Hi Guys. Stefron and Ellithar.
Good to read you. I am in the U.K.
Have either of you been able to have a look at the character generator that I put a link in my last post? And (if so) does it make any sense?
Also, I could just copy and paste one of my own character sheets to show you what I like to keep a record of. In the worst possible case it could also act as a template for anybody to copy and then amend and save their own PC
This should be the link to generate a character for TOR 1.5. I would like to set up a game that uses any of the six Core Cultures : Dwarf of Erebor, Elf of Mirkwood, Hobbit of the Shire, Beorning, Barding or Woodman. As a further option, feel free to consider the Men of the Lake Culture as well. I chose these because I am aiming to set the game in and around Wilderland: the Anduin Vales & Mirkwood.
Last edited April 9, 2023 5:58 pm