Jan 12, 2023 3:41 am
Priest_of_Turundor says:
No one’s mentioned Torg which has a serious amount of option/Inspiration. Straight up Pondsmith cyberpunk is always great! Runequest and pendragon (which 6e should be released any time now). Old Stormbringer is readily available in pdf for anyone wanting that sweet Moorcock pulp fantasy glory. Fantasy trip, House of the blooded, Orc world, LOTFR, etc. This list could go on forever! They don’t own our game. The originator of the first OGL has already gone on record saying that "in his opinion" wizards has no power to revoke the previous OGL. In the original wording of the OGL, once a game was open under the license it would remain open. Pretty sure this is all just smoke and mirrors. Our very own satanic panic playing out.
As a student of anthropology I am always curious about when people will realize that culture cannot be owned. This is a myth of capitalism, Intellectual Property rights are for artists and creatives. Once things pass into broad multigenerational use the rules change, whether or not our laws want to recognize it. Dungeons and dragons is apart of our history, are they going to tell Luke Gygax he cannot publish things for Gary Con next?