[IC] Game thread

Feb 23, 2023 5:40 pm
This is the channel for the game itself.

Standard narration unformatted.

"Spoken words in bold."
Questions about the situation at hand in ooc
Feb 28, 2023 7:12 pm
Bad enough that the job dried up after you landed on Denl, now some locals have mistaken you for an open bounty. You've three days before the needlecast comes through that'll keep you off the hook and you're laying low in the distal casino.

Denl, socially, is a stuffy world: long ruled by a mishmash network of feudal ladies and lords. That tenth of a percent of the population own and lease the land to the rest, who give a proportion of their crops and worked goods for the privilege. The population otherwise primarily trades and barters amongst itself, though accumulates credits through trade with offworlders.

In recent months, many of the *pays-ante* (land's folk) have railed against poor land management and the ruckus was swiftly shut down through the regal gendarmerie and their overclocked weapons. Few people have the authorities in their good books at the moment, and most people are more than happy to help you lay low.

On an canyon archipelago fifty clicks from the port town your ship's moored in, we find the Reaver's Riddle: a megacasino resort where Denl locals and offworlders gamble with coin and promises. Its mascot is a tall man, almost lizardlike in look, with small nostrils over thin lips and no sign of a nose. You can buy plushies of the mascot at every bar and most kino tables.

It's 2:000 in the morning of the first day.
As the camera focuses on your character, what do we see? What are you doing? @Esidrix @tibbius @Roachtrout @rossum
Mar 2, 2023 4:18 am
Ardena is a keen eyed, dark haired woman in her 30’s. She is wearing a low key green jumpsuit and she bounces a set of dice on her palm while see looks through the casino lobby. She knows these places, she has worked in a hotel and a casino. She knows these places are full of phony characters full of themselves and handsy gentlemen offering drinks. Yet she feels at home.

She’s trying to be nonchalant but she can’t help it - she tries to find a bar with the least traffic and exchange some credits for gaming chips. ´I’ll spend only one credit for now, I can double or even triple it while also laying low and being discreet´ is her reasoning.

What do we know about the bounty? Is it the law that’s after us or is it an open bounty? I.E. How careful should we be?
Mar 2, 2023 12:43 pm
Corbin finds a table near the wall. In his 30's, he carries himself confidently, his body still carrying the physical trim from years in the service. He eyes the scattered crowd warily, the kind of folks that gamble themselves away are the kind of people that would jump at an 'easy bounty'. Most would be as wrong about that as they are about winning anything else in here.

Corbin keeps an eye on Ardena at the bar. They haven't worked together much, but still, his current crewmates are likely to be his only allies for a while.
Mar 3, 2023 2:16 pm
Roachtrout says:
What do we know about the bounty? Is it the law that’s after us or is it an open bounty?
It's expressly only the law after you ─ and while some people choose to be informants, they're pretty obvious about it and very few of those sorts would be here!

Ardena manages to get in on a simple game with quite a few seats still open: the nursing a beer kind of game she can keep it going for a long time. The other players at the table are mostly offworlders and a few locals (Denalise humans have a bruise-like sheen to them for the most part) ─ it's the locals who are somehow more outrageously dressed.

Corbin lazily watches the crowds. There's noone watching either him or Ardena. The only thing that stands out as particularly odd is someone ordering quite a few strong drinks in rapid succession at a nearby bar, but they're making a big mess of the process, almost like they're trying to distract attention.
@roachtrout @esidrix @rossum @tibbius what do yous
Mar 3, 2023 3:46 pm
Recwal tries to focus on the room around him but instead he keeps thinking about that time he lost his pants in a dice game on the Idlewild ... or was it the Inglewood ... the marines had been really mean about it, especially the girls.
Mar 5, 2023 8:01 am
No obivious distractions, so Ardena continues to play. If she is on a winning streak she doubles the stakes. If she's on a losing streak, she invests some more!
Mar 5, 2023 10:01 pm
@roachtrout — let's get a Gambling roll! 2d6+gamb (stats are only used if it's a reactive action or if it's something like climbing/wrestling)
Mar 6, 2023 5:40 am
Ardena gambles!


Gambling - (2d6+1)

(61) + 1 = 8 success

Mar 6, 2023 6:23 am
I can lay low, no problem. Just like I'm on shore leave back in the day. I hit the buffet (these casinos have the best all-you-can-eat buffets so's the marks don't leave the casino) and the gift shop for a lizard-man plush and t-shirt in green to match my hair. I lose a little, win a little, and drink as many free drinks as folks'll buy me. I can catch the eyes of the team, passing Corbin and Ardena as I loop around the table games and flashing machines. I figure if someone's looking for us, then they are looking for us as a team, not a solo woman tourist.

I'm not trying to win or lose; in fact, i don't want to do either. A big payout means eyes on me. Hell, I'm not even trying to pick someone up, just pass the time and not get made. I definitely wanna know where security is, maybe amuse myself spotting the plainclothes.

Anyone interesting to watch? Who's the lush at the bar drinkin' too much?
Where are we staying? Do we have hotel rooms or another safe house?
Mar 6, 2023 7:59 pm
Recwal joins a table and watches the dice fly without putting down chips, until the stickman gives him the stinkeye. Then he passes the nearest dealer a small chip and a slightly larger chip: "six on six"
Mar 6, 2023 8:00 pm
The shooter throws


and the dice say - (2d6)

(46) = 10 success

Mar 13, 2023 5:09 pm
Ardena makes an excellent game ─ spending enough time in the pot to not draw attention, winning just more than she loses, though never a pot too large to draw attention.
Specifically, she wins enough that you'll be able to buy anything while you're here that's not an absurd luxury.
Recwal makes an excellent spectacle. Throw after throw he comes up tops, bringing both intense levels of coin and an army of hangers-on: those both circling for hope they'll get wind of luck, and those hoping for cast-offs of the spend too.

In fact, it's not long before the smartest dressed of casino staff approaches Recwal: "If sir would like to follow me, we're extending an invitation to the Marquis' Personal Diceroom."

Ash spots a few interesting things: a couple of local businessmen in natty tourist gear that are obviously having an affair and not wanting to be seen together, someone wrestling a tooth-capped gator behind frosted glass, and that woman at the bar ─ who's barely even drinking her drinks, but siphoning off the contents to a hidden reservoir somewhere.

From the far side of the casino floor, there's also a leering shout ─ like sports hooligans in tone though not in coherence.
@roachtrout @esidrix @rossum @tibbius First up, is anyone likely to be read-up on the local trends / geography / that sort of thing? Next up, what do yous?
Mar 14, 2023 2:31 pm
If there's a datapad about that I can look up the news, I will. Goes along with the sitting and drawing attention. Thinking this run was a drop and go, didn't bother to much on details, just skimmed the headlines. But now, looks like we're gonna be locals for a couple days. Might as well get to know the place.

The crowd seems an interesting mix, more than a few agenda's at play. Probably pretty common for a place like this, Ardena and Ash seem to have done well at picking up resources and not being 'noticed'. Recwal on the other hand, has some polite looking company. Problem with the company blokes, he's smiling and he would be whether he was comp'ing Recwal a room or tossing him out.

Corbin will pick up his drink and meander in the general direction of Recwal, hoping to pick up the gist of the conversation.
Mar 14, 2023 3:18 pm
"Ah," Recwal says with what is trying to be a polite and accommodating tone, "really I think I'm done for a bit. Maybe I'll circle back later, but this run has been more than I had hoped for and I'd hate to break the streak."
Mar 14, 2023 3:20 pm
"Would you like to buy yourself a ... hoverbike?" he asks the security man a moment later, displaying one of the finer chips that have been raked to him.
Mar 15, 2023 3:13 am
Ardena will collect her winnings and she will try to see what the commotion in the far side of the floor is about.

Ardena isn't up to date with Denl, this was supposed to be in and out job. But she has an eye for galactic business people and the likes that might be found in casinos.
Mar 15, 2023 3:58 am
I clock the two illicit lovers- usually nothing to worry about unless a partner shows up. Could get messy and noisy and I need to not be there. Speaking of messy and noisy, I am instead totally watching that gator wrestle, betting a little, drinking a little, but mostly amazed at the power and strength of the animal. A quick glance at the woman at the bar makes me wonder if she's on the run or somehow trying to steal drink recipes or smuggle liquor. I shake my head and leave it for the thriller stories, cheering as gatorman makes an impressive move.

The hooligan shout makes me look sharp. A fight brewing or a soccer match on the holo? Same thing, could be.
Ash would've bought a map and skimmed local social media, but not obsessively. She has a list of a few restaurants or shows to check out if the stars are right.
Mar 15, 2023 5:14 pm
@tibbius does the tip have a specific purpose, beyond engendering this staff and the wider staff to yourself?

So the weird thing about Denl is that its known for its psychic storms: in the same way a weather front moves through air, emotions move through social atmosphere. Typically the off-worlder zones have dampers in place to prevent them having too big a stir.

That there's the hooligan noise is likely that either someone has suppressed the suppressors here (quim custodiet, ect.) or that the emotion in specific here hasn't been suppressed.

It's important to note that it's not just "any emotion in a big enough crowd swells" but that "emotions move through crowds regardless".
[ +- ] Anyone with experience of heirarchies and public-facing roles can notice

@tibbius @roachtrout @rossum @esidrix what do yous
Mar 16, 2023 4:34 pm
@seanfsmith, not public facing, but a career in the miliatry might give an understanding of what it's like when everyone is on task, and the sudden 'feel' when something unexpected happens and people are shifting gears to get a handle on it. If that works, Corbin would change course towards one of the staff that looks to have jumped to comms. If not, I'll keep heading towards Recwal to see what situation he's in.
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