Feb 1, 2023 9:41 pm
Anything out of character as well as general questions go here
Feb 3, 2023 7:39 am
Hey Scrol, everyone. Looking forward to this!
Feb 3, 2023 10:19 am
Sorry, I'm a little behind with my character creation but I'll submit it ASAP
Feb 3, 2023 4:49 pm
Do you use critical hit/miss?
Do you track equipment depletion?
Last edited February 3, 2023 4:52 pm
Feb 3, 2023 7:10 pm
Psybermagi says:
Do you use critical hit/miss?
Do you track equipment depletion?
Yes to the first one, no to the second ;)
Feb 6, 2023 7:51 pm
Is there a way to see other players' character sheets?
Feb 6, 2023 8:01 pm
Yes. But they have to open up their character for external viewing. Then you can go the the game page and view it.
You yourself can do this by going to your character overview on the top and clicking the little book next to your character. Then it's open for everyone to view.

More info in this post

I suggest everyone does this so that you can have an overview on what the other characters can do
Feb 7, 2023 2:32 am
Always a big fan of the PC sheets being public! And if you have something on there you want to keep private, just write a ‘note’ to yourself.
Feb 7, 2023 3:11 am
Harrigan says:
Always a big fan of the PC sheets being public! And if you have something on there you want to keep private, just write a ‘note’ to yourself.
That's the fix I was looking for! I love having mine public as well but sometimes there are secrets that I need to keep.
Feb 18, 2023 4:06 pm
Hi. I am in the midst of a job / client search and not really engaging with my leisure activities as I might do in a less stressful time. My posting will be sporadic as I have energy to do so.
Feb 18, 2023 5:12 pm
Forgot my MJ credits refreshed. New pic for Josiah!
Feb 26, 2023 10:18 pm
Folks -- finding I'm over-subscribed at the moment and slower in my PbP games than I want to be. Sadly deciding to trim a couple -- Scrol, thanks for having me along for the ride, but I'm going to wish everyone luck and step back. Fun playing!
Feb 27, 2023 9:12 am
I know the enthusiasm of signing up for many games and then finding out that you bit of more than you can chew all too well.
Thanks for playing with us ^^
Feb 28, 2023 3:56 am
Thanks for having me!
Feb 28, 2023 4:13 am
Josiah was gone by morning without a clue. Another case of the tragic kidnapping that sweeps across the PbP universe.

Maybe he got homesick and snuck back to head back home with Frazzt. Sigh Josiah, we hardly knew you yet you will be missed.

See you around @Harrigan 😁
Mar 4, 2023 3:30 pm
[ +- ] Gopher & Tower Notes
Last edited March 4, 2023 3:30 pm
Mar 7, 2023 11:55 pm
Hey, putting this in all three of my games. I might have days where I don't post and I might not have the best posts when I do. I will try my best to be as regular and consistent as possible but my mind isn't always able to handle going on a computer right now. I have recently lost two people in my family and have two dogs dying of cancer with another very ill from repeat infections.

Play by post is a much needed relief most days, and I greatly enjoy it, but I can understand why it might be an issue to have a possibly iffy player, so let me know if it will cause issues.
Mar 8, 2023 6:08 am
Oh no. I'm very sorry to hear this.
Losing family members and dogs really sucks.
Don't worry about the quality of your posts. You don't have to write a post worthy of a theatre play each time.
Also don't worry too much about the regularity. I usually wait up to a few days before advancing the story, depending on whether it's clear which course of action the group wants to take.
Mar 22, 2023 12:17 am
I think there may only be 3 active now?
Mar 22, 2023 1:35 am
I think you're right, but others may be lurking in the wings.
Mar 22, 2023 8:49 pm
Yeah.... I wanted to wait a bit for them.

Seems like they stopped playing.
I'll reach out to a player that showed interest when the game was already full
Apr 6, 2023 12:07 am
[ +- ] Barfighter
So can Garic focus and attack twice then?
Apr 6, 2023 12:57 pm
Sprout is the combat plant!
Apr 6, 2023 1:34 pm
Ironic because he's really more of a pacifist. When's he's pressed to fight it seems he's pretty good at it though.
Apr 6, 2023 5:54 pm
Psybermagi says:
[ +- ] Barfighter
So can Garic focus and attack twice then?
Sounds reasonable. You focus and attack twice. The first of the two attacks now hits on a 4,5 or 6.
[ +- ] Focus rule
Apr 11, 2023 3:44 am
Welcome back @tibbius ! Glad to have you again.
Apr 11, 2023 8:03 pm
Welcome back ^^
May 4, 2023 10:34 am
Hi everyone. It's the middle of the night in my timezone, and I need to sleep. But I'll read through the game forum and try to get caught up tomorrow. Looking forward to playing this :)
May 4, 2023 10:56 am
Welcome callan.
May 4, 2023 12:11 pm
Welcome stranger from the beyond!
May 4, 2023 8:30 pm
callan says:
Hi everyone. It's the middle of the night in my timezone, and I need to sleep. But I'll read through the game forum and try to get caught up tomorrow. Looking forward to playing this :)
No need to hurry. You can either play the adventurer who was turned into a gopher. The only limitation is that I've already established her to be female.
Otherwise you could be an adventurer who was just wandering by when a gopher suddenly turned into a human. If you have any other creative ideas I'm open to them as well of course. If you need any help just reach out ;)
May 4, 2023 11:53 pm
Oo welcome!! Sorry to be so late to the welcome party 🥳
May 5, 2023 5:40 am
Scrol says:
No need to hurry. You can either play the adventurer who was turned into a gopher. The only limitation is that I've already established her to be female.
I'm happy to play as the former gopher. That makes a lot of sense narratively. I'll start on a character sheet. It looks like the sphere in the tower was just deactivated, so is she back to her true form at this point?
May 5, 2023 6:28 am
Ooh, I just had a weird idea. This might be too much, but what if instead of one of the predefined traits, we say that Martina’s spirit retained some of the "gopher essence" from when she was transformed, granting her the ability to return to her gopher form at will (possibly with some limitations on frequency/circumstances). In gopher form she would have 1 hit point and be unable to fight or carry anything a gopher couldn’t carry, but she could also fit into small spaces and would gain advantage on hiding and sneaking.
May 5, 2023 12:28 pm
sounds dangerous, cool, and a fun twist.
May 5, 2023 12:57 pm
I like the idea in general but in a mechanical sense it would be a stronger version of the Familiar trait which Miss_Sadie's character, Vienne, also has, so I can't approve it in this form. You could have a gopher familiar but there are also a lot of traits in the rulebook that would make sense to stem from your time as gopher. E.g.:

Beastspeaker: What is it, boy?! The king fell down a well?! You are able to communicate with animals. This form of communication is primitive and very simplistic
Dark-fighter: Who needs eyes, when I have all the other senses? You do not suffer Disadvantage for having your sight impaired.
Dungeoneer: We go left. I’ve seen a lot of dungeons in my time, and I can tell by the way the moss covers this wall. You gain Advantage when attempting to find your way through a dungeon or cave system and when attempting to identify creatures native to dungeons or caves
Vigilant: Better to stay ready than to get ready. You gain Advantage on Initiative Tests.

And yes your character will return to her true form now. So you can start posting whenever you're ready ;)
May 6, 2023 5:53 am
I don’t think it would be strictly stronger, since she’d be putting herself at greater risk to use it. And I’m also willing to take some additional restriction to make it fair, if you have any suggestions.

But going with rules as written for now, here’s what I’ve got.
May 9, 2023 8:16 am
Sorry for not posting the last few days. I've been very busy.
I'll either post later today or tomorrow
May 10, 2023 9:43 pm
callan says:
I don’t think it would be strictly stronger, since she’d be putting herself at greater risk to use it. And I’m also willing to take some additional restriction to make it fair, if you have any suggestions.

But going with rules as written for now, here’s what I’ve got.
Looks well until now.
The way I see it you have the two advantages of manipulating objects and not being bound by the range restriction of the familiar feat opposed by the one disadvantage of putting yourself at risk.

I'd suggest limiting the feat by only be able to use it once per day for ten minutes. I think this way your and Miss Sadie's feats are different enough so that each feat has their unique strengths and weaknesses
May 11, 2023 9:03 am
Scrol says:
I'd suggest limiting the feat by only be able to use it once per day for ten minutes. I think this way your and Miss Sadie's feats are different enough so that each feat has their unique strengths and weaknesses
That works for me!
Jul 14, 2023 1:21 pm
@Scrol I am still wrapping my head around some of the Tiny mechanics while running it on another game and am hoping you can clarify or let me know how you have seen things working. Specifically how much advantage does a "Family Trade" allow? ex : street urchin : do they get advantage on stealth, picking pockets, acting weak and pathetic, parkour, etc?
Jul 14, 2023 9:56 pm
It seems to be up the GM. The rules state:
Growing up, you were probably exposed to a Family Trade. Perhaps you learned your way around a forge from your father, who Game Masters: While this is ing on, you should be thinking about what type of scenario you will be placing the Adventurers in. It is the Game Master’s job to create a convincing setting and story for the Adventurers, which includes locations to visit, enemies to fight, and NPCs to interact with. Is this going to be a one-off adventure? Or are you planning to create an entire world for your Adventurers to explore? You can put as much or as little effort into this as you like, but keep in mind it’s your job to keep everyone on track and entertained. One-off adventures can be planned with a few minutes of preparation; however, if it is your goal to have a larger campaign in mind, this is going to take some work on your part to plan. Take some time to look through the For The Game Master section.was a smith. Maybe your mother was a weaver and taught you how to make and mend clothing. Whatever it was, you picked up some knowledge of this craft and gain Advantage in situations
where you can put it to use. Choose some sort of Family Trade for your character; your Game Master will then decide how it will be applicable during gameplay

So I'd interpret it in a way that gives the GM a lot of wiggle room on whether to apply the Family Trait to a specific situation.No hard rules to be found
Jul 14, 2023 10:59 pm
Thanks. I want to let players express their creativity but am not sure about letting the trade be more potent than several traits
Last edited July 14, 2023 11:00 pm
Jul 26, 2023 4:54 pm
Just wanted to apologize for being slow lately. A lot is happening and now we need a lawyer and life is just exhausting. I'm still very interested in playing, but I just can't get to it some days. Wanted to sort of explain, just because it seems the polite thing to do? xD
Jul 29, 2023 2:18 am
FYI : I will be on vacation next Monday through Wednesday and likely unable to post
Jul 29, 2023 7:16 pm
Thanks for letting us know and no problem. I too have been slow these days. Sorry about that.
I was pretty busy these days and had no time to update but the situation should become better now
Aug 8, 2023 12:55 pm
Hey @Scrol, I was wondering how you handle character advancement. Do you track XP or just give out additional traits/proficiencies after a number of overcome challenges or something else?
Aug 8, 2023 10:15 pm
As this is a rather short adventure I'll do one advancement between you reaching the mountain and scaling it. (Which means after we've wrapped up things with the fey) You'll get one trait.
In general I prefer milestone leveling in RPG games so I'd stick to it for a longer game of TinyDungeon too, giving out traits after the party made significant progress.
Aug 9, 2023 12:53 am
I have been trying to balance accomplishments with character grownth. As PbP is kind of slow anyhow and it is hard to track a "session" I was trying to figure a good milestone but gave up and just started adding up encounters and challanges they have overcome to aproximate XP. Now I have a couple of players in my game that are creeping up on getting a 4th trait. My game is high fantasy but I quickly realized any discovered magic items almost equated to a trait so I am plying around with more comsumables, potions, scrolls, etc. I have yet to see s scroll reader in action in a game I play in which is making it a bit troublesome to guage how hard to make it for obe of my players to find/buy them
Last edited August 9, 2023 12:56 am
Aug 9, 2023 10:15 pm
Yeah I have the same problem with my IRL session although with DnD 5e. Was handing out magic items left and right and now my players are breezing through my encounters XD
Aug 10, 2023 12:23 am
I have a high fantasy 5e with higher frequency of common and uncommon items. I tweaked the CR by adding 1 to both their level and number. 4 pc 5th level => 5 @ 6th for calculating encounter cr
Aug 10, 2023 1:25 am
Do you allow prestige traits?
Aug 29, 2023 2:38 am
hey! I know we haven't done anything for a bit, but are we just all busy or are we not coming back?

I've been a mix of busy, sick and not really sure what to write for this. I was going to see what happened and suddenly a long time had passed, so thought I'd check in.
Aug 29, 2023 2:47 am
Garic already set of and is halfway up the mountain drinking with the trolls :)

I'm in
Aug 29, 2023 11:57 pm
I'm in as well, if Scrol is! I think I leveled her correctly.
Aug 31, 2023 1:35 pm
Sry. I've been pretty busy these days too.
I'm ready to continue if you are. I'd you want I could give your characters a nudge towards the goal of your journey
Aug 31, 2023 2:59 pm
It is not the destination but the journey
Just send is sound it off the swamp is good enough for me
Aug 31, 2023 6:02 pm
Yeah, the journey is awesome. I just don't really have much to do at frog camp. I can think on it tonight though if you need me to
Aug 31, 2023 10:05 pm
I think it is best that I get off at this stop. It's been a fun run but I have less time to devote to good roleplay now so I think I'll leave on a high point.

I also think it's fitting that Sprout might want to stay and commune with the Fey and Frogmen. Perhaps you'll come back to find him a swampier tree man than before as well.
Sep 4, 2023 1:03 pm
Alright sorry that you have to leave. Sprout was a cool character.

Sorry for the delay. Life's been busy for me. But I made a post for you right now ;)
Sep 9, 2023 11:24 pm
Hey, sorry to be away. I kind of stopped checking in as regularly after activity went down. Happy to get back into things though!
Sep 10, 2023 12:16 pm
Glad to have you back again ^^. I'm doing my best to hold a certain pace in posting
Sep 26, 2023 12:26 pm
I don't know that Vienne has a skill that would assist Martina. She has acrobat, so maybe instructions?

There is also Ahki, who could try and scare the rat away? But I know he is incorporeal (forgot last post, which seems silly but there you go) so not sure if this would apply for a familiar.
Sep 26, 2023 5:40 pm
Incorporeal but still visible. Have it stand with the rats eyes inside it's body so it can't see....
Man I am getting all sorts of ideas on how useful that can be
Sep 28, 2023 6:36 pm
That sounds amazing. Now that I can post again. It's only been one day really, but it has felt like weeks @_@
Dec 2, 2023 6:58 pm
Hey, sorry for disappearing. I haven’t been connecting with this game like I hoped I would and kind of lost motivation to keep logging in. So, consider me officially dropped out, if you haven't already.
Dec 15, 2023 3:32 pm
Any change of opening this to new players? It is getting a bit hard for me to stay interested in the story doing all this scoobydoo sleuthing with just the two of us.
Dec 15, 2023 3:43 pm
Thank you for sharing your thoughts ^^
I initially intended the game to be a one shot exploration into Tiny Dungeon and we are already nearing the end. I'd wrap the game up within the coming weeks, maybe even this year, depending on the posting frequency.
If you two want to continue afterwards I'm open to running another round of recruiting. Right now it doesn't make that much sense as we're already near the end.
Dec 15, 2023 3:52 pm
ah, ok. It if helps I am fine with larger narrative posts if we need to gather more information or missed something. I assume the general plan is to wander around and collect clues. Garic would rather not get charmed or petrified so I have been avoiding letting the magic affect us so give us a hint if we need a vision or something.
Dec 15, 2023 4:05 pm
Yeah that's the plan ;)
Don't worry, I won't put you into a 'Rock falls, everyone dies' situation.
If there is real danger I'll telegraph it accordingly.
Dec 15, 2023 4:16 pm
Dang, I new I should have learned morse code!
Dec 16, 2023 1:52 am
It's a bit hard sometimes to think up the post, partly because I'm very unfamiliar with tiny dungeon on the whole. Makes it hard to know what I can do, but I am enjoying the game still.
Dec 16, 2023 2:03 pm
Yeah tiny dungeon is more narratively driven. The mechanics don't do much to hold your hand which has good and bad sides. BUt glad that you are still enjoying the game
Psybermagi says:
Dang, I new I should have learned morse code!
Jan 5, 2024 8:03 pm
@Scrol I have a question on ranged weapons

I am running a Tiny dungeons game and the players have requested a few weapons that do not fit this systems ranged weapons nicely. As I do not normally use the grid for this game and the system is built without it Light and Heavy (I use the variant ruel where heavy has 1 attack per round but does 2 damage) weapons combined with free actions during combat have an effective range of about 15 feet (in your zone).

The system has an option for combat Zones, that I use but do not strictly enforce, and matches movement with these as 25 feet (I often revert to 30' due to prior RPG experience so this is a bit loose).

There are several short range missile weapons, slings, thrown items, etc. I have debated with myself if these should be considered ranged, with the reload requirement and able to attack out to 75 feet, or classify them as Light with the option that they can attack beyond touch but not past 30-50 feet.

I like that this system keeps it simple and don't want to add too much outside of official rules. Is there anything in the system that I missed that can fit this niche or should I just fix all weapons to the 3 classifications?
Jan 7, 2024 5:55 pm
I think the rules don't really cover any additional classifications. As far as I know ranged weapons are able to hit anything in combat as long as it's not behind an obstacle.
I wouldn't add too much complexity as TinyDungeon is highly abstracted and doesn't really try to emulated 'real' combat, so I'd stick with the classifications.

But of course you can add anything you want to the rules (e.g. Light and Heavy RANGED weapons) as long as it fits your setting.

Hope that helps
Jan 21, 2024 2:33 pm
I don't have anything in particular to do now that we're out of the castle. I enjoyed it, so I wouldn't mind if we continued but I think we'd need to recruit more people for it. I'm good either way, really. It was a fun time :)
Jan 21, 2024 5:06 pm
Agree - continue with recruits or let it end. Fine with either. Very fun game. Thanks Scrol
Jan 22, 2024 10:57 pm
For now this concludes our adventure. It was very fun to play with you ^^ Thanks a lot for playing.
I may write a recruitment post later this week. Gotta think a bit about what to do next...
Jan 22, 2024 11:01 pm
It was a fun game with challenges, a couple scary looking trolls to prove how innocent vs murder hobo I am (sigh, drawn to easily to the dark side this one is), and even politics (ug) Thanks :)
Jan 23, 2024 5:17 pm
It was very fun :) Thanks for running it!

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