2: Return to the Monastery of the Iron God

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Apr 28, 2023 11:56 am
Sorry for the delay!

Would it be possible for Eagerwish to retreat while the skeleton dies, so as he does not provoke an attack of opportunity?
Apr 28, 2023 12:21 pm
Absolutely! And if that's your intent, I can kick this along once I've had some coffee.
Apr 28, 2023 2:14 pm
In the moments available, Eagerwish steps back holding tight his wound. It should heal fine, but another stab-wound might be too much for the man. He moves just in time as another of the remaining three skeletons steps out of its room and swings its rusty blade down towards the dwarf, who parries the attack easily.
We're in the home stretch! Three skeletons left. Next time I might ask for a series of attacks and damage, just to save some time.

Your turns!


Target, Attack, Damage

Apr 28, 2023 6:44 pm
" There are only three left. Don't let your guard down and don't falter." Horace says as he continues his assault.


Sword attack. - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Potential damage - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Apr 28, 2023 8:39 pm
Wilric watches as Eagerwish withdraws from the front line, the Druid clutching a large wound. He hopes his companion will be alright, but not one to miss an opportunity the Halfling aims for the gap which has opened up . . .
8 arrows used
Last edited Apr 28, 2023 8:41 pm


Arrow 1 vs Skeleton - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (13) + 2 = 15

1d6 : (4) = 4

Arrow 2 vs Skeleton - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (15) + 2 = 17

1d6 : (6) = 6

Apr 28, 2023 9:10 pm
Eagerwish leans on one of the walls, clutching at his wound. He is done for this combat, but hopefully his comrades will manage to eliminate the rest of the undead menace.
Apr 28, 2023 10:39 pm
Two skeletons collapse under the strength of Wilfric's bow, and the final skeleton approaches without a single thought in its head other than to end all living.
Apr 29, 2023 6:00 am
Seeing that their victory is at hand, Theo happily hefts his axe up once more. He attempts to put an end to these clattering, shambling nuisances so they can find what treasures await.


Attacking Skeleton - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Axe damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Apr 29, 2023 2:25 pm
Oh man, the last skeleton had exactly two hit points!
The final undead creature collapses and the monastery goes silent. No more clacking of bones, no more whispers of deadly blades. Behind the skeletons, illuminated by the slowly dying pool of oil that had been lit earlier, is a 20x20 room with an additional 10x10 alcove to the east. Valuable-looking carpets are rolled up against one wall, five in all. Czespecem's keen dwarf eyes notice a hidden door in the alcove leads east. The dwarf begins searching the door for traps as Wilfric listens for anything within. After some times passes, both shake their heads no. The door and chamber seem to be clear.

Inside, a 30x20 chamber stands silent and cold, without the menace of the skeletons. Three treasure chests are neatly set side-by-side against the far wall.
[ +- ] Map of Treasure Room


Czespecem: Delicate Tasks (25%)

Wilfric: Detect Noise (3-in-6)

Apr 29, 2023 2:41 pm
Once the last skeleton is vanquished, Eagerwish drops his weapons and slides along the wall into a sit, trying to recuperate from the hit.
Do we have ways of healing? The poor man is at 1HP.
Apr 29, 2023 2:46 pm
Looking at the group, I think only through Horace's Lay-on-Hands.
Apr 29, 2023 11:30 pm
Wilric not being much help when it comes to healing and finished checking for noises, the thief goes around recovering some of his arrows and then checks the chests for traps . . .
4 arrows recovered


Delicate task - (1d100)

(36) = 36

Apr 30, 2023 1:29 am
"Phew, glad I didn't have to use this thing," Medwyn mutters as he slides the ornamental dagger back into its scabbard.
This may be a completely brain-dead idea, but I have lots of chalk. Could I like...grind some of it up and use it to stanch Eagerwish's wound, bound underneath a cloth bandage? That might do more harm than good, lol. I just imagine it might be absorbent.
May 1, 2023 1:36 am
Wilfric is able to determine that two of the chests (the left- and right-most) are locked, while the center is unlocked. He is unable to determine if any traps are present, however.
I would allow chalk to be used to stop bleeding (such as a specific ability from a monster that has lasting bleed damage), but it won't really do anything here. Good idea, though! Creative!
May 1, 2023 2:38 am
Cool, that tracks! I'll keep it in my pocket for a later date.
May 1, 2023 2:11 pm
Czespecem follows up on Wilfric's scrutiny of the chests
I'll let you roll for this one, @cowleyc
May 1, 2023 2:15 pm
Theophroneus wonders aloud if anyone has a 10' pole we can use to open those chests from a decent distance away.
May 1, 2023 2:38 pm
The dwarf takes a closer look and determines that while the two chests are locked, they are most certainly not trapped.

The two begin working on unlocking the two chests, and find that the task is easier than they had expected! Simple locking mechanisms that prove no challenge to the dwarf and halfling. Inside the chests, in order from left to right, are the following:

• 2000sp and a gem

• 40gp, 1000sp, and a ring

• 4000sp and 50gp


Czespecem: Delicate Tasks 25%

Whomever: Delicate Tasks

Whomever: Delicate Tasks

May 2, 2023 2:36 am
Nice! Are we treating coins and gems as 1/10 lb.?
May 2, 2023 2:43 pm
Yes, we're sticking with that. But you also need somewhere to put them. Sacks, backpacks, etc.
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