A pictish man steps forward, and behind him, a Christian monk with tonsured hair. The pict is bare chested, well muscled, with a northern style skirt around his waist, and a thick belt. in one hand, he carries a warclub with a cruel looking knot on the end that looks like it has been well used.
He adjusts his jaw and says in halting and awkward British,
"I Veringvox be." He looks sideways at the monk and says,
"Tafwick teach British me. I know of King Arthur, warlord good. You welcome to speak. Come." He waits for acknowledgement, but by some handsign or other sign, you can hear the archers in the woods relax their bows.

Brother Tafwick
The monk, Tadwick apparently, steps to nearly the side of the Pict leader but still a little behind and says gently,
"I am brother Tadwick from the Brown Cloister. These are good people. Make no aggression upon them and they will not think to harm you." He says only then,
"It is their way that you speak only to Veringvox, not to me, but I will translate if it is difficult." He says something of similar length to Veringvox in Pictish, and then steps back behind him.