Dec 30, 2022 10:28 pm
Prince Valiant: The Story-Telling Game
an exciting multi-player game in which you act out the part of a character in the lawless, romantic medieval world of KING ARTHUR and PRINCE VALIANT
The Story:
Prince Valiant is a very long running comic strip going originating in the 1930s by Harold Foster, who wrote it from 1937-1971 (it still continues, and the comic strip appears weekly in more than 300 American newspapers). The roleplaying game was written by Greg Stafford the designer of Pendragon as a rules light alternative to play games in the Arthurian romances. The first edition was published in 1989, and the second edition in 2018. Both are out of print.
The Setting:
Its 455 Anno Domini, in mythic Britain. Arthur sits as high king, and his Knights of the Round Table spread peace and justice throughout the land. Lancelot, Guenever, Merlin the Magician, Sir Gawaine, and Prince Valiant all attend his court.
The Meta:
Players will take on the roles of young knights, with some fame to their names, but still quite junior in the ranks of the Round Table.
While there are certain expectations for the genre, such as knights being male, I'm not a purist in these things, and I welcome players of all kinds, and will entertain diverse PCs as well. If the players decide they want to play a troupe of female knights, that sounds awesome. However, this particular game will not be about exploring the social ramifications of these important topics, but instead will be light-hearted adventure. Huzzah!
Lastly, there are roles other than knights built into the game. Squires, monks, merchants, hunters, etc. I may entertain including one of those in the party but will favour PCs that will most seamlessly fit together, rather than shoehorning a bunch of hopelessly unique characters together.

About Me: I am Qralloq. I've published a novel (not under that name) within the umbrella of Arthurian romances, yet I've never run a game directly in that genre. That ends now, and with an appropriate amount of passion.
Rules: The games will use the original 1989 version of the ruleset, published by Chaosium. Access to the rules is not required, everything will be provided and explained in game. From Wikipedia, "The actual game mechanics are deliberately simple. Aiming to help beginners (especially kids), the game emphasizes story-telling prior to the use of cluttering and exceeding simulation rules: every playable character has only two attributes, Brawn and Presence, with seven points to distribute between them when creating the character. Action resolution is decided by coin tosses, which play the role of dice, the attribute point number being then equivalent of the number of tossed coins." There are also skills, and modifiers from situation and equipment that add coins to the pool. We'll of course not use actual coins, but the GP dice roller's ability to roll a pool of d2s.
Play Style:
This is not a game about combat strictly, fighting and battle are only one way to end a disagreement. If combat does erupt, even a seasoned character can be struck down in a single round with bad coin tosses.
I will update the IC thread daily. Players who can't check the forum at least daily to see if the game is paused pending their input or actions won't be a good fit for this game.
The game is expected to go for a least an episode, as in a one-shot, but continuing on (possibly drawing one or more new players in after each episode) is certainly an option.
How to Apply:
Make a post in this thread with the following:
1. A brief description of your character. Give me their name, background, and a few adjectives. A character portrait is fine here as well.
2. A sentence or two that illustrates the dramatic trajectory of your character. What emotional concessions does she want from the people around her? From whom? Why?
If you have questions, post them here or find me on the GamersPlane discord. I'll leave this open to applications until Monday, January 2, 2023. Once I have decided which characters/players I think will be the best fit, I'll send out game invitations with a link to the forum.
an exciting multi-player game in which you act out the part of a character in the lawless, romantic medieval world of KING ARTHUR and PRINCE VALIANT
The Story:
Prince Valiant is a very long running comic strip going originating in the 1930s by Harold Foster, who wrote it from 1937-1971 (it still continues, and the comic strip appears weekly in more than 300 American newspapers). The roleplaying game was written by Greg Stafford the designer of Pendragon as a rules light alternative to play games in the Arthurian romances. The first edition was published in 1989, and the second edition in 2018. Both are out of print.
The Setting:
Its 455 Anno Domini, in mythic Britain. Arthur sits as high king, and his Knights of the Round Table spread peace and justice throughout the land. Lancelot, Guenever, Merlin the Magician, Sir Gawaine, and Prince Valiant all attend his court.
The Meta:
Players will take on the roles of young knights, with some fame to their names, but still quite junior in the ranks of the Round Table.
While there are certain expectations for the genre, such as knights being male, I'm not a purist in these things, and I welcome players of all kinds, and will entertain diverse PCs as well. If the players decide they want to play a troupe of female knights, that sounds awesome. However, this particular game will not be about exploring the social ramifications of these important topics, but instead will be light-hearted adventure. Huzzah!
Lastly, there are roles other than knights built into the game. Squires, monks, merchants, hunters, etc. I may entertain including one of those in the party but will favour PCs that will most seamlessly fit together, rather than shoehorning a bunch of hopelessly unique characters together.

About Me: I am Qralloq. I've published a novel (not under that name) within the umbrella of Arthurian romances, yet I've never run a game directly in that genre. That ends now, and with an appropriate amount of passion.
Rules: The games will use the original 1989 version of the ruleset, published by Chaosium. Access to the rules is not required, everything will be provided and explained in game. From Wikipedia, "The actual game mechanics are deliberately simple. Aiming to help beginners (especially kids), the game emphasizes story-telling prior to the use of cluttering and exceeding simulation rules: every playable character has only two attributes, Brawn and Presence, with seven points to distribute between them when creating the character. Action resolution is decided by coin tosses, which play the role of dice, the attribute point number being then equivalent of the number of tossed coins." There are also skills, and modifiers from situation and equipment that add coins to the pool. We'll of course not use actual coins, but the GP dice roller's ability to roll a pool of d2s.
Play Style:
This is not a game about combat strictly, fighting and battle are only one way to end a disagreement. If combat does erupt, even a seasoned character can be struck down in a single round with bad coin tosses.
I will update the IC thread daily. Players who can't check the forum at least daily to see if the game is paused pending their input or actions won't be a good fit for this game.
The game is expected to go for a least an episode, as in a one-shot, but continuing on (possibly drawing one or more new players in after each episode) is certainly an option.
How to Apply:
Make a post in this thread with the following:
1. A brief description of your character. Give me their name, background, and a few adjectives. A character portrait is fine here as well.
2. A sentence or two that illustrates the dramatic trajectory of your character. What emotional concessions does she want from the people around her? From whom? Why?
If you have questions, post them here or find me on the GamersPlane discord. I'll leave this open to applications until Monday, January 2, 2023. Once I have decided which characters/players I think will be the best fit, I'll send out game invitations with a link to the forum.