S1E1: Mad World, July 1st, 2003

Jan 26, 2023 10:37 pm

It was a lazy Tuesday on the island of Motivation, Rhode Island. Few people milled about the transportation baggage claim, a combined area for Flying Boats and Passenger Ferries to unload their luggage onto. One of the three carousels came to life as the passengers of Ferry #4, and a recently landed flying boat, known as the What's Up Dock?, walked into the area, waiting for their luggage to arrive.

Today was not like any other day for the baggage claim. Each vessel had been told to use the same carousel, and when the mistake was discovered, a number of corrections and over corrections had all three carousels moving, and no one knew exactly which one had their luggage anymore. As the mass of people moved about, growing frustrated, your character didn't worry.

Maybe they were here to pick up a relative or old friend. Maybe they had just arrived, and were one of the disembarking passengers. Maybe they had been hired, or told by their employer, to pick up some luggage that would be here. Maybe it was another reason entirely. In any case, they were waiting on a distinctive piece of luggage that they knew would be instantly recognizable once it arrived: an ugly, yellow and pink, heavy with it's contents, plaid traveling case, and marked with a distinctly ugly orange and green ribbon, so that there would be no way anyone could ever get it confused for their own. Because there was absolutely, positively, no possible way for there to be another large, ugly, heavy, yellow and pink plaid traveling case, with a separate, distinctive, ugly, orange and green ribbon tied onto its handle. And the very notion that there could be a third, large, heavy, incredibly ugly, puke yellow and hot pink traveling case with a horrid, awful, ugly orange and green ribbon, acquired completely separately from another store, tied onto the handle using the precisely same knot, could possibly be in the same vicinity, the same universe, as the first two, was so absurd that no one, and I do mean no one, would have ever considered such a possibility. Why, one would have to be extremely imaginative, and possibly stupid, to even consider a scenario in which more than three such unique bags, each with a distinctive ribbon tied on in exactly the same manner, could ever all arrive at the same baggage claim.

Feb 15, 2023 7:38 pm
"This is unlike them, must be an off day," Erik comments to no one in particular, noting the unusual flub at the baggage claim. The staff were usually on top of everything, and the hub ran like a well-oiled machine. Still, life had a way of happening to everyone.

He looked around for the absolutely hideous piece of luggage he had been given as a farewell (gag) gift by a Staff Sergeant who was changing duty stations. SSgt. Anderson had picked the gift up on vacation in Hawai'i. But, the fact the Staff Sergeant thought well enough of the relatively new LT to get him a gift warmed Erik's heart -- even if he'd never admit it to anyone at the unit.

"Alright, where the hell is this thing?"
Feb 17, 2023 5:59 pm
Lucius is leaning onto a wall, lazily squinting at the passengers passing by and tapping his tail against his wooden staff while he tries to spot the bag he agreed to fetch for one of his co-workers. The bag which, judging by its description, should be pretty easy to notice when it arrives; so the young hòuzi is not too concerned with paying attention and instead indulges in people-watching and listening to the music coming from a nearby bar.

A few of the people give him curious looks, probably intrigued by his strange choice of bringing a wooden pole to a baggage claim (or maybe it is his gorgeous blonde mane, no less gorgeous in its illusion form), and Lucius responds by beaming back at them - he might as well be a local now, and being friendly toward tourists and newcomers is practically his duty in ways of hospitality. It also has an added benefit of reconnaissance: whenever he looks directly at people, it's easier to spot when they can see him for who he is. And it is always useful to keep these ones in mind, for curiosity and safety alike.

The bag finally arrives, or at least Lucius sees a flash of something similar enough in its gaudy palette, and the monkey peels himself off the wall, nimbly making his way between crowds of people, squeezing through while minding his tail and weapons.

"Excuse me, passing through, thank you..." He tiptoes around a luggage cart with an especially massive stack of bags and suitcases on it, and bumps into a man in a uniform. "Whoops, sorry, officer! Busy day here at the harbour, isn't it?"
[ +- ] Appearance
Feb 17, 2023 9:39 pm
Phillip finds the whole situation embarrassing. Even though he works on the yachts of the marina and has nothing to do with the ferry companies or the baggage handlers, he is still technically a harbour employee and there's a sort of a guilt-by-assosiation feeling creeping on him as he watches the chaos. He has half a mind to go and help with the unloading, but suspects the presence of an untrained stranger, no matter how well-intentioned, would not be appreciated.

And it's not like he's not affected by the error himself. He is waiting for something - a friend of a friend with whom he had been crashing with back in Rhode Island is sending him the last of his personal effects. The bag Phillip is waiting for had been helpfully described as "you'll know it when you see it", but he thinks he has a rough idea what to expect. The guy he's been staying with had a very particular, eye-watering style.
Feb 18, 2023 12:22 am
Alfie is hanging back from the crowd, patiently waiting for a glimpse of pink and yellow amid the tumultuous sea of people and bags. He’s a scrawny kid with a mop of dishwater blond hair, wearing a t-shirt and jeans that are both far too big for him. He’d been forced to borrow some clothes from his new foster family, since his luggage was misplaced when he first arrived in Motivation a few weeks ago. Fortunately, Matthew and Laura had kept some of their kids’ old clothes, though none of them fit him at all. Alfie had been overjoyed when the ferry company called this morning and said they’d located his lost bag.

He hears someone remark that this state of chaos is apparently out of the ordinary and frowns. "Really? It was like this last time I was here…"
Feb 18, 2023 7:42 am
The luggage carousels were filling with bags, suitcases, duffels, and boxes, all having risen up and then tumbling down onto the conveyor and lazily circling the carousel, but no bag resembling the one you are looking for has yet emerged. Passengers crowd around, gathering their luggage as it rolls by.

The crowd is particularly thick today; many people have come to celebrate the 4th of July here on the Island, and Porttown is where most tourists arrive on the island. People stand about, holding signs indicating that they are waiting to pick someone up. Few people are departing the island, so most of the crowd is trying to leave, but that doesn't mean spats aren't occurring as people mill about; the baggage claim area normally doesn't have to accommodate so many people, and while no one's in danger, you will have difficulty moving about freely.
Lucius says:
"Whoops, sorry, officer! Busy day here at the harbour, isn't it?"
The redheaded officer looks down his beak-like nose and scowls at Lucius as his beady eyes take him in, but his head snaps as he hears a commotion, and his hand immediately goes to rest on his tonfa. Meanwhile a yelp and the sound of surprise emmits from the crowd. What is happening?
A conflict has begun! Everyone roll the following checks:
Instinct (To avoid gaining the Surprised condition)
Reflexes or Wits (For Initiative)

Lucius, please make an Insight check with Disadvantage (roll 2d20s and take the lower result)
Feb 18, 2023 9:43 am
Being a little on the shorter side, Alfie stands on his toes to try to see what’s going on…
Last edited February 18, 2023 10:28 am


Perception - Roll - (1d20+1d6+1d4)

(16) + (1) + (3) = 20

Instinct - Roll - (1d20+1d6+-1d8)

(13) + (5) - (7) = 11

Wits - Roll - (1d20+1d6+-1d8)

(15) + (5) - (7) = 13

Feb 18, 2023 2:35 pm
Instinctively, Erik drops his right hand to his waist as he looks for where the sounds of trouble are originating from.


Perception (WIS) - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Instinct (WIS) - (1d20+1d2)

(18) + (2) = 20

Reflexes (DEX -Initiative) - (1d20+1d6)

(2) + (6) = 8

Feb 18, 2023 5:02 pm
Phillip looks in the direction of the commotion.

"Well, it was just a matter of time," he remarks to himself.
Last edited February 18, 2023 5:09 pm


Perception - Roll - (1d20++-1d8)

(16) - (6) = 10

Instinct - Roll - (1d20+1d2+)

(9) + (2) = 11

Reflexes - Roll - (1d20+1d4+1d2+)

(3) + (3) + (1) = 7

Feb 19, 2023 10:55 pm
These are your Disadvantage Rolls


Erik: Dependent (Steven) DC: 17 - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Erik: Dependent (Bethany) DC: 19 - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Phillip: Secret DC: 17 - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Lucius: Nemesis DC: 15 - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Feb 19, 2023 11:47 pm
Ha, I was actually referring to Erik as the man in a uniform, but I'll take an NPC I can annoy too. :P
Lucius grins back at the officer, completely nonplussed by the scowl he is receiving - in fact, the scowl only prompts him to press harder with the whole improvised chit-chatting, especially now that a random teen nearby also offered a comment in response; which is, kudos to them! He is about to continue talking, maybe remark about the weather or something of an equally useless variety, but then a sudden commotion from the crowd gives him pause.

"Hey, what's happening over there?" The hòuzi tries to look over the heads by using his staff as a support, his tail curling around it. "Gotta go investigate! Can't have chaos unfolding unobserved, right, officer?" He winks at the red-headed man and starts maneuvering through the crowd towards the source of the sound.
Last edited February 19, 2023 11:48 pm


Perception - Roll - (1d20+0+1d2)

(12) + (1) = 13

Instinct - Roll - (1d20+0+-1d8)

(6) - (2) = 4

Reflexes - Roll - (1d20+1d8+1d4)

(18) + (3) + (1) = 22

Insight - Roll - (2d20l1+0+-1d8)

(516) - (7) = -2

Feb 20, 2023 6:36 am
Rolling for NPCs; yes, there are a LOT


Peter's Initiative - (1d20+1d6)

(7) + (6) = 13

Henry's Initiative - (1d20-1d2-1d8)

(2) - (2) - (4) = -4

Hugh's Initiative - (1d20+1d6)

(4) + (4) = 8

Secret Roll

Henry's Instinct - (1d20-1d2-1d8)

(8) - (2) - (3) = 3

Hugh's Instinct - (1d20+1d6-1d4)

(3) + (5) - (1) = 7

Secret Roll

Eunice's Initiative - (1d20-1d2-1d8)

(2) - (1) - (8) = -7

Eunice's Instinct - (1d20+1d2)

(15) + (1) = 16

Simon's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d10+1d2)

(2) + (2) + (5) + (2) = 11

Simon's Instinct - (1d20+1d4+1d6)

(8) + (4) + (3) = 15

Larabee's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d10+1d6)

(8) + (2) + (4) + (3) = 17

Larabee's Instinct - (1d20+1d6+1d10+1d8)

(3) + (1) + (10) + (6) = 20

Larabee's Perception - (1d20+1d6+1d10+1d8)

(14) + (4) + (3) + (2) = 23

Judy's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d10)

(12) + (1) + (7) = 20

Secret Roll

Mac the Hack's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d10)

(18) + (2) + (4) = 24

Security's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d2)

(2) + (2) + (1) = 5

Security's Instinct - (1d20-1d2-1d8)

(8) - (2) - (7) = -1

Secret Roll

Feb 20, 2023 7:03 am
[ +- ] OOC
https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/images/6771053/Judy_square_thumb.jpgThe doors to the baggage claim area slam open, as a young woman with shoulder-length brown hair, dressed like a beatnik comes rushes through, coming from the street, not the docks. She is carrying a bag identical to the one you are supposed to be picking up. "Help!" she shouts, looking over her shoulder frantically. "Help! My boyfriend is going to hit me again!" Directly behind the young woman runs an overweight, greasy-haired man whose face is set in a murderous scowl. https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/images/6771889/image_2023-02-20_115941_square_thumb.png He lunges for her arm as he screams "YOU GET BACK HERE YOU!"


Mac's grab attempt - (1d20+1d2+1d10)

(2) + (1) + (3) = 6

Feb 20, 2023 7:07 am
Despite his attempt, Mac is unable to grab the young woman, who slips into, and seems to become one with, the crowd of onlookers.


Judy's Stealth attempt (you must spend an Action trying to locate her, if that is your desire) - (1d20+1d2+3d10)

(6) + (2) + (486) = 26

Secret Roll

Secret Roll - (1d20+1d6+1d10+1d4)

(4) + (1) + (7) + (1) = 13

Feb 20, 2023 7:21 am
A lot of stuff happens that you don't see. Alfie, you are surprised and cannot act. @MaJunior , it is Erik's turn
Feb 20, 2023 3:31 pm
Weaving his way through the crowd with passing "Excuse me"s and "Make way"s, Erik works to get closer to the disturbance to see what was actually happening.
Do I even want to ask what the roll to try and locate someone hiding is?
Last edited February 20, 2023 3:34 pm
Feb 20, 2023 7:15 pm
If you want to locate someone visually, it is almost always a Perception check that needs to be made
Feb 20, 2023 7:31 pm


Perception (WIS) - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Feb 20, 2023 9:31 pm
Erik was able to make his way through the crowd, and found the angry man shaking his fist, trying to find the woman he was chasing. "WHERE ARE YOU!? YOU OWE ME! YOU CAN'T JUST SKIP OUT LIKE THIS!"

Erik's turn was spent making his way through the crowd, albeit without greatly upsetting anyone. At the end of your turn, you must roll your Initiative again for next turn. Which reminds me, I need to roll Initiative for all the NPCs who took an action. Everyone who was Surprised keeps their Initiative roll for next turn.

A note for anyone who'd like to roll higher. You can spend an Action Point before a roll to give yourself Advantage, or spend it after you roll to give yourself a bonus to the roll; at 1st level, this bonus is +1D6. I'll get more concrete rules up here soon.

Anyways, as everyone is still surprised, or can't go because they roll 0 or lower, it is already the new round, meaning @FlyingSucculent , it is Lucius's turn!

Number of Bags on Carousel 1:
Number of Bags on Carousel 2:
Number of Bags on Carousel 3:
Despite all of the activity, you spot the bag you're looking for being deposited onto Carousel 3.


Mac the Hack's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d10)

(19) + (1) + (10) = 30

Judy's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d10)

(6) + (2) + (5) = 13

Larabee's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d10+1d6)

(5) + (2) + (8) + (4) = 19

Peter's Initiative - (1d20+1d6)

(15) + (3) = 18

Simon's Initiative - (1d20+1d2+1d10+1d2)

(9) + (2) + (3) + (2) = 16

Eunice's Initiative - (2d20|1-1d2-1d8)

(146) - (1) - (6) + 1 = 14

Feb 20, 2023 9:38 pm
Is that...


Reflexes (DEX - Initiative) - (1d20+1d6)

(13) + (3) = 16

load next

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