The Games We Play Short Story Anthology Now Live

Jan 20, 2023 3:48 am
It's alive!!

What's alive? The anthology of course. After working with the authors, receiving their stories, getting signed contracts, editing those stories, and discussing their stories with them, then obtaining biographies and inspirations, we managed to get the book into working shape in December. We set up a royalty sharing site for the contributors, and that took us into January to get all in place.

This week, we prepared the ebook versions, and have those published on: Apple Books, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and Pubshare.

It took a little bit longer, but we also have the paperbook available, on Amazon storefronts around the world. Here's a link to the US store and the Canadian store.

If you buy our labour of love, we'd love for you to review it on your retailer choice. Reviews tell Amazon in particular to push their internal marketing efforts into overdrive, and so each review is more precious than you would otherwise believe.

We hope you enjoy, and thank you to all the wonderful authors who participated. A special thank you to my lovely wife @Thielindra who did the heavily lifting on the editing of these stories.
Jan 27, 2023 2:54 pm
The GP community on Discord chose to read the anthology story-by-story for their current book club selection. They started this week, and discussion starts today on the first story, Blueberry Cake.

You can find the #book-club channel on Discord, toward the bottom in the Learning and Hobbies category.
Feb 10, 2023 12:10 am
We have our first rating on Amazon!

Big little ask for all of you who have purchased the book, or read it, or read one or more stories in it. Would you mind leaving a review on Amazon or wherever you bought it? Just leave a star rating and a written review of 10 words or more. The promotion of the book by Amazon is triggered upon the number of reviews, with a minimum of 15 to get them to recommend the book to others.

If you're in the book, then you can say in your review, words to the effect of: "Note: I am also published in this anthology, but my review is explicitly about the other authors' works."

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