Basically, when performing an action, the players choose which Aspect the action will be performed with, roll 2d6, and if at least one of them rolls equal to or lower than the chosen Aspect's score, the action succeed.
If the players can make the case that more than 1 Aspect could be used for the action, the player rolls under the highest Aspect that applies, with each other Aspect that also applies and which have a score of 1 or more granting a bonus of +1 to the Aspect that is rolled under (up to a total modified score of 5).
If a double is rolled, something bad happens (still working on the exact mechanics).
Players will have Traits (maybe find a better name? Descriptor?) which will allow for the re-roll of 1 of the dice (possibly to turn a failed roll into a success or to get rid of a double).
Players will also have advantages which will allow them to ignore a double per session/encounter and possibly grant some other small bonus.
There might still be room to add a few more things, like disadvantages/flaws perhaps... But as of yet, I'm still pretty much in the conception phase of the game.
I don't know if I can put it simpler than that...
As for not using dice. I'll be honest, I never played diceless games outside of games which used cards instead, so I have no idea how to resolve the randomness of succeeding or failing a check without some dice or cards. So I'll be honest, I have absolutely no frame of reference to built a diceless mechanic from scratch and I'm not sure I can do it under those circumstances. But not requiring dice at all might be even more "newby friendly" as you'd only need our cheap and affordable pdf (:P), as well as some pencils and pieces of paper to play our game. So I'm open to suggestions...
Last edited August 24, 2016 7:42 pm