The man from Glengrave smiles beneath his beard when they are alone and the Heath boy wonders about leaving the Earl's wide be.
he says quietly, conscious of the night air carrying sounds.
So things I think we need to do... feel free to add to this list:
🤺 Travel north, pretending to be checking on the Picts / northmen, but actually going to the monastery to see the Earl's wife.
🤺 Check the lands to the southwest for the witch (Shezbaz?), and these brigands who seem to be in the Earl's employ.
🤺 Speak with the Mistress.
🤺 Speak with townsfolk, farmers, crafters, about the taxes and where they think the money is going. And who it is that's buying most of the Earl's possessions.
🤺 Find the whereabouts of John Alistair.
🤺 Before heading off, speak with the maid we rescued on these topics to see what she knows. Including the Earl's financial troubles that she didn't mention, etc.
I'm sure I'm missing some things...