Jan 10, 2023 10:56 am
Emryn Dawe
While the three of you find out that, for one reason or another, you are all joining the Luskar Deliverers sailing north, moves closer to look at the unconscious human. "Are you ok?" she asks Izuhn at first, but then extends the question to the others. "You shouldn't be walking alone in a city like this one" she adds to Agna, mostly out of habit than real worry, having just seen how she easily knocked out one of the two thugs. She grabs the man's arm, exposing his tattoo, and taking a while to inspect it. "Ship Suljack..." she stands up and looks around, her eyes stopping briefly at an armed group just idly standing nearby.
Questions about anything, you can ask or roll some history anytime :DCESN sent a note to Eyes
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