Pedrop says:
... Slow Boat - as it is still quite small and elegant, but still have some cargo space ...
The Slow Boat is the obvious choice.
Pedrop says:
... The Gig - seems a very good fit for our story ...
The Gig feels to me like it is simulating a modern day 'Tug', with all that thrust for pushing other boats around in the
harbourStarport which it does not leave.
It is a cool Craft, but does not have a lot of Cargo space (less than half the Slow Boat), and costs a lot more (nearly double the Slow Boat).
It would be an unusual choice, but you can take it if you want to.
Pedrop says:
... If we will not take the Gig - then: I think it is what Bob is flying doing his work ...
Probably. I don't see you all needing to bring more than 8 Tons with you.
With the lack of any talk about the Craft, and the arrangement for someone else to take you to the Depot, I was thinking you might get to the Ship and find it did not have a Landing Craft, so you would need to take what you could get... even, maybe, taking Bob's (leaving him stranded would help to sell his story of not being involved in the theft). That could explain why you are using an unusual Craft for landing, it might also open up some strange options in other Starports.
Pedrop says:
... Clamping option seems to complicated and forced to me. Even unthematic ...
Does it? If you don't want it, we don't take it.
Pedrop says:
... Clamping ... unthematic ... for a sealed ship ... BIG coincidence to have it on sealed ship ...
Now, I am not sure what you mean by 'sealed'. At first I though you meant that it was a closed Hull (Partially Streamlined) but now I think you might mean that it is mothballed and 'locked away'?
I agree that the lab might be a bit of a coincidental feature for a Ship you 'randomly steal' but there is a reason
Raf is after this one, so we can explain it away easily enough if we so choose. But we can add the Cybernetics Laboratory later, possibly even by just taking over a room or two so it does not cost you other than the gear.
Clamping a landing Craft to the outside of your Ship might complicate things when you take it into atmosphere (though detaching the Craft solves that) but seems quite thematic (that is how they do it in Firefly:) especially at first if you don't know what Craft you want/have.
You can always declamp and put it in your Cargo Hold if you need to. You can also build a Docking Space later, that needs to fitted to the Craft you put in it (or at least be 'bigger than' the Craft).
Pedrop says:
... Maybe it should take out two adjacent rooms of Deck 2? ...
I can offer advice, but find that --while I am still just one opinion-- 'GM opinions' tend to be given more weight than players', so I prefer not to suggest unless people really ask.
We can worry about this later if we don't start with these things. If, later, you convert a room of two you can decide based on where you find you need it most.
Pedrop says:
... this ship certainly have some weapons in turrets ... discover what it is later ...
Sure. As we discover things we will adjust the Cost and pretend it always cost that much. The characters don't get to see the meta-machinations going on outside their reality, so far as they know, those things were always there and that is why it cost what it did.
Pedrop says:
... I think we will not have enough time at the depot ...
Yeah. You might have to activate just enough of the Ship's systems to get it flying, then do the rest once you get somewhere safe, or over time.