Secrets of Castle Fearston [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
You grew up in Flowergrove, a small village not really concerned with anything but the next harvest and the occasional attack by wild beasts.
Humans, Feys, Dwarfs and all kinds of other races live in or around Flowergrove in peaceful coexistence
Since you can remember the ruins of Castle Fearstone throne on top of the Icespire peak, a lone, jagged mountain rising up in the landscape a few days of marching away. You were always fascinated by and wanted to know more about them but everyone in the village refused to even go near the mountain the ruins. You were told that they were haunted but as you grew older you realized that the real reason to not go there is probably the dangerous way to the mountain itself and then the demanding ascent.
You and your friends are young adults now and the tiny village of Flowergrove starts to feel constricting. You want to go out and experience something exciting.
Just as you're all sitting outside one evening, lamenting about the lack of excitement in the village one of you points at Icespire peak.
The top of the mountain with its ruins is barely visible against the nearly black sky. And dancing around the ruins you see green flickering lights. Something that has never happened before. You all discuss different explanations for this phenomenon and as you go to sleep one thing is clear: This is the adventure you've been waiting for. You're gonna explore the source of those lights...
Humans, Feys, Dwarfs and all kinds of other races live in or around Flowergrove in peaceful coexistence
Since you can remember the ruins of Castle Fearstone throne on top of the Icespire peak, a lone, jagged mountain rising up in the landscape a few days of marching away. You were always fascinated by and wanted to know more about them but everyone in the village refused to even go near the mountain the ruins. You were told that they were haunted but as you grew older you realized that the real reason to not go there is probably the dangerous way to the mountain itself and then the demanding ascent.
You and your friends are young adults now and the tiny village of Flowergrove starts to feel constricting. You want to go out and experience something exciting.
Just as you're all sitting outside one evening, lamenting about the lack of excitement in the village one of you points at Icespire peak.
The top of the mountain with its ruins is barely visible against the nearly black sky. And dancing around the ruins you see green flickering lights. Something that has never happened before. You all discuss different explanations for this phenomenon and as you go to sleep one thing is clear: This is the adventure you've been waiting for. You're gonna explore the source of those lights...
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
Link to character sheet: Here
Character generation:
You'll start as young adults at Level 1. If you have the Tiny Dungeons Rulebook you can use this for character generation else there are excellent customizable quickstart characters available for free on Drivethrurpg
Everything in the quickstart characters and the core rulebook is fair game.
I'm pretty flexible in regards on how you play your characters. I just demand that they are generally 'good' aligned.
Adventure tone and red lines
I plan to have the adventure be rather light hearted in order to get a feel for the Tiny Dungeons rules. I don't want any extreme violence (torture and the like...) as well as overtly erotic topics. Things like e.g. trying to flirt with someone to garnish a favor are allowed though.
Character generation:
You'll start as young adults at Level 1. If you have the Tiny Dungeons Rulebook you can use this for character generation else there are excellent customizable quickstart characters available for free on Drivethrurpg
Everything in the quickstart characters and the core rulebook is fair game.
I'm pretty flexible in regards on how you play your characters. I just demand that they are generally 'good' aligned.
Adventure tone and red lines
I plan to have the adventure be rather light hearted in order to get a feel for the Tiny Dungeons rules. I don't want any extreme violence (torture and the like...) as well as overtly erotic topics. Things like e.g. trying to flirt with someone to garnish a favor are allowed though.
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