ACT I | Part 1 - The Imprisoned

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Feb 18, 2023 6:30 pm
Drova raises a curious eyebrow. "We've killed no one," she replies warily. "Who are you and how did you get in here unseen and unheard?"
Feb 21, 2023 6:44 pm
"Not kil man, us friend. Move bars, or brekfas, us nice."

Bull gives his best pleading expression to the stranger, his rumbling stomach punctuating his request.
Feb 21, 2023 7:49 pm
Val steps toward the bars and tries to crane her neck to see if she can make out the figure."You know, there is an elvish saying" she says grimly "someone sneaking about usually has something to hide. Come to get us out of our predicament, for a price I assume?"
Last edited February 21, 2023 7:49 pm
Feb 22, 2023 1:45 am
A small chuckle comes now, followed by another. The voice that previously spoke was obviously of an older gentleman as he steps out from his hiding spot and into full view of the cell. The other voice that emitted the second chuckle was more notably feminine, though the second figure that comes up beside the man is seemingly more androgynous. The man, his face still shrouded under his cowl, makes a deep bow.
"My my, a few questions to answer, eh?" he says coming back up. He pulls his cowl down to establish a better view for everyone. As does their companion.
The man has the visage of someone around their late 40's or early 50's, yet there seems to be more to them than that. Their hair is in the middle of graying, giving the appearance of pepper and salt of their short hair and pointed goatee.
" Let's see, where shall I start," he ponders, playfully scratching his chin. "Ah, of course, names! You lot, for now, may simply call me Merlin; it's what everyone calls me. This," he says, motioning to the other, "is Sparrow, my protege. We're thieves, mainly; that's how we snuck by. Well, at least until Sparrow conked the poor sod who is currently sleeping well in the room down the way. That ought to answer the first few questions."
Merlin, as he's introduced himself, takes a break from speaking momentarily as he takes a look back down the darkened passageway. He turns his attention back to the group after a moment or two.
"Now then, regarding that Elvish saying. Are you sure that it's quite that? I've heard many a guard say so my entire life. But, of course, what thief WOULDN'T have something to hide, mm?"
He seems to chuckle a bit more.
" But yes, you are quite astute that we've come to free you, but the price is your own to pay towards yourself. It just so happens that in doing so pays forward to my own goal. Or rather, the organization I represent. There is much to speak of, but I would say that being cooped up in a cell in a goblin infested dungeon is not the most comfortable place to do so. For now, Sparrow and I shall break you lot out and then steal away through a secret passage. Though, I expect to now find it to be goblin territory. And as such," he pauses as he approaches and quickly picks the lock on the cell door, letting it creak open, albeit a bit bent from Bull's charge. Sparrow then pulls out a knapsack and opens it. " You'll be wanting your gear, aye?"
Feb 22, 2023 4:00 pm
"Brek-fess" is Bull's all encompassing answer to the thieves as he lumbers out of the cell.
Feb 23, 2023 4:50 am
"Hungry, eh big fella?" Merlin joyfully responds. He reaches into the sack, his arm going in well past his elbow, and pulls out some dried berries and jerky.
"Not much, no, but we'll be sure to get you lot some proper food once we're out of here."

Afterwards, he reaches in and begins returning everyone's gear that was "liberated" from where they were stored away.
Feb 23, 2023 8:22 pm
Bull takes the food with a grunt of thanks and chomps it down in a single bite.

"Me thank,"

He turns to his companions and jerks a thumb towards the thieves,

"Them gud, trust."
Feb 23, 2023 10:09 pm
Val takes her gear still looking suspiciously at Merlin and Sparrow seeing if they can be trusted. After a moment she says: „I suppose we go along for now. ‘Am dying to hear what you lot have to say."

She starts putting on her weapons and gear and after everything seams to be in order she says: „Well, looks like you know the way."
Feb 23, 2023 11:20 pm
"Only somewhat, I'm afraid," Merlin replies to Vallana, looking back down the dark passage.
"I've not used it myself, but I've heard rumors and stories. Most people are held in cells of constabularies nowadays, not ancient Elven dungeons."
Feb 24, 2023 12:27 am
Bull straps on his armor and hoists the rest of his gear. He looks around as though expecting to see something,

"Not see elf in dunjun, only frenz."
Feb 27, 2023 3:03 am
"We must be mighty special to be holed up in a prison for the unageing ones, hyeh!"

Scharle looks from Merlin to the dark corridor he keeps peeking at
Mar 2, 2023 12:41 am
"Tis not called an Oubliette for nothing," Merlin replies to Scharle. "It means "to forget." And I've a notion that whomever it was that killed our dear minister wished to ensure that you were forgotten."

After a few more moments, he reaches into the bag and retrieves what looks to be a piece of dark rock. Though slender, it was the length of his forearm.
Muttering a command to it, the rock turned from a dark hue to one much lighter and began to produce illumination!

"Is everyone ready to set out?"
Mar 2, 2023 6:03 am

Bull grips his weapon as though bracing for a fight...
Mar 2, 2023 8:19 am
"Lead the way" Val whispers.

Vallana readies her scimitar and shield.
Mar 2, 2023 2:07 pm
Scharle nods, not looking at anyone or checking to see if he's been seen to agree. He's busy sorting out his gear (and scoffing down some smoked pasta he'd secreted in his greaves).
Mar 5, 2023 3:22 pm
Drova signals her agreement (and I'll have her gear added today, been busy in convention mode).
Mar 7, 2023 2:09 am
With the lit stone held aloft, this Merlin leads the way. The one known as Sparrow takes up the rear.
The light is fairly voluminous. The reach of it extends perhaps 30 or 40 ft and bends sharply around the corners of long abandoned cells that have been left to rot. Bones, large and miniscule, can be found throughput them, scattered as they were. Rats scurry away from the party into their little nooks that serve as their dens.
After a bit, the corridor comes to an end. A solid wood door stands in the wall, slightly ajar; hanging inwards towards the group. It appears that something on the other side may have forced it open at some point long ago. It offers little resistance to any who wish to push it aside and enter the small room that it acted as a portal for.
The small room is roughly maybe just 15 foot along each wall. Crates, barrels, and sacks lay in various states of ruin. It's obvious to see where rats gnawed at. It's also obvious to tell where a goblin ransacked. A table sits in the center with a rusted lantern atop it. The secret passage, however, is quite plain for all to see.
What once was perhaps a false wall had been bust down and gathers dust on the ground. The stone passage goes long into the darkness without any hint of a turn or an opening into a cavern.
The tunnel seems to go on and on and on and further still. It's maybe an hour later after their slow walk before an opening can be spotted just ahead. As can a flicking fire. The scent of horrible goblin cooking wafts in. Chattering can be heard, but it's unclear as to what the subject may be. Merlin extinguishes the light before moving the party any further.

"Ah, was 'fraid of this," he whispers.
" Don't suppose you lot are of the stealthy persuasion? I can fight, but we," he points to himself and Sparrow in the dim lighting, "are much more of the "get by without a peep" lot."
Mar 7, 2023 3:18 am
Bull draws himself up to as much of his nearly seven foot stature as the tunnel will allow,

"Me stell-fee, me fight too. No peep."

It's fairly clear that the Bisren has no idea what he's talking about.
Mar 7, 2023 5:01 am
Drova bristles. "I'm not very stealthy," she admits.
Mar 13, 2023 5:24 pm
"I'm happy to try stealth, but I can't say I'm particularly good at it when there's such excellent eating to be had. I don't suppose anyone has spare caul to offset the toxins?"

Scharle looks at the whole group, each in turn.

"Saying that, there's a lot of us and we look powerful enough. Good enough to keep a group of blins at bay."

He gestures forwards, ready to start moving that way.
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