 vs. 6 would be a standoff, with no result. But because Val achieved a Complete Success, Arn loses a coin. 7 - 1 = 6, so Arn goes down from 7 to 6.

Thus the two are down to 6 coins each. At this point in the story they are interrupted. Both tired and bruised, and evenly matched, they decide to stop their fight.

As illustrated above, in an extended, opposed contest such as combat or social conflict, the 'damage' is tracked by a reduction to your dice pool, and when one gets to 0, they're defeated. For the main part, this reduction is restored narratively shortly thereafter, but if it is lethal combat and you go to 0, then these are actual wounds, and healing could potentially take weeks. Death is exceptionally rare, as per norms for the source material.
Dec 30, 2022 6:56 pm
Adventurer Creation Summary (Basic Game)

Step 1) Adventurer name: British names are normal.
Step 2) Player name: your name.
Step 3) Occupation: Knight (alternate occupations only subject to approval)
Step 4) Fame: 800.
Step 5) Description: write down anything out of the ordinary about your knight here. Is he handsome, ugly, big or tall, unusually courteous or unusually rude, very wealthy or very poor?
Step 6) Brawn and Presence: divide 7 points among the two.
Step 7) Skills: divide 9 points among 6 skills, at least 1 point to each. Knights must have the skills of Arms and Riding, and must choose four
other skills from the list you will find below.
Step 8) Coat of Arms: design your own.
Step 9) Possessions: (for a knight only) sword, lance, dagger, ordinary horse, medium armor, 5 gold coins, 1 suit of fine clothing
[ +- ] Other Occupations
[ +- ] Skills
[ +- ] Prince Valiant (1989) Character Sheet Template
Dec 30, 2022 7:24 pm
Other Rules

• 1 Head: Very Easy
• 2 Heads: Easy
• 3 Heads: Normal
• 4 Heads: Difficult
• 5 or more Heads: Very Difficult
Often during Opposed Resolution a character will be brought to zero coins: he is defeated. What does this mean? As a general rule, whenever a character is reduced to zero coins he is incapable of successful action. More specific effects depend on the situation.
• Zero coins in personal com bat, braw ling, or tests of strength and agility (footraces, arm -wrestling) means helplessness, due to exhaustion or injury. See illustration below.
• In social situations, such as a debate, zero coins means the character has been humiliated; he is no longer capable of making a good impression or communicating effectively.
• In a duel of intelligence or observation (usually based on Presence), such as a game of chess, zero coins means the character has lost control of the situation, and is stymied.
• In a test of will, zero coins indicates that the loser is cowed.
• In a challenge focussing on specialized skills or knowledge, such as an archery com petition, zero coins indicates that the character's level of competence has reached its limit, and has been overmatched.
Armor, Light: Brawn +1 in combat, Brawn -1 for purposes of agility.
Armor, Medium: Brawn +2 in combat, Brawn -2 for agility.
Armor, Heavy: Brawn +3 in combat, Brawn -3 for agility.
Fame Greater Than Opponent: by 1000 pts. — Presence +1. By 10,000 pts. — +2.
Fortifications, Normal Castle: Attacker's Brawn -4.
Horse, any: +1 in combat vs. opponent on foot.
Horse, superior: +1 or +2 for riding and combat.
Horse, inferior: -1 or -2 for riding or combat.
Location: varies with relative position.
Morale: +1 or +2 for positive factors (love, loyalty); -1 or -2 for negative factors (fear, panic).
Possessions (clothes, jewels, etc.): Presence +1 or +2.
Weapons, Small: none.
Weapons, Normal: Brawn +1.
Weapons, Magical: Brawn +2.
Weather (fog, rain, snow): Presence -1 or -2.
Jan 3, 2023 3:30 am
Please post your concepts, make your characters, and submit them to the game. I'll provide additional details later, such as armor and weapon modifiers.

Whether or not your characters know each other personally, you'll probably know each other by reputation. The meeting up will be handled deftly with a suggestion from the book. You each meet at a crossroads, having been sent there by letters from King Arthur.
Jan 3, 2023 7:31 am
Sir Gregor Gildon. The golden haired knight.

Sir Gregor is secretly an imposter whose real name is Brandon of Angard. He was actually an amourer in service to the true knight of that name. Sir Gregor, to whom Brandon was very loyal, desired to leave knighthood and noble life, largely due to falling in love with a peasant girl during a far away campaign. Sir Gregor didn't want to disgrace his family. Consequently, he primed Brandon to stand in for him so he could covertly forsake his knighthood and set out to seek his far away love.

Now Brandon, known as Sir Gregor Gildon, The Golden Haired Knight, serves the knighthood well, and tries hard to make sure doubt cannot be cast on him regarding his service and honor.
Last edited January 4, 2023 4:36 am
Jan 3, 2023 3:07 pm
Is there a particular tool we can use to make our coat of arms?
Jan 3, 2023 4:43 pm
Great idea! I know of none such, but I didn't look either. If you're happy snagging one from the internet, I won't judge you if that one turns out to be from a, say, Austro-Hungarian vassal state circa 1833.
Jan 3, 2023 5:01 pm
Thanks for the invite, Qralloq! Couple of ideas brewing, but I’ll see what the others are thinking before I pitch anything.
Jan 3, 2023 7:05 pm
Sir Gareth is a young impetuous knight anxious to make a bigger name for himself. Sometimes he takes risks that he shouldn't in the hopes of fame and glory. He often struggles with balancing his need for fame versus the need to be loyal and selfless. He comes from a very wealthy family and his mother in particular coddles him. He yearns for praise as a measure of his self-worth. He is also exceedingly handsome and finds it hard not to flirt with every woman he meets because of the doe-eyed reactions he gets from them.
Jan 6, 2023 7:12 pm
Looks like we have three sheets submitted. I know Harrigan has been underwater at his work this week, but he should have his submitted soon, too then we can get all knightly and stuff.

Looking forward to the hijinx!
Jan 7, 2023 2:52 am
Looking forward to it! Thanks!
Jan 7, 2023 6:56 pm
Apologies for the delay! Hoping to submit something tonight or tomorrow!
Jan 8, 2023 5:50 am
Would love it if folks would make their sheets public -- I always enjoy seeing the characters others are playing, and knowing what the other three knights are all about will help my with character ideas.

I see Gregor the Imposter and Gareth the Young Fame-Seeker; what's Wilfred like?

I've got ideas for an older knight, perhaps a bit of a been 'round the block mentor for a younger knight, and a squire for one of the PCs...
Jan 8, 2023 7:07 am
Submitted Sir Wolstan. If he doesn't fit, or is too close in concept to one of the other knights, I'll be happy to fine-tune or replace him...
Jan 8, 2023 8:36 am
Harrigen, if submitting it to the character library makes it public, I believe I just made my character public.
Jan 8, 2023 3:38 pm
Excellent, my boon companions. Expect a letter to be in your hands this very day. I am given to believe that while seemingly simple in request, the king would not trouble you if it were not the gravest of circumstances.
Jan 8, 2023 4:10 pm
Harrigan says:
Submitted Sir Wolstan. If he doesn't fit, or is too close in concept to one of the other knights, I'll be happy to fine-tune or replace him...
All set on my PC being public.
Last edited January 8, 2023 4:10 pm
Jan 8, 2023 5:18 pm
My liege! My sword is ready!

Seck -- you make the sheet public by going to Characters > All Characters, then clicking the 'notebook' icon to turn it red. Like so (third icon in the row, at the right):
Jan 8, 2023 6:20 pm
Thanks, I think I did that along with the other stuff I said. Can you find Sir Gregor?
Jan 8, 2023 7:47 pm
Looking good, thanks!
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