Session 1: Loadin’ Up the Icebreaker

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Jan 18, 2023 11:08 pm
"Excellent, thank you again Lennart."

"Okay crew, I know where the One-Eyed Jax is as well as the Ruins of Illusk. I'd wager that the Mage might be up in that tower too. Izuhn points to the Hosttower of the Arcane. Otherwise I'm not quite sure where we're heading. Any of these clients that you all prefer?"
Jan 18, 2023 11:56 pm
Well, looks to me like one is on cutlass island so it's the most out of the way. And, because of the time issue, it throws a wrench in the whole plan. Why don't you take the mule and get there as fast as possible. I'll head to Mirabat shield and get that one and come back here. Then work my way East. You check the one by the bridge first then swing by here. Hopefully, we'll get back here or at the next one by the bridge at the same time.
Jan 19, 2023 12:10 am
Just checking, we're going to the blue markers? Also, who's taking the mule?
Jan 19, 2023 7:36 am
agna wasn’t with the dwarves so she didn’t see the list. I guess while they discuss about it she would come near and have a look:

* Maccath the Crimson of the Arcane Brotherhood.
* Fel’rekt Lafeen, a local swashbuckler on the ship called the Heartbreaker.
* Dragonbait who has been frequenting the One-Eyed Jax.
* Rool, a shady figure who hangs around the Cutlass.
* Vanifer, who has been seen sulking in the Ruins of Illusk.
* Nezznar the Black Spider, who is often found at the top of a lighthouse on the Open Shore

The marked spots on the map are those you have been to already, not necessarily where you have to go
Jan 19, 2023 9:53 am
"Is this Jax place near the ruins?" Agna squints at the map. "I have no familiarity with Luskan, but if you tell me the route, I can go."
Jan 19, 2023 11:57 am
"I actually think we can get most of these in one swing around. Unless the cargo will be too large to carry multiple items in one cart. We can go to the Jax first, cross Dalath's Span bridge, go to the Ruins of Illusk, then Cutless Island and Hosttower of the Arcane before heading back. That'll get four out of the six, or at least I think it will. Although we might be able to get to the Heartbreaker as well, if I can just remember where it docks."
Woo, success! Where's the ship?
Last edited January 19, 2023 11:58 am


History - lv2, SR: 5-7 (f-1-c0) - (2d6)

(33) = 6



Jan 19, 2023 1:42 pm
The cargo will be like small stuff, but I like the questions you're raising in character :D

Izuhn gains an experience recalling Luskan lore.
Jan 19, 2023 2:04 pm
Ok, I'm with you, along the way we can ask about the last two.
Jan 19, 2023 8:59 pm
"Ah! There is a dock to the south that another of our clients may be at. We'll get a feel for each client as we move along though. No time to waste, if you all are ready then indeed we'll head to the Jax."
Jan 19, 2023 10:57 pm
"As you say. Let us be off, then."
Jan 20, 2023 3:54 am
Headed off to the Jax singing an ancient Dwarven working song, " Hi-ho, Hi-ho, It's off to slog I go. We work all day, till supper's late. Hi-ho, Hi-ho Hi-ho Hi-ho



Jan 20, 2023 9:54 am
You all decide to go together as you think you can pick up most of the packages in one go by optimizing your path. Once the small cart pulled by the Deliverer's mule is ready, you make your way back through the shouting crowds that are still hanging outside small taverns watching the race. Except for having to dodge the occasional drunk, you reach the One-Eyed Jax tavern easily. It is, after all, the hip new upscale public house in town.

You enter the tavern through the heavily used wooden door, and you're welcomed by a pleasant atmosphere. The place is packed, loud voices discussing nothing and everything over one (or three) pints of the local brew. The bartender is engaged in a conversation, but still manages to welcome you with a smile. Looking around, you all notice a person that can only be your client: he is short, stubby, dressed in fine armor, and has green scaly skin. Yet this creature looks like no dragonborn you’ve ever seen.

Quick reminder, the timer is against you, so you want it to fail :D


timer lv0 SR: 5-5 - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Jan 20, 2023 4:03 pm
Walk through the crowd, Are you Dragonbait? We're here to pick up a package for the Deliverer's run North



Jan 20, 2023 4:31 pm
this is going to be fun :D You don't know who the parcel is to, so you need to figure that out for each client... this one is tricky...
The strange reptile looks in your direction and waves cheerily, and you smell a faint scent of lemon drifting in your direction. He nods, making some clicking sounds, as Fizel asks if he is Dragonbait. He puts a small, hand-carved box of teak hardwood on the table, keeping is hand on it. She smiles and then stars whistling and clicking as he gestures with his other hand.

He points at himself, then places his hand on his chest. The scent of lemon is replaced by that of wood smoke as he continues by moving two fingers on the table as if walking. He shivers and makes a circle around one of his fingers, finishing by bringing the two hands together in some sort of triangular shape as the scent of honeysuckle takes over. He shivers again and points outside towards the sea, slowly tracing the way north with his finger. He then bows and points at the box.

Jan 20, 2023 6:37 pm
Umm.... Thanks gingerly picking up the box, hoping it doesn't explode, I turn to exit the building.



Jan 20, 2023 6:51 pm
As Fizel makes a move towards the box, Dragonbait pushes it back and shakes his head, the scent of baked bread taking over your corner of the tavern. The reptilian humanoid tries again, patiently repeating the gestures as the smell of the tavern keeps changing.
Jan 20, 2023 8:18 pm
Agna shrugs. "If you have changed your mind about the delivery, we can leave," she says bluntly to the lizard. "We don't have time for riddles."
Last edited January 20, 2023 8:18 pm
Jan 20, 2023 11:21 pm
Izuhn strokes the braids in his beard while contemplating the meaning of Dragonbait's signing. "It seems that you're indicating a journey to us. We're obviously taking this package north. Is it because it's too cold for you there?"
Jan 21, 2023 1:56 am
are you saying to keep it warm? Is it an egg?



Jan 21, 2023 3:09 pm
Dragonbait smiles and happily nods to answer Izuhn's question.The citrus smell takes over your corner of the tavern again as the reptile grabs the box and moves it towards the dwarf. He points at Izuhn, then to the bar, which you know faces the city's north walls; and then he smiles again, before taking the box to himself again. He looks and Fizel and shakes his head. Dragonbait starts again, now waving in the air showing something big; then he does his hand triangle gesture again and starts to grab the air as if climbing.
That's right, he wants you to take it north, because it's too cold for him. But where and to whom?
Remember you can always try to roll something as I narrate on the assumption that you fail
"Her' ye go friend!" The bartender interrupts the reptile's theatrics, placing some sort of hot brew in front of him. "To keep warm til the human comes back." He turn to the three of you "Can I get ye sumethin?" He asks, smiling, before continuing "I see yer trying to chat with the sauroid her'. Poor fella talks no common." The bartender stops to sniff the air. "Lemon... must be happy though."
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