
Jan 21, 2023 7:23 am
While your background indicates things your character has done in the past, occupations represent the things your character currently does for a living. Occupations provide three main benefits: salary, professional training and perks.

Salary: Salary is a bonus to your character’s Wealth score. This bonus is variable and depends on the ranks you possess in the professional skills of your occupation. An occupation’s professional skills are the skills it offers professional training in (see below). Occupations will have more than one professional skill but only the highest rated professional skill (in ranks) grants a Wealth bonus. The Wealth bonus is equal to the ranks in that skill divided by two. An occupation also grants a Wealth bonus for selecting the improved feats offered by that occupation. For each improved feat that the character selects, he gains a +2 bonus to his Wealth.

Professional Training: Occupations offer advanced avenues for skill training. Characters gain 2 "phantom" skill ranks in all occupational skills. These ranks can improve a skill beyond the normal Rank limit, but do not count towards the prerequisites of any feats or occupations.

Improved Feats: Occupations offer a character a chance to select feats not normally allowed for his class. If an occupation lists a feat, a character may select it regardless of class, provided he meets all the other prerequisites. Better still; feats offered by occupations are improved. Because the character uses the feats every day in his occupation, he is more familiar with it and thus the feat works better for him.
Should a character leave a profession, he does not forget or lose any feats selected, even if they are not normally allowed for his class. However, the feats are no longer improved; they simply function as they normally do.

Perks: Each occupation grants a character 2 perks at character creation. A character can gain extra perks through the Career Advancement feat. Perks can provide the following benefits:

·Professional Reputation: granting the character an extra Reputation bonus of +4.
·Professional Salary: granting the character an extra Wealth bonus of +4.
·Skill Modification: Many skills have additional uses that can only be accessed through perks.
·Misc: Some occupations have unique perks as well, benefits that can only be accessed by a member of that profession.

One of the advantages of perks is that a character can change them several times over the course of his career. Anytime a character advances in his profession, the character may change his perks as well. A character is considered to have advanced in his profession whenever any of the following occurs:
·The character gains ranks in one or more of their professional skills
·The character gains one or more improved feats from his occupation
·The character gains additional perks through selecting the Career Advancement feat.
·The character gains a level
·The character changes jobs

Changing Occupations: A character can change jobs many times over the course of her life (indeed some occupations require a character to be higher than first level and thus can never be a character’s first occupation). In fact this is more the rule than the exception in the modern world. A character can change jobs at any time, so long as she qualifies for her new occupation.

When a character changes occupations, he keeps his old perks for 30 days (think of this as a severance package if you will). After 30 days, these perks go away and a character may select new perks in keeping with his new occupation.
[ +- ] List of All Occupations:
Jan 23, 2023 2:28 am
You are a working performer on the stage or screen.

Professional Skills: Composure, Performance and Presence
Improved Feats:
Attractive: +6 bonus to Influence checks when dealing with your chosen gender
Banter: Your Charisma modifier is increased by +1 for purposes of this feat
Endorsement Deal: Your Reputation is increased by +2 for purposes of this feat
Public Speaker 1: +2 Charisma
Jan 23, 2023 2:43 am
You are an expert at finding, acquiring, and preserving objects of importance from the past.

Professional Skills: Academics, Linguistics, Occultism
Improved Feats:
Book Learning: +2 Intelligence;
Expert In Your Field (Academics): your Reputation is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat
Polyglot: You make Linguistics rolls with a +2 General bonus for purposes of this feat
Walking Encyclopedia: You may make a Research check as a free action twice per day without having to spend an action point.
Jan 23, 2023 2:44 am
You kill for profit.

Prerequisite: Marksmanship, Melee, or Stealth 10 ranks, Sneak Attack, Critical Strike
Professional Skills: Marksmanship or Melee, Security, and Stealth
Improved Feats:
Crippling Strike: Your target suffers two points of temporary Strength damage
Critical Strike: When you inflict bonus damage with this feat, that bonus damage is increased by +3 points
Enemy (target): You may treat anyone you were assigned or hired to kill as an enemy for purposes of this feat
Sneak Attack: You inflict +1 damage per feat
Jan 23, 2023 5:32 am
You regularly write material for a blog

Professional Skills: Artistry, Computers, and Writing
Improved Feats:
Brand Loyalty: You receive a +2 general bonus when using items from your favored brand
Career Advancement: +2 perks
Dedicated: The bonus you gain when interacting with your Allegiance can be used on Artistry, Computers, and Writing skill checks.
Endorsement Deal: Your Reputation is increased by +2 for purposes of this feat
Jan 23, 2023 5:38 am
You protect others, with your life if necessary.

Professional Skills: Intimidation, Melee, and Perception
Improved Feats:
Defensive Attack: Your defense bonus is increased to 2.5 per –1 penalty you take on your attack rolls (-1 attack for +2 Defense, -2 attack for +5 Defense and so forth)
Die Hard: When you are reduced unconscious by non-lethal damage, you may recover in the minimum time (1 hour)
High Pain Threshold: +3 bonus to Recovery checks
Human Shield: You may grant complete cover to a target instead of partial cover, anyone attacking the target must attack you instead.
Jan 23, 2023 6:33 pm
You make your living through the sweet science of boxing.

Professional Skills: Athletics, Melee, Perception
Improved Feats:
All-Out Attack: Your attack bonus is increased to 2.5 per –1 penalty you take on your Defense (-1 Defense for +2 attack, -2 Defense for +5 attack and so forth)
Attack Focus: +2 skill bonus to attack rolls
Defensive Attack: Your defense bonus is increased to 2.5 per –1 penalty you take on your attack rolls (-1 attack for +2 Defense, -2 attack for +5 Defense and so forth)
Strength Training: +2 Strength bonus
Jan 23, 2023 6:42 pm
Firing Range Instructor
You are employed as a safety coordinator and instructor at a firing range.

Professional Training: Select 5 ranged weapons, Ballistic PPE, light-duty vest
Starting Equipment: Standard Range pack, 3 Firearms you can legally own worth Wealth 15 or less, one of which must be a handgun, with 20 rounds of standard ammunition for them, Ballistic eyewear, Ballistic ear protection, a light-duty vest, and a safety certificate from the Department of Environmental Management to purchase handguns (Access Level 1)
Professional Skills: Marksmanship, Perception, Presence
Improved Feats:
Accurate Attack: +2.5 attack bonus per –1 damage
Agility Training: +2 Dexterity
Attack Focus: (any firearm or crossbow) +2 to attack rolls
Far Shot: range increment is doubled
Jan 23, 2023 7:41 pm
When people need an animal tracked and/or killed, you’re the person they call.

Professional Training: Select 4 ranged weapons, one type of light armor, Fatigue jacket
Starting Equipment: Oversized Range pack, Fatigue jacket, 2 Firearms you can legally own worth Wealth 15 or less with 20 rounds of standard ammunition for them, and a safety certificate from the Department of Environmental Management to purchase handguns (Access Level 1)
Professional Skills: Marksmanship, Stealth, and Survival
Improved Feats:
Awareness: You gain Instinct as a Professional Skill
Enemy: You may take this feat for all Beasts instead of an Alliance, and you aren't necessarily anathema for you
Far Shot: increase Range Increment by factor of 2
Talented (Stealth or Survival): +4 skill bonus
Jan 23, 2023 8:33 pm
Private Investigator
You make a living finding things out, whether people want you to or not.

Professional Training: Information Databases, Disguise Kit, Burglar's Tools, One type of handgun, Surveillance Gear
Starting Equipment: Cellphone, Bump Keys, A PI license (Access Level 1), A safety certificate from the Department of Environmental Management to purchase handguns (Access Level 1)
Professional Skills: Insight, Investigation, and Streetwise
Improved Feats:
Awareness: You gain Instinct as a Professional Skill
Expert in your field (Investigation): your Reputation is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat
Loner: +4 skill checks when working alone
Self-Help: +2 Wisdom
Jan 23, 2023 11:00 pm
You are a manual laborer.

Professional Skills: Endurance, Resistance, Resolve
Improved Feats:
Brand Loyalty: You receive a +2 general bonus when using items from your favored brand
Die Hard: When you are reduced unconscious by non-lethal damage, you may recover in the minimum time (1 hour)
High Pain Threshold: +3 bonus to Recovery checks
Strength Training: +2 Strength
Jan 24, 2023 2:12 am
You are currently in or have been recently released from a rehab program, correctional facility, or mental ward.

Professional Training: Select 3 Artistry Tools, 3 types of exercise equipment, a simple musical instrument
Starting Equipment:A small backpack, medication, Emergency contact information, a sleeping bag, toiletries, a notepad and notebook, a knife, a simple musical instrument, various handmade items, a comfort item (like a favorite book, blanket, or stuffed animal)
Professional Skills: Criminality, Endurance, Streetwise
Improved Feats:
Defensive Attack: Your defense bonus is increased to 2.5 per –1 penalty you take on your attack rolls (-1 attack for +1 Defense, -2 attack for +3 Defense and so forth)
Enemy: +3 bonus to damage rolls
Light Sleeper: Your Perception is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat
Trick: Use Streetwise skill instead of Academics.
Jan 24, 2023 2:43 am
You provide instruction and education

Professional Skills: Academics, Bureaucracy, and Writing
Improved Feats:
Dedicated (Students): +3 skill bonus
Scholar: +2 skill bonus
Intimidating Presence: You may Intelligence as a prerequisite instead of Constitution, and may use your Intelligence Modifier and Brainiac feats instead of Constitution Modifier and Tank Feats.
Book Learning 1: +2 Intelligence
Jan 24, 2023 10:45 pm
You make things work and keep them running.

Professional Training: Electrical Toolkit, Mechanical Toolkit, Multipurpose tool, Telecom Repair Kit
Starting Equipment: Contractor's Field Bag, Netbook, Cell Phone, Multipurpose tool, Standard Flashlight, either an Electrical Toolkit, a Mechanical Toolkit, or a Telecom Repair Kit, 50 feet of cords and connectors, Safety Vest, Hard Hat
Professional Skills: Computers, Engineering, Mechanics
Improved Feats:
Book Learning: +2 Intelligence
Expert in your field: (Perception): your Reputation is considered +2 higher for purposes of this feat
Talented: Any two Professional Skills, +4 bonus to both skills
Walking Encyclopedia: you may make a Research check in no time twice per day without having to spend an action point
Jan 25, 2023 12:56 am
Military Officer
The military has taught you how to lead men.

Professional Training: M-16A2 SAM-R/SDM-R, M4 Carbine, Beretta 92F, M4/203, Concealable Vest, Light-Duty Vest, Tactical Vest, Special Response Vest, Soldier’s Kit, Mess Kit, Camping Kit, Climbing Gear, First Aid Kit, Survival Kit, hygiene kit
Starting Equipment: Fatigues, Dress Uniform, Gortex jacket, load bearing vest, a dozen empty magazines, Tactical Vest, kevlar helmet, goggles, Baretta 92F, standard flashlight, a pair of boots, survival kit, mess kit, Soldier’s Kit, pup tent, sleeping bag, hiking backpack.
Professional Skills: Leadership, Marksmanship, Tactics
Improved Feats: Expert in your field (Leadership): your Reputation modifier is treated as +2 higher for purposes of this feat;
Exploit Weakness: your Intelligence modifier is treated as +2 higher for purposes of this feat;
Public Speaker: +2 Charisma;
Teamwork: +2 Initiative bonus when working with your team.

You serve in a military organization.

Professional Training: M-16A2 SAM-R/SDM-R, M4 Carbine, Beretta 92F, M4/203, Concealable Vest, Light-Duty Vest, Tactical Vest, Special Response Vest, Soldier’s Kit, Mess Kit, Camping Kit, Climbing Gear, First Aid Kit, Survival Kit, hygiene kit
Starting Equipment: Fatigues, Dress Uniform, Gortex jacket, load bearing vest, a dozen empty magazines, Tactical Vest, Kevlar helmet, goggles, standard flashlight, a pair of boots, survival kit, mess kit, Soldier’s Kit, pup tent, sleeping bag, hiking backpack.
Professional Skills: Athletics, Marksmanship, and Survival.
Improved Feats:
Cover Fire: the Defense bonus provided by Cover Fire is increased by +2;
Dedicated (country of origin): skill check and save bonus increased to +3;
High Pain Threshold: +3 Recovery saves
Teamwork: +2 Initiative bonus when working with your team.
Feb 11, 2023 10:14 pm
General Practitioner
You practice medicine for people of any age, and of any gender

Professional Training: First Aid Kit, Medical Kit
Starting Equipment: Medical license, a first aid kit, Medical Kit, Briefcase, mobile phone, lab coat, safety goggles, a penlight, a laptop computer, +4 Wealth Bonus
Professional Skills: Academics, Bureaucracy, and Medicine
Improved Feats:
Career Advancement: +2 perks
Empathy: your Perception is treated as +4 higher for purposes of this skill;
Dedicated (patient’s welfare/Hippocratic oath): +3 bonus on skill checks and saves
Healer: +3 points of healing
Unique Perk: Prescriptions You can allow others to access a wide range of prescription pharmaceuticals and otherwise-restricted drugs pertaining to the medical discipline. Abuse of this power can put you in serious legal jeopardy. This perk also grants you tool training with a Pharmacist kit.

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