[Interest Check] WH 40K: W&G - ASTARTES CAMPAIGN

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Jan 4, 2023 10:52 pm

Hello, GP community! My name is HeavyDuty - or you can just call me HD. I've been a player here for awhile now and have played multiple systems so far. However, I have always been a huge fan of the Warhammer 40k universe and have come across the RPG system - Wrath & Glory!

I have just acquired the rulebook and thought about making an interest thread to see just how many people would like to take part in a campaign based around a group of Astartes that have been tasked with eliminating a massive threat - whether that be one of the many xenos such as the Tyranids, a demon of chaos sent by Khorne or the other Gods of the Warp, or other humans who have lost their ways and stumbled down the dark path of heresy such as the Chaos Space Marines.

This would be a tale of brotherhood, blood, and of course - glory. I was heavily inspired by the short animation made by Syama Pedersen on YouTube as well as previous video games such as Warhammer 40k: Space Marine.

This game, if there is enough interest, would start around summer time if all goes well. Please - if there is any ideas, critiques, or other opinions, let me know! I'd love to hear what everyone has to say!

Thank you all for your time.
Jan 5, 2023 12:37 am
I'm up for anything 40k. Count me in.
Jan 5, 2023 11:02 am
Would love to play. I don't have W&G though, believe it's quite a bit different than previous 40k RPGs of which I have most.
Jan 5, 2023 1:12 pm
this is my jam! sign me up! (edit: FYI there is a humble bundle going for a few more hours with the rulebook etc)
Last edited Jan 5, 2023 1:14 pm
Jan 5, 2023 2:44 pm
paradisebunny says:
this is my jam! sign me up! (edit: FYI there is a humble bundle going for a few more hours with the rulebook etc)
Cool,cool,cool. So I have the books. Haven't read them though 😂
Last edited Jan 5, 2023 2:44 pm
Jan 5, 2023 3:20 pm
Furmyr says:
paradisebunny says:
this is my jam! sign me up! (edit: FYI there is a humble bundle going for a few more hours with the rulebook etc)
Cool,cool,cool. So I have the books. Haven't read them though 😂
Jan 5, 2023 6:23 pm
As a is currently playing W&G online and have considered DMing it here want to share some my insight:
- the system is worth trying. I recommend playing low level PCs because high level PCs and better equipment will require some prone to error calculations of how much dice you have to roll and how to treat what's rolled
- You may want to restrict players rolling any skill checks before DM announce (otherwise it is easy to run into free glory farming)
- It is hard to continuously have fun from RP ASTARTES : the cold-blooded brutes
They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines...and they shall know no fear.
that sounds cool for a wargame, but trivial for an RPG.
This is a subjective feedback of the person who is DMing the game for us (but I tend to agree) - he say choosing space marines was a mistake.
Jan 6, 2023 9:35 am
GreyWord says:
As a is currently playing W&G online and have considered DMing it here want to share some my insight:
- the system is worth trying. I recommend playing low level PCs because high level PCs and better equipment will require some prone to error calculations of how much dice you have to roll and how to treat what's rolled
- You may want to restrict players rolling any skill checks before DM announce (otherwise it is easy to run into free glory farming)
- It is hard to continuously have fun from RP ASTARTES : the cold-blooded brutes
They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines...and they shall know no fear.
that sounds cool for a wargame, but trivial for an RPG.
This is a subjective feedback of the person who is DMing the game for us (but I tend to agree) - he say choosing space marines was a mistake.
That is good to know! Thank you! I was always partial to the Waaaaagh ;D or the imperal guard.
Jan 6, 2023 2:02 pm
GreyWord says:
As a is currently playing W&G online and have considered DMing it here want to share some my insight:
- the system is worth trying. I recommend playing low level PCs because high level PCs and better equipment will require some prone to error calculations of how much dice you have to roll and how to treat what's rolled
- You may want to restrict players rolling any skill checks before DM announce (otherwise it is easy to run into free glory farming)
- It is hard to continuously have fun from RP ASTARTES : the cold-blooded brutes
They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines...and they shall know no fear.
that sounds cool for a wargame, but trivial for an RPG.
This is a subjective feedback of the person who is DMing the game for us (but I tend to agree) - he say choosing space marines was a mistake.
I agree with that space marines can be hard for an rpg if we only focus on tactical action.
However that does depend in part on what chapter we go with and how we tell the story.
If we go with something like the salamanders/lamenters, trying desperately to save civilians, that could work.
For a little more lighthearted fun we can have blood ravens and have the challenge of what they can get away with "borrowing" from other chapters.
There are plenty of chapters and other branches of the imperium with great storytelling potential.
Jan 7, 2023 3:48 am
Thank you all for the interest so far! I also appreciate the feedback regarding the system and how to go about potentially developing the story without it being complete tabletop shootey shootey bang bang!

I can definitely see the downsides of playing all Astartes, but continuing on with what Sterfteerst mentioned, I will definitely choose a chapter that has more reason to do what they do besides SOLELY being brutes for the Emperor. As I mentioned previously, I want this to be a story surrounding brotherhood, and perhaps even the group bordering heresy with realization that maybe the Emperor ain’t all that great while he sits on his golden throne back on Terra.

Heck, it would be a pretty kick ass story with a band of Space Wolves doing badass things across the galaxy! It’ll all come together eventually.

Still, I truly do appreciate all the feedback and it will all be taken into consideration!

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