[Interest Check] The One Ring 1.5e

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Jan 1, 2023 3:30 pm
Is anyone interested in playing in a game of The One Ring, 1st edition (not the slipcase version, but the revised edition that came in one book--sometimes referred to as 1.5 edition)? I have the books and can easily create a character. Not so sure about running a game as I've no experience running a play-by-post game.

Jan 1, 2023 7:36 pm
I have 2e and a few 1e pdfs. Would definitely be interested in playing, but probably dont have the familiarity with the system yet to run it.
Jan 1, 2023 7:39 pm
I just got 2e and was going to see if anyone was interested. I'm not sure of the differences between editions but I'm definitely interested in a game. I'm a player and not a GM though, so we'd need one of those.
Last edited January 1, 2023 7:40 pm
Apr 5, 2023 7:49 am
HI just joined Gamesplane (April 2023)

I am wondering if this has taken off yet? And if there is a game I can observe. Below this I list my position!
Today I am simply having a look. But thanks for reading this, and good gaming !

My The One Ring - TOR - life so far.

I have played TOR 1.5 (which is nothing more than a smoothed off version of the slipcase edition, TOR 1.0) for many years. So I like to think I am good with these rules.

Have been both Player and Loremaster on the Tavern Keeper site for several years now, so I might be able to do an OK job for a short game of PBP The One Ring.

On that website, I was very lucky to have several seasoned players, who needed no advice or explanations to get jnto a game. So if I were to offer to run a TOR game here, then I have to post upfront that there are going to be times when I fall short on giving out necessary information, and just presume too much.

I have TOR 2 - The Free League new version. But I am a real simpleton with that. The Core mechanics are quite different and it has more of a Horror feel to it to my way of thinking. TOR 2 uses adjustments to the size of the dice pool a LOT, whereas TOR1 had many more niche rules that e.g. enhanced the different Cultures available; played the Hope resource in a unique manner; employed Favoured Attributes. TOR 2 has a better Journey system.


Simply a website mechanic test - (1d12+2d6)

(3) + (34) = 10

Apr 5, 2023 7:52 am
Hey there, Dunheved!

Unfortunately, the GM who offered this game is no longer active on the site (the zzz next to the username indicates they haven't been online in at least 14 days), so this game doesn't seem to be happening.
Apr 5, 2023 8:41 am
Thank you Bowl of Spinach. Such a rapid response, and very helpful too. Sorry I missed it when you posted.

As you can see I am a complete newbie at this site, and am navigating around in the traditional manner, like being in a dark tunnel with no light, blundering onto the walls.

However, I have been looking at the Create a Game page - succeeeding so far in NOT saving my first one hours effort of course! Classic.
Will persevere however as I get the time & opportunity. And maybe In can set up a small game for this rpg.
Apr 5, 2023 8:53 am
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to message me. There's also this subforum as well as the Discord (which is usually the fastest way to get a response).
Apr 5, 2023 8:55 am
Dunheved says:
And if there is a game I can observe.
I had a look in Browse Games and filtered for 'Ring'.

There was one public game: The One Ring 2e - The Conspiracy of the Red Book.

It seems to have stopped by Christmas so there's only one chapter, but it'll at least show how people are using TOR mechanics on Gamers' Plane.
Apr 6, 2023 8:09 am
Thank you both Bowl and Adam for these words. (I don't always look and post regularly as you might see!)

I anticipate that this will be a bit involved for me at first, and the Easter break period is not a sensible time for me to undertake this - RL naturally intrudes! - but will patch things together slowly.
Apr 6, 2023 8:29 am
Just had time to scan through the TOR2e game.

Very interesting. Thanks again Adam for pointing it to me.
Apr 6, 2023 11:56 am
Hi Dunheved! Another TK expat here. Looks like you and I had the same thoughts. I may be having to give Theodwin and Skaldvir a new place to play!
Apr 6, 2023 3:42 pm
Hi Mac. I have sent an invite ... I think!
Apr 6, 2023 7:39 pm
Is that interest in The One Ring that I see? Count me interested.
Apr 7, 2023 12:09 am
Hi to RAAM.

I am definitely a TOR person. Mainly the first version sometimes referred to,as TOR 1e or TOR 1.5.

The Free League version would be TOR 2.0.

Although I have both versions, I do not feel confident with 2.0 yet.

Tavern Keeper has had a problem, so I thought to try things out here due to Harrigans suggestion.
It's a bit thin on the ground, hence me trying to test the water and my aim to set up and run a short game.
Apr 7, 2023 12:28 am
Hello Dunheved and welcome to GP!

I don't have any actual play experience with TOR but I've listened to a live play as well as purchasing and reading 2.0.

Unfortunately 1.0 came out before I was on GP and my local group doesn't branch out that way so I didn't get a chance to purchase it.

I would be interested in joining your game given the chance but no hard feelings if not. Either way I wish you happy gaming!
Apr 7, 2023 3:19 am
Dunheved and Eggs, there are more than a few of us here... ;)
Apr 7, 2023 7:51 am
Cool. Anyone can offer assistance or advice AFAIC.
Most often I can merely look in for short spells at a time: so working out how this site goes is a slow process for me ( went past my 60th more than two years ago!), so my Tech skills are pedestrian as well.

E.g. there is a really excellent on line char-gen file from azrapes that has been freely available for years and years. So far I have got the link to it, and I used it to make a sample character Marder Mostar, a Lakeman of Esgaroth. But the next step is to paste the data into a clearly laid out sheet. So far it is a continuous pile of data. I need to lift it into a table for instance. But that is the sort of simple step that I will spend a while on, looking for the correct buttons to click and to fill in!!


And great gaming to you too, RAAAM
Last edited April 7, 2023 7:52 am
Apr 7, 2023 9:34 pm
I'm interested as well. I have played both TOR 1 and 2 in pbp. I only play one game of TOR1 on tavern-keeper that unfortunately died.
Apr 7, 2023 10:11 pm
I would also be interested. Did the 2E kickstarter, but havent had a chance to actually get it to a game yet.
Apr 9, 2023 12:44 am
Hi Guys. Stefron and Ellithar.

Good to read you. I am in the U.K.

Have either of you been able to have a look at the character generator that I put a link in my last post? And (if so) does it make any sense?

Also, I could just copy and paste one of my own character sheets to show you what I like to keep a record of. In the worst possible case it could also act as a template for anybody to copy and then amend and save their own PC


This should be the link to generate a character for TOR 1.5. I would like to set up a game that uses any of the six Core Cultures : Dwarf of Erebor, Elf of Mirkwood, Hobbit of the Shire, Beorning, Barding or Woodman. As a further option, feel free to consider the Men of the Lake Culture as well. I chose these because I am aiming to set the game in and around Wilderland: the Anduin Vales & Mirkwood.
Last edited April 9, 2023 5:58 pm
Apr 9, 2023 7:26 pm
I went through and made a character with the sheet that you provided. There was a wealth of information present to choose from. I'm going to try and compile the options to learn a little more about everything.

Am I correct in my understanding that you're currently trying to get a Gamers Plane character sheet setup to reflect the sheet generated by that website?
Apr 9, 2023 8:14 pm
I also ran through the character builder and made a couple of characters. Will probably make one more and choose based on what other characters are in the group.

As I've only read 2e and played neither yet in an actual game, I'm going through my 1e pdf to hopefully get my head around it all.
Apr 9, 2023 8:35 pm
Yes, I've used that character generator before.
GP has a built-in character sheet for The One Ring 1e. But do you prefer to use custom character sheets?
Apr 9, 2023 10:14 pm

So it seems to me that everyone of you three are OK creating a character. If the The One Ring character sheet is alright, then we can just go with that.
But I have no idea currently how the information from the AZRAPES character generator would be able to be imported (or maybe exported?) Into the given Gamerplane TOR sheet. So far, I can only see one continuous block of data.

I guess my next move is to Open the game for you to be invited to join?
Apr 9, 2023 10:28 pm
Ellithar, RAAMtentacles and Stefron.
I think I have sent invites to you tonight. And opened the game for applications too (probably!)

So I guess I need to lay out an introduction soon. To be frank, I still feel quite unfamiliar with the processes on this website so far, so please bear with me!

If any of you have the information about the sourcebook Tales from Wilderland: I am considering adapting one of those stories into this one.

The game is called Intro to TOR 1
Last edited April 9, 2023 10:57 pm
Apr 10, 2023 10:33 am
And I think that if you are preparing a PC you might be able to submit that PC into the game

Intro to TOR 1

If you are successful in submitting your PC , please try posting your PC reaction to the merchant you can see in South Landing.
Any other queries, post away!
Last edited April 10, 2023 10:34 am
Apr 10, 2023 6:15 pm
I believe that you will need to accept the characters that are submitted. I went ahead and turned one in so you should be able to approve it.
Apr 10, 2023 8:54 pm
Hi RAAM, I think I have done that now. Farald seems to be on my list.

Are you able to post in the Prelude Chapter now?
Last edited April 10, 2023 8:59 pm
Apr 14, 2023 12:40 am
So we are underway.
Apr 19, 2023 8:22 am
For those reading along (as I am sure many of us do), the Company of four PC heroes have just set off from the southern part of Dale, and are jogging along with ponies and merchandise towards the west shore of the Long Lake. They are employed by the owner of the ponies - who has a contract to fulfill on the other side of Mirkwood.

TOR 1.0 (or TOR 1.5 if you prefer) rules - published originally by Cubicle 7 from 2011 onwards - are being used for this adventure, and NOT the newly released Free League version TOR 2.0.
As LM I probably will house rule a version of TOR 2.0 Travel rules for this game, because they are better imho.
Apr 28, 2023 6:37 am
For those curious about The One Ring by Sophisticated Games, there is now a game running, that I have just started (April 2023) using the version of the rules from Cubicle 7.
Often called TOR 1e (or 1.5, the changes are trivial), this ceased publication about 2021 (?), although the foreign language (French, Spanish and for all I know, German) versions can be got hold of still apparently!

The game available on this website is called "Intro to TOR 1", I am running a simple trail adventure starting in Dale and heading west through Mirkwood (So far!)

The aim is to use and illustrate the mechanics of the FIRST version of The One Ring, so in the initial few chapters I will try to remember to add in explanations of the Rules as they are applied.

In the future I hope to be experienced enough to run a version 2.0 game, which has a lot of compatability with version 1, but is played differently.

Message me if you have questions!

THIS IS NOT VERSION 2.0 of The One Ring; which has gone on release and sale in the past year, published through the Swedish company, FREE LEAGUE. . I will wait a bit to get familiar with that system before offering to run such a game.

NOR IS IT "Adventures in Middle Earth" - the DnD 5e arrangement also published by Cubicle 7, but no longer in production AFAIK.

and naturally, it is NOT the 5e version of The One Ring 2.0 which is imminently being produced also by Free League

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