The abbott decides to slaughter a pair of chickens for dinner, and roast them. A warm stew and country bread will accompany, he decides. He leaves you to yourselves, and wanders off to attend to dinner. The simply boy follows and comes back with some heavy blankets for you to sleep on.
Maid Maude is invited to stay with the countess in her small hut, and Fenwick will like you, sleep on the church floor. He goes off to make himself useful chopping wood to keep your lordships warm during the night. (He says that kindly enough.)
Dinner goes a few hours later, served on a long board shaved flat, that the abbott and the simpleton carry in and rest on a back bench. Bowls are available, but you each have your own eating bowl and utensils. The two women return to the church to sup with you all.
Father Dyddion says a prayer and blessing for the meal."Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and throughout the ages. Almighty God and our Lord Jesus Christ, whose name is above all things, we give Thee thanks and praise Thee because Thou hast deigned to give us a portion of Thy goods and nourishment for our body."