Jan 19, 2023 11:01 pm
Normally these games use static modifiers to add or subtract from d20 rolls. I, however, prefer to use variable modifiers instead.
Essentially, the variable modifier system replaces any modifier with one or more additional dice added to, or subtracted from, the basic d20 roll.

Effectively, for every point of bonus or penalty beyond 1, the "die size" of the variable modifier increases by one step, as shown on the tables below.

Except for Miscellaneous Bonuses and Penalties, attribute die, skill die, and skill bonus die are calculated separately from each other. D20 rolls are almost always skill checks, and typically are calculated as follows:

Attribute Modifier Die + Skill Die based on Ranks + Skill Bonus Die + Equipment Modifier Die + General Modifier die.

Bonuses can go no higher than +10 (+2d10), but penalties can go as low as -30 (-6d10).

Use variable modifiers only when adjusting the roll of a d20. Doesn't apply them to any roll that does not involve a d20.

Ranks do not equal bonus. Use the chart below to calculate the bonus and die they grant (its approximately half).

Skill RanksPenalty/BonusDice Rolled
N/A -30 -6d10
N/A -29 -5d10-1d8
N/A -28 -5d10-1d6
N/A -27 -5d10-1d4
N/A -26 -5d10-1d2
N/A -25 -5d10
N/A -24 -4d10-1d8
N/A -23 -4d10-1d6
N/A -22 -4d10-1d4
N/A -21 -4d10-1d2
N/A -20 -4d10
N/A -19 -3d10-1d8
N/A -18 -3d10-1d6
N/A -17 -3d10-1d4
N/A -16 -3d10-1d2
N/A -15 -3d10
N/A -14 -2d10-1d8
N/A -13 -2d10-1d6
N/A -12 -2d10-1d4
N/A -11 -2d10-1d2
N/A -10 -2d10
N/A -9 -1d10-1d8
N/A -8 -1d10-1d6
N/A -7 -1d10-1d4
N/A -6 -1d10-1d2
N/A -5 -1d10
0 -4 -1d8
N/A -3 -1d6
N/A -2 -1d4
N/A -1 -1d2
1 0 N/A
2 +1 +1d2
3 +1 +1d2
4 +2 +1d4
5 +2 +1d4
6 +3 +1d6
7 +3 +1d6
8 +4 +1d8
9 +4 +1d8
10 +5 +1d10
11 +5 +1d10
12 +6 +1d10+1d2
13 +6 +1d10+1d2
14 +7 +1d10+1d4
15 +7 +1d10+1d4
16 +8 +1d10+1d6
17 +8 +1d10+1d6
18 +9 +1d10+1d8
19 +9 +1d10+1d8
20 +10 +2d10

When taking 10 or 20, you use the static modifier.

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