Ok, I think this looks like the interest... I know there were a couple other folks who posted, but will give a bit longer. I'll send out invites soon for the folks below. :)
Executive Officer: Stefron - Henry Cavill as Commander Fenris Scofield, Human
Operations Officer (Engineering):
Flight Control/Helm (Conn): Emberskyes - XXX as Lieutenant Myra D'syre, Vulcan
Chief Engineer:
Chief of Security: Alordis - Aldis Hodge as Lieutenant Dak Khiatt, Bajoran/Cardassian
Chief Tactical Officer: Jesus.Chrysler.Supercar - Jason Momoa as Lt. Ch'pok, Son of T'skrang, Klingon
Chief Medical Officer:
Ship's Counselor:
Chief Science Officer: Seck - Jude Law as Lieutenant J.G. Korias Nevark, Betazoid
I could still use one or two more folks....
Last edited March 3, 2023 12:02 am