Rules Discussion

Jan 7, 2023 4:10 pm
A Thread where we can go over The Iridescent Hack.
Questions are welcome!
Jan 7, 2023 4:34 pm
Blades Rhythm

I found this summary a useful baseline of what the Irridescent Hack is about.
Jan 9, 2023 6:49 am
That's a great video. Thanks for sharing the link!

In our game, how does the Action-type (Attune, Command, Consort, Finesse, Hunt, Prowl, Skirmish, Study, and Survey) affect a roll/result? In FitD, characters have values for each of these actions, but here it seems they only have ratings for Attributes, so I'm not sure why the action-type matters. Is it just a hook for Character Moves (i.e. a move could specifically affects Attune actions)? Or does it affect a roll in some other way?

Also I noticed that compared to FitD, the list is missing Wreck, Tinker and Sway. Was that intentional or a mistake?

It seems like one of the goals of this hack is to be more PbP friendly that traditional FitD by avoiding too much back and forward negotiation between GM and players during a roll. But I'm not sure how that really works because there seems to be a certain amount of back and forth needed to decide on the positioning and effectiveness and whether to use xp, for example, before the roll takes place. So how are you envisioning a typical action roll might go in PbP?
Jan 9, 2023 4:58 pm
how does the Action-type (Attune, Command, Consort, Finesse, Hunt, Prowl, Skirmish, Study, and Survey) affect a roll/result
We will use the World of Dungeons technique to interpret the roll/result.

Character Moves can advance or diminish actions.
If the Character Move says to advance the action it means a roll of 6 or less counts as a 7-9. If the Character Move says to diminish the action it means a roll of 10 or more is considered a 7-9.

Here's an example.
[ +- ] Example of a Character Move with Advanced and Diminished actions

I would like the context of the fiction to drive when and if to advance or diminish an action, but the move should give us guidance.
list is missing Wreck, Tinker and Sway.
So how are you envisioning a typical action roll might go in PbP?
I think it all starts with players asking questions. Understanding the fictional space.
The player should not need to wait on the GM to confirm everything if that is the case.

Describe what your character does in the fiction.
Name the Attribute and Action combo that best matches the fiction and best communicates to the GM what the character has done.
State if you are spending Experience Points and how, in the fiction, it modifies the character’s effectiveness or positioning.
Hint or name the implied goal if it is not obvious.
State what your character is most worried about.
Then roll the dice.

Conversely, as GM, I have had success just saying something like, "If your character does nothing, the merchant will likely grab them and throw them into the street." Which then allows the player then start up the above procedure.

I do like to inject a bit of uncertainty in the consequences, as failure to achieve goals can take on all sorts of fun flavors-- that I often don't want to reveal prior to the roll.

We could do a quick back-and-forth scene if that would be helpful, to get a feel for how I see the rules working? (maybe not in this thread.)
Jan 17, 2023 3:16 pm
Thanks for the clarification. I think I've got it, but I might try an example scene if I have time later this week. If not, I'm sure I can learn/adapt as we play.
Jan 17, 2023 11:49 pm
Here is an example from the game that inspired the rules, with oopsylon running Mica, a wizard using taboo spirit magic, dealing with some spirits.

I'd enjoy an example scene as well, if need be. OR, we can just dive in and play it by ear.
May 14, 2023 9:09 pm
I'm going to expand on my comments on the rules from the thread here, as well. (mostly to help talk it out to myself, if nothing more).

I have GM/MC'd quite a bit of PbtA and have found the information type rolls can benefit from the Blades in the Dark Fortune roll, rather than the "spout lore" test from Dungeon World.

The key thing is in the fiction, what is at risk? what is someone worried about?
If a PC is just reflecting on what they "know" about a topic, beyond taking the time, or getting distracted, the risks often don't jump out at me, and would rather just get the information out there and move on to actions that drive the story forward.

That's where I'm leaning right now, but I've seen it work to good results, both ways.
May 16, 2023 4:32 am
I wasn't really thinking that Oril's thought carried much risk or reward in the moment so hadn't really considered it triggering a move. It was more for flavour and a way to interact with the fact the birds seemed alarmed and thought it might be worth playing into, but I thought it might be something that develops or is revealed as the story unfolds as opposed to needing resolution immediately.

I had thought initially that the compulsion was a temporary effect that lasted until Oril's deal with the Mystic was complete, sort of an insurance for the Mystic. But if the compulsion is still there, then I guess the risk is that he's compromised in some way. The birds know this and are trying to warn the knights that its dangerous for Oril to be near the Mayor, or worse, to be in town at all! I'm struggling to see what the reward would be in this situation though. I guess maybe knowing that he's tainted and needs to deal with it before it gets worse(??) Knowing sooner than later might mean there's more chance to mitigate the consequence of the compulsion?? Although, those aren't really in opposition, so I'm not sure. It's more that the risk comes with the reward in that case.

What do you think?

I agree, I think Fortune Roll or Survey would both be appropriate. Maybe Fortune makes the most sense because the risk/reward aren't really in opposition to each other.
More generally, should I be aiming to finish each post with a move? I was sort of reserving the "moves" for particularly dramatic moments, but I can definitely interpret each post as a move and try to expand on what I think are possible rewards/risks/consequences. Or if I don't think the situation fits a move, I'll roll a Fortune Roll instead. I'm definitely comfortable with you adding a Fortune Roll at any point if there's uncertainty you need help resolving.
May 17, 2023 1:18 am
I agree, Oril’s thoughts did not trigger a move.
But…they could, if you want them to. To trigger the move, just describe what Oril does…

(E.g., Oril thinks back on what he knows about the Mythic beasts, Oril tries to sense how that bird can tell that the Mythical beast has influenced him, etc….)

Included with that description detail what he fears. (That way I can get an idea of what is at risk).
That will let me know I should consider it and make a GM judgment call. But this is a power for the Players that I don't often see in RPGs, and I wanted to highlight it here for you, so you know it is an option.

As for the Compulsion. Whenever you mark Stress, my feeling is that stress remains until the character takes action to relieve it. I can see how completing the bargain would have implied that it would then be gone. We can remove it if you like?

The birds know this and are trying to warn the knights that its dangerous for Oril to be near the Mayor, Yes, this exactly. There must be a reason these knights keep these birds, right? A bit of world-building on my part…

The compulsion right now is not growing, just a stress point, a lasting consequence of consorting with Mythical creatures.

As for risk. I only meant risk in how it relates to information gathering.
I feel if the dice hit the table, the situation should change, and the fortune roll really doesn’t do that. I think this is just a PbtA habit/philosophy I am working out.

Regarding a move on every post, my instinct is to engage the mechanics. Though I don’t think it is always the best way to go. (I’ve been learning quite a bit playing with Tibbius, to just slow down, savor the interactions, and not try to push things along.)

I would recommend just saying what you really think Oril would do, and if that triggers a move, then we do. Busting them out for dramatic moments is fun too, though.

I really like how Oril drives toward danger to achieve his goals. The moves just naturally happen when you get a character that does that.
I’m digging this setting as parts of it start to fall into place. Thanks.
May 17, 2023 2:17 am
Thanks for clarifying. That all makes sense to me.

I'm loving the setting as well and enjoying learning about new things about the world as we both build upon each others details. And I'm enjoying Oril. I feel like I'm starting get a better feel for him as we play.

I like the idea that the compulsion lingers for now and that the birds can tell. Perhaps if Oril doesn't deal with it soon enough then a low roll at some point will mean the compulsion makes him do something out of character or something against his own interest but for whatever reason is in Movaril's interest.

So at this point, I think Oril vaguely understands this from the context, but its not something he's immediately concerned about. Instead his immediate worry reporting the details of the crash to the Mayor without revealing anything to the Artist. Did his plea convince the Mayor to meet with him and if so was it quick enough to avoid the Artist's wandering eyes. I think this justifies another Sway roll but this time with Dex because he's trying to be quick about it to avoid the Artist. His worries are the Artist because he's unsure what the artist is up to and his influence/alliances in the world and (2) the Mayor/Knights not listening and just throwing him out.

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