[CLOSED] Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades

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ClosedRighteous Blood, Ruthless BladesPrivate1 / daynezzeraj
A wuxia game about wandering heroes in ancient China.

Feb 10, 2023 1:10 pm

What is it?
RBRB is a wuxia game set in ancient China where you play heroes wandering the land to protect the innocent, bring villains to justice, and increase your martial arts skills and reputation. The game focuses on social reputation, allies, enemies, acquiring legendary weapons, and loyalty. Combat is as common as you make it, but it is deadly and fast, sometimes decided in a single roll or two.

RBRB focuses on relationships between party members as well as NPCs and factions. Honor ("face"), factions, and relationships are a constant dynamic that will be affected by every action. This won't be a game where you'll just wait around for your turn in combat, and this isn't a game for murderhobos. There are many people stronger than you in the world, and you will be hunted down for making the wrong enemies. I am looking for players who really want to get into character and explore the setting and try to be heroes.

Game details
I'll be running the adventure in the book, about a delivery to the school of a swordswoman who has recently slaughtered a rival faction. There is also a follow-up adventure online I'll run as a sequel if everything goes well. If everyone is still having fun, I'll start doing original adventures based on the outcome of the previous adventures. Looking for the game to start in the next 1-2 weeks. Posting rate will be 1/day ideally, missing a day occasionally is fine.

I'm looking for 4 players in total. If you're interested, leave a comment with a brief explanation of why you'd like to join, any familiarity with the genre, or character ideas. Questions are also welcome. Thanks for reading!
Last edited Feb 11, 2023 2:47 pm
Feb 10, 2023 4:05 pm
Dao Xi staggers in bleeding, covered in smoke and ash, naked blade in his hand

"Those bandits took everything! I served in the army for seven years, distinguished myself in the Yellow River campaign, and retired to farm in the country, in peace. It's all gone. This time, I will not stop fighting until my honour is satisfied, and those bandits, whoever they are, have paid the steel price! But first, I must find them. "

One year later...

" I'm still looking, following the trail, and taking what work I can. Vengeance will come. Someday. "
I highly recommend Nezzaraj as a DM, especially for a game you don't know. An engaging storyteller and excellent teacher.
Feb 11, 2023 1:05 am
Super interested in this. I love the Wuxia genre (some favorites are Legend of the Condor Hero’s, Musashi Miyamoto and the Samurai trilogy, Crouching Tiger, etc).
I’m familiar with the tropes and settings but not the ruleset.
I’ll start thinking up a character concept, but would like to play an Ikko-ikki monk or perhaps a ronin from a dead daimyo.
Feb 11, 2023 4:50 am
You have definitely piqued my interest. :) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Iron Monkey, The Main With The Iron Fists, and many older movies have always been very enjoyable, and I would love to step into some Wuxia goodness.

I went ahead and picked up the book, so I'll be doing some reading but at first glance, looks simple enough to pick up. :)
Feb 11, 2023 7:59 am
Fearsomely interested. Own the book but have not read it yet. Well-steeped in the genre and its tropes. Dying to play a melodramatic Kung Fu specialist who needs to learn a hidden style to defeat an (otherwise) unstoppable foe!


Feb 11, 2023 9:35 am
You already know!

I wouldn’t say I’m an expert in the genre or anything, but I can ham it up with the best of them! Count me in!
Feb 11, 2023 2:44 pm
Ok looks like we got our 4! Invites sent.
Feb 11, 2023 2:57 pm
You beat me to running this game! All the best!
Feb 11, 2023 3:03 pm
BedzoneII says:
You beat me to running this game! All the best!
Feel free to read along and laugh at all my mistakes! Lol
Feb 12, 2023 1:49 am
Can I do one better and plead to play a 5th spot in your game? I even have the right kind of avatar!

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