
Jan 23, 2023 2:56 am
I'll be listing feats here.

For now, I'm pasting an unformatted list of feats up, although be aware that it looks gross, and the descriptions might not actually match what they really do, as I am adapting this system to match better with 5E. I'll be cleaning this up as I go.
[ +- ] General Feats
[ +- ] Armor Feats
[ +- ] Martial Arts feats
[ +- ] Powerhouse Feats
[ +- ] Speedfreak Feats
[ +- ] Tank Feats
[ +- ] Brainiac Feats
[ +- ] Empath Feats (this is not related to psionics)
[ +- ] Star Feats
Jan 23, 2023 3:02 am
You have a knack for picking up new languages.
Prerequisite: Linguistics 4 ranks
Feat Type: Brainiac
Effect: Whenever you encounter a new language, you can make a Linguistics check (DC 20) to understand it. A successful check indicates that you needed to pick up a rudimentary understanding of the language as part of your studies. This check indicates only an ability to puzzle out rudimentary communication. You are by no means fluent and would never be mistaken for a true speaker of the language.

Changes: This used to be called Linguist and used Academics.
Jan 23, 2023 3:17 am
You are extremely attractive.

Feat Type: Star
Effect: You gain a +4 skill bonus on Carousing, Deception, Performance, Persuasion, Presence, and Seduction checks when dealing with someone who would consider you a member of their sexual preference. This only applies when someone can visually perceive you, when not wearing something that conceals your features.

Changes: The feat used to require you to select a gender that you'd be attractive to, and didn't require them to be able to see you.
Jan 23, 2023 9:04 pm
猴子后人 (Hóuzi hòu rén)

Feat Type: Being
Effect: You are not a human being. Instead, you are a member of the Hóuzi hòu rén (informal singular: Hóu) the beings that Sun Wukong, the main protagonist of the Journey to the West, was a member of. As such, you gain the following benefits and drawbacks.

• Hóuzi hòu rén are agile and insightful, but are also rather mischievous. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma. Additionally, they may advance their Dexterity and Wisdom to 27 without supernatural interference, and may only advance their Charisma to 23 without supernatural interference.
• You have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain advantage on all checks related to climbing.
• Society: Masked. As a member of the Masked community, you gain the Unmasked perk for free at character creation.
• Nimble: Hóuzi hòu rén have a +2 skill bonus on Acrobatics and Stealth checks.
• Mischievous: All Hóuzi have an undeniable fondness for causing trouble in a playful way. They receive a +2 skill bonus to Taunting, but whenever granted the chance to taunt another or cause what they perceive to be harmless mischief, they must do so, unless they succeed at a Resolve check, DC: 22.
• Type: Hóuzi are considered Fey. As such, they may not become Mages, Therianthropes, or Vampires, and cannot manifest psychic powers. Unlike most Fey, they can gain Ki abilities, and may gain Initiate of the Inner Mysteries without a teacher.
• Low-Light Vision: A Hóuzi hòu rén can see twice as far as a human in dim light.
• Prehensile Tail: A Hóuzi hòu rén has a long, flexible tail that she can use to carry objects. They cannot wield weapons with their tail, but they can use it to make legerdemain checks, and retrieving small objects as an interaction, instead of an action.
• Language: Hóuzi start the game also speaking, reading, and writing Ancient Chinese.
• Special: You may only select this feat at character creation
Jan 24, 2023 2:36 am
You’re well versed with the academic world.

Type: Brainiac
Benefit: You gain a +1 skill bonus to three of the following: Academics, Bureaucracy, Computers, Engineering, Linguistics, Mechanics, Science, Security, or Writing
Special: You may take this a total of three times. Each time, you may select three different skills that you haven't selected for this feat yet.
Jan 24, 2023 2:40 am
Intimidating Presence
You size makes it harder for people to ignore you.
Feat Type: Tank
Prerequisite: Intimidate 4 ranks, Constitution 13+
Effect: You gain a skill bonus on all Intimidate skill checks equal to your Constitution modifier or half the number of Tank feats you have rounded down, whichever is higher.
Jan 24, 2023 5:19 am
The fates have a habit of smiling on you.
Feat Type: General
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+
Effect: You gain a General Bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on Cleverness, Composure, Endurance, Reflexes, Resistance, and Resolve checks made as a saving throw.

Defensive Martial Arts
You have learned advanced defensive techniques for hand-to-hand combat.
Feat Type: Martial Arts
Effect: While Unarmed or wielding a melee weapon, you gain a +2 General Bonus to Defense

Improved Parry
You know how to quickly execute a Parry
Feat Type: Martial Arts
Prerequisite: Maneuvering 4 ranks, Parry perk, Defensive Martial Arts
Effect: Your Defense Score when using the Parry perk is increased by the number of Martial Arts feats you possess. Lastly, you can now execute the Parry stance as a Reaction upon being attacked by a Melee attack.
Jan 24, 2023 5:29 am
Drunken Master
Like many ancient martial arts, the exact origin of Drunken Master is hard to determine. There are many legends that give possible origins for the style. The tale of the Eight Drunken Immortals, who fought with their fellow gods while drunk, and the tale of an intemperate Monk who defeated thirty of his fellows while drunk, then ripped the doors off the monastery, are only two of the mythological "origin stories" for this martial art. Monkey, Eagle, and Shao-Lin Kung Fu all have Drunken variants. If you wish to play a Drunken Monkey, Drunken Eagle, or Drunken Shao-Lin martial artist, simply take both styles. There is also a dedicated style, Shu-ju-chuan, which is the style presented here.
Feat Type: Martial Arts Style
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts or Defensive Martial Arts.
Style Maneuvers:
Maneuvering, 4 ranks: Low Kick: On a successful attack to your opponent’s Foot, Calf, Knee, Thigh or Groin, your opponent must make an Endurance save equal to your attack roll +10 or have his movement reduced by one-half for the next 1d4 rounds. This is in addition to any effects from injuries.
Maneuvering, 8 ranks: Acrobatic Feint: +2 damage against Surprised opponents
Maneuvering 12 ranks: Superior Finesse your Dexterity modifier is considered +2 when using weapons with the Finesse property.
Maneuvering, 16 ranks: Head Butt: Once per encounter you may give an opponent the Surprised condition by striking him with your head when he least expects it. This ability renders targets with the Uncanny Dodge 1 feat Surprised as well. You may use this ability an additional number of times in an encounter equal to the number of Martial Arts feats you possess.
Maneuvering, 20 ranks: Speed Training: +2 Dexterity
Jan 24, 2023 5:40 pm
High Pain Threshold
You recover from serious injuries with surprising ease, and take more damage than the average person.
Feat Type:
Prerequisite: Con 13+
Effect: +2 General Bonus on Endurance checks made for Recovery. You also heal one free additional Hit Die on a successful Recovery check. Lastly, your HD type increases by one step, D8 to D10, or D10 to D12.
Jan 26, 2023 3:41 am
You have a natural gift for two related skills

Type: General
Effect: You gain a +2 skill bonus on two related skills. Skills that share a skill use or that are based on the same ability score are always considered related for purposes of this feat.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time you select this feat it applies to two different skills.
Jan 26, 2023 3:50 am
Weapon Finesse
You are trained in using your agility and acuity in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.

Type: Martial Arts
Benefit: You may treat any melee weapon without the heavy quality as if it had the Finesse quality. In addition, you may use your Intelligence score in place of your Dexterity Score when determining attack and damage bonuses with Finesse weapons.
Jan 26, 2023 6:40 am
Powerhouse Finisher
Your blows really leave your opponents reeling.

Type: Powerhouse
Effect:You automatically inflict an additional amount of damage equal to the number of Powerhouse feats you have on melee damage rolls, if your attack roll is a natural 20. Additionally, if you spend an Action Point, you gain a damage bonus on all melee damage rolls equal to the number of Powerhouse feats you have until the start of your next round. You may choose to spend this Action Point after seeing the results of your damage roll.
Jan 26, 2023 6:44 am
Improved Extra Attack
You know how to make some extra attacks with fewer penalties.
Type: General
Prerequisites: 5th+ Level
Effect:When you make a second Attack as part of the Attack action, your second attack doesn't receive a -5. Instead, your third attack receives a -5, and your fourth attack receives a -10.

Advanced Improved Extra Attack
You know how to make most extra attacks with fewer penalties.
Type: General
Prerequisites: 10th+ Level, Improved Extra Attack
Effect:When you make a second Attack as part of the Attack action, your second and third attacks don't receive any penalty. Instead, your fourth attack receives a -5.

Superior Improved Extra Attack
You know how to make all extra attacks with fewer penalties.
Type: General
Prerequisites: 15th+ Level, Improved Extra Attack, Advanced Improved Extra Attack
Effect:When you make a second, third or forth Attack as part of the Attack action, your attacks have no penalty.

Focused Extra Attack
You know how to make some extra attacks without losing focus.
Type: General
Prerequisites: 5th+ Level
Effect:When you miss with a second Attack as part of the Attack action, you may still take a third attack.

Advanced Focused Extra Attack
You know how to make some extra attacks without losing focus.
Type: General
Prerequisites: 10th+ Level, Focused Extra Attack
Effect:When you miss with a second and/or third Attack as part of the Attack action, you may still take a four attack.

Superior Focused Extra Attack
You know how to make some extra attacks without losing focus.
Type: General
Prerequisites: 15th+ Level, Focused Extra Attack, Advanced Focused Extra Attack
Effect:When you miss with any of your attacks, you may still take another attack, up to a maximum of five. Your fifth attack is made at a -5.
Jan 26, 2023 6:22 pm
Armored Confidence
The manner in which you wear armor can be intimidating to others.
Type: Armor
Prerequisites: Intimidate 4 ranks, any 2 Armor Feats
Benefit:While wearing armor, the you gain an Equipment bonus on Intimidate checks based upon the type of armor you are wearing: +1 for light armor, +2 for medium armor, or +3 for heavy armor. This bonus increases by an additional amount equal to the number of armor feats you have.

Heavy Armor Training
You have learned to be more maneuverable while wearing Heavy armor
Type: Armor
Prerequisites: Strength 17+
Benefit: You are trained in the use of all Heavy Armors. Additionally, whenever you are wearing any armor, you reduce the armor check penalty by a number equal to the number of Armor feats you have, (to a minimum of 0) as well as increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by any armor by that same number. Lastly, your Strength is considered 2 points higher per Armor feat you posses for purposes of any armor’s Strength minimum.
Note: Using Armor you are not trained in grants an additional -5 penalty to it's armor check penalty.

Armor grants you more protection
Type: Armor
Prerequisites: Strength 17+, Two other Armor feats
Benefit: While wearing armor, you increase it's Soak based upon the type of armor you are wearing: +1 for light armor, +2 for medium armor, or +3 for heavy armor. This bonus increases by an additional amount equal to the number of armor feats you have.

Light Armor Training
You have learned to be more maneuverable while wearing light armor
Type: Armor
Benefit: You are trained in the use of all Light Armors. Additionally, whenever you are wearing any armor, you reduce the armor check penalty by a number equal to the number of Armor feats you have, (to a minimum of 0) as well as increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by any armor by that same number. Lastly, your Strength is considered 2 points higher per Armor feat you posses for purposes of any armor’s Strength minimum.
Note: Using Armor you are not trained in grants an additional -5 penalty to it's armor check penalty.

Medium Armor Training
You have learned to be more maneuverable while wearing medium armor
Type: Armor
Prerequisites: Strength 15+
Benefit: You are trained in the use of all Medium Armors. Additionally, whenever you are wearing any armor, you reduce the armor check penalty by a number equal to the number of Armor feats you have, (to a minimum of 0) as well as increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by any armor by that same number. Lastly, your Strength is considered 2 points higher per Armor feat you posses for purposes of any armor’s Strength minimum.
Note: Using Armor you are not trained in grants an additional -5 penalty to it's armor check penalty.
Jan 28, 2023 5:21 pm
Additional Training
You are trained in the use of more tools
Type: General
Benefit: You gain Training with 4 more tools of your choice.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to another 4 Tools.

You have honed your knowledge base with particular skills, gain more Specializations
Type: Brainiac
Benefit: You gain 4 more Specializations
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to another 4 Specializations.

Specialized Training
Your training has improved into Specializations
Type: General
Benefit: In addition to the normal benefits of training, you double the number of Skill Rank Die rolled when using any tool in a non-combat situation.

Specialized Weapon Training
You have trained extensively with your weapon(s) of choice
Type: Martial Arts
Prerequisites: Attack Focus 2, Attack Specialization 2
Benefit: You double the number of Skill Rank Die rolled when making Attack rolls with any attack that you have selected for both Attack Focus 2 and Attack Specialization 2.
Note:This applies to all such attacks; you do not need to make a selection.
Jan 28, 2023 6:03 pm
Need for Speed
Your desire to go faster pays back dividends
Type: Speedfreak
Benefit: Once an encounter, as a bonus action, you may double your movement for a number of rounds equal to the number of Speedfreak feats you have. You gain one level of exhaustion when you use this ability.
Jan 28, 2023 6:31 pm
Second Wind
You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm
Type: Tank
Benefit: Once an encounter, as a Bonus Action, you can spend a Hit Die, roll it, and heal an amount equal to the value you rolled + your Constitution modifier + the number of Tank feats you possess.
Jan 28, 2023 7:01 pm
Your training and reflexes allow you to react swiftly to avoid an opponents’ attacks.
Type:Speed Freak
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Defense.
Jan 28, 2023 8:12 pm
You are always on the lookout for danger
Type: Empath
Benefit: You gain Advantage on Instinct checks at the beginning of combat to avoid being surprised. Additionally, other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of you being Surprised.
Jan 28, 2023 8:46 pm
You are focused on success, and do so when others would fail
Benefit:Once per encounter, after failing a saving throw, you can add a static bonus to your roll equal to the number of Empath feats you possess, and use this new number for determining if you succeeded or failed at the check.

Friends in High Places
You know who you need to know to get the things you want out of others.
Benefit:Once per scene, you can spend an action point to reorganize your resource points. This can only be done out of combat.
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