Character creation

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Jan 26, 2023 3:47 pm
It adds a narrative and characterization still, even if there's no mechanical point to it.

I've done it briefly with another group, where one of ther char ter could understand. Her sentences of sign were as you would say speaking in another language but lacked some grammer/used less complex words to attempt to replect how sign doesn't have the same gramme and lacks a lot of 'connecting' words we use.

So the moment apart would be finding ways to write or communicate, otherwise went smoothly.

But no worries you're the boss, and this is why I asked :p So speaking it is.
Last edited January 26, 2023 3:49 pm
Jan 26, 2023 3:55 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
But no worries you're the boss, and this is why I asked :p So speaking it is.
This actually makes me uncomfortable.

It's my opinion that it would be hard to implement this in a way that worked for everyone. But that's an opinion not a statement of fact.

What do other people think? Is there a way to do this?
Jan 26, 2023 4:23 pm
I think it could work as long as there isn't a dependency on another PC translating. That has potential to really slow the game down. If we made the assumption that our line of work required all of the PCs to know some form of sign language, then the need for a translator wouldn't be necessary. It may even introduce an interesting dynamic to the game.

Also, we'd probably need to hand wave visual contact at times and just assume everyone saw it, unless there's a good story reason why they wouldn't.
Last edited January 26, 2023 4:24 pm
Jan 26, 2023 4:29 pm
tibbius says:
What do other people think? Is there a way to do this?
In my opinion, there could be. I agree with your earlier post that rolling would bog down everything too much and be too frustrating, and I agree as well that bypassing the communication barrier completely would make it pointless.

So then the medium as I see it would be trusting LightofMidnight to keep messages true as possible to sign language (And it seems that she knows how, given her previous reply; brevity of messages, lack of connecting words, less word complexity), and leave it to the players to interpret it as their character would in that moment. Potential for IC miscommunication is fine with me, so long as no OOC frustrations occur.

TL;DR I think it's fine if it's kept sensible, and we don't need to do rolls. I agree with LoM that it's a way to add characterization. That said, I understand the concerns of tibbius. If LoM keeps it sensible, it works for me.

Edit: squid put it well and with less words.
Last edited January 26, 2023 4:30 pm
Jan 26, 2023 5:19 pm
Sorry didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Was trying to make it clear no hard feelings if you didn't want it in, as I git your points. It clearly didn't come across that way so apologies.

Yeah I will keep it sensible. I just like the idea of being able to describe different communications other than speaking

Funnily enough with mentioning irl one person once played as a character who was deaf and used sign language... And it never really came up as it was assumed the translation was happening and that was it.

Hence the want to put do sign language etc in pbp where it can be written and easier to express.

If it doesn't work in the end, Hapoy to swap haracter s and listen to feedback. And on portrayal as well - Whenever I portray someone with a disability I try to do so respectfully, and will listen if someone thinks that's not the case.

I also feel that having a character with a disability shouldn't just be for it to 'be a achallenge, but as said previously narratively. Though doesn't mean you should handwave the difficulty it would cause, just.. Not have that be why I'm playing the character if that makes sense?

But then if people are uncomfertable with idea/don't think it will work, then I don't want to force peoples hands :p. I have plenty of other character ideas that I can use.
Jan 26, 2023 6:45 pm
Question for you @tibbius. What is the feel of the game? Is it going to be a swashbuckling romp through a dungeon slinging lead and taking names? Or, is it going to be a moody, gritty, tense crawl? Just asking because the feel may help determine how a character concept would fit?
Jan 26, 2023 6:47 pm
This is a great question.

What do people want?
Jan 26, 2023 6:53 pm
tibbius says:
What do people want?
Personally, a swashbuckling romp through a dungeon fighting fantasy creatures with modern weapons/gear sounds like a lot of fun.

I'm also good with a gritty crawl, but lean towards the cinematic for this game.
Last edited January 26, 2023 8:02 pm
Jan 26, 2023 7:25 pm
I prefer a moody sort of tense crawl, with cinematic periods of action and drama. However, I'm not opposed to a fast-pasted romp. I'll be happy as long as we get some good character interactions in outside of slinging lead and rolling dice.

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