Interest Check: OSR - Adventurer Conqueror King

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ClosedACKSPublic1 / dayDMJ
An Old School Renaissance (OSR) game using Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS), set in the Auran Empire campaign setting.

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 3, 2023 6:10 pm
Players' Club,

I'm considering a launch of an Old School Renaissance (OSR) game using Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS) by Autarch Games.

If there is enough interest, I would aim for the game to be a throwback feel to the 1980s/90s versions of D&D (1e, 2e, Box Sets):

...pulp imagery, some intentional use of nostalgia RPG campiness and tropes, retro on the style and aesthetics.

...danger in the air, intermittent imbalance.

...creepy monsters, detestable villains, variety NPCs, action-oriented sets.

…lure of treasure, carousing, fame, and eventual power for bold adventurers who rise to the challenge.

...DM striving to work with creative Players to create badass memorable scenes throughout!

Will use the ACKS default setting, the Auran Empire.

...shortest descriptive summary: Rome in decline.

...overall will be a Heroic Fantasy / borderline Sword and Sorcery style, NOT High Fantasy.

ACKS (core system rules)
Auran Empire Primer

PCs starting at low level - probably level 1. Coming up as nobodies from nowhere, taking a shot at becoming LEGENDS.

Tentatively planning a small scope introduction adventure (estimate time: 1 month) to test drive the rules and setting - familiarize all of us with the system, the group, the game patterns.

With success of the Intro, would move on to a medium-term next episode (estimated time: 2-3 months).

Seeking Old School Gamers from the early days and/or New Era Gamers who have an interest in and respect for the older versions of the game.

Also seeking interactive and creative Gamers who enjoy making interesting posts to showcase the character, to cooperate with other Players, to paint the scene and tell the collective story.

General posting goals: 1 post per day / 4-5 days a week

Thanks for considering.

Let me know - any interest?
Last edited March 4, 2023 3:02 am


Mar 3, 2023 11:28 pm
Hey everyone, I wanted to take a moment to give testimonial of DMJ's quality of DMing. This guy really dives into creating an awesome experience for his players, and runs his OOC channels like he's taking care of family. Anyone who's been in his games will give the same story.

I'm really excited to see you running another game here on GP and I'm looking forward to being in the Players' Club™ once again!
Mar 5, 2023 3:47 am
Sounds like a great reason to get back onto GP. Count me in!


Mar 5, 2023 3:52 am
Good to see you, Constablebrew!

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 6, 2023 5:30 pm
Thanks, Len and CB!

It's great to see you both on the boards again. I enjoyed the games we've had in the past - you guys created some of the most memorable characters I've seen in any game.

I'd be honored and excited to game if we could get another project going.


DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 6, 2023 6:35 pm
Classic D&D art is great to sift through. Even the black and white smaller frames, that were hit or miss at the time, are packed with great imagery that suggests the bigger stories of the genre...

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 6, 2023 6:37 pm
Some of the old art is iconic. Maybe we could recapture some of the same spirit...

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 6, 2023 6:57 pm
But at the same time, I'd like to pull in some newer and more nuanced themes that are generally associated with the later evolution of the game.

I like the Auran Empire setting. It leaves room for a lot of variety on story and background threads:

* crumbling empire and "balkanization"

* folkish rural communities vs. cosmopolitan mega-cities

* cities as a mix of high culture and decadence

* wilderness as a mix of beauty and danger

* blend and clash of civilizations

* a backdrop of higher societies from the past, now degrading

* magic, monsters, and machines out at the mysterious edge - the ruins, the hidden conclaves, the forgotten groves...
Last edited March 6, 2023 7:22 pm
Mar 6, 2023 7:00 pm
I love the low-fantasy evocative feel of the artwork. That's the era I started playing in and it always holds a special place for me. I'm full up with RPG projects at the moment but good luck on your game!

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 6, 2023 7:09 pm
Thanks for the comment and well wishes, Witchdoctor.

You are welcome to stay in touch - let us know if you change your mind and want to join.

We are on a slow-roll start anyway, after we run this interest check thread for a while to hear ideas.
Last edited March 6, 2023 8:03 pm
Mar 6, 2023 11:07 pm
Looking forward to a solid series of adventures with you, Len!

I've started listening to some Conan books and Lankhmar to get into the mindset. Already feel the character ideas bubbling up!
Mar 6, 2023 11:28 pm
This sounds exactly like what I'd be into! I've been running a lot of OSR between here and my live group, and I've actually been looking at converting some ACKS classes to OSE (including that pretty format) to give some more race-as-class options. I like the idea of playing a barbarian in the times where civilization is crumbling, sort of a reminder that primal is forever.
Mar 7, 2023 12:37 am
DMJ, are you interested in using any of the expanded ACKS content? I haven't read beyond the description text into any of the expansions yet, but the Players Companion sounds like it could have some interesting class options.
Last edited March 7, 2023 12:38 am

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 7, 2023 10:54 am
cowleyc says:
This sounds exactly like what I'd be into! I've been running a lot of OSR between here and my live group, and I've actually been looking at converting some ACKS classes to OSE (including that pretty format) to give some more race-as-class options. I like the idea of playing a barbarian in the times where civilization is crumbling, sort of a reminder that primal is forever.
Thanks, Cowleyc. Sounds great.
If we launch this, it would be great to have someone with some OSR experience onboard. I'd value your input for sure.

And yes, I'm a dedicated Barbarian fan from way back. When the chips are down and things are falling apart, it all goes back to primal - strength, clan, low dependence on technology, high adaptability to environment, ability to unleash unbridled violence. Let's GO!
Last edited March 7, 2023 11:05 am

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 7, 2023 11:03 am
Constablebrew says:
DMJ, are you interested in using any of the expanded ACKS content? I haven't read beyond the description text into any of the expansions yet, but the Players Companion sounds like it could have some interesting class options.
Maybe not, bro. I ordered the book to read through it though. I'll check it out.

To be up front: I need to keep complexity on the lower end of the scale here at the beginning. I've got to learn the ropes of ACKS / OSR as well. Shouldn't be a problem, but that book's pitch "... customize your fantasy game to an unparalleled degree ..." isn't the main goal yet.

1) Barbarian, 2) Paladin
I'll definitely study up on those sections. These two are probably going to join the Class options. They're pretty much "our guys." Ha!

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 7, 2023 11:16 am
Something Cowleyc said reminded me of a topic: Character Sheets.

ACKS provides a cool character sheet.

Does anyone have suggestions or instructions on how to best use specialized (obscure?) character sheet templates here on GP, in the form fillable electronic format that is part of the platform function?

(maybe I've seen a "custom game" character sheet option, but have never used it...)
Last edited March 7, 2023 11:17 am
Mar 7, 2023 11:18 am
There is a custom character sheet option and some people can build really amazing stuff with it (I can't). But it should definitely be possible to build that kind of layout in a custom sheet, whether you want to go fancy or not

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 7, 2023 11:29 am
bowlofspinach says:
There is a custom character sheet option and some people can build really amazing stuff with it (I can't). But it should definitely be possible to build that kind of layout in a custom sheet, whether you want to go fancy or not
Thanks, bowlofspinach. Outstanding - I'll have to figure that out.

I've seen your icon around the neighborhood in the past years when I was on GP. Never met you before, so I'm glad for a chance to say "hello" in intro (virtually). Hope you are doing well.

Have you played or managed any retro OSR games?
Last edited March 7, 2023 11:33 am

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 7, 2023 11:33 am
Retro Originals: Barbarian and Paladin.

Kind of cool. Kind of whack.
Last edited March 7, 2023 11:35 am
Mar 7, 2023 11:43 am
Okay, I built a very basic character sheet based on your image. Since I do not know the system at all, this might not be ideal for your purposes, but it's a starting point, I hope.
[ +- ] ACK System
Mar 7, 2023 11:45 am
DMJ says:
Thanks, bowlofspinach. Outstanding - I'll have to figure that out.

I've seen your icon around the neighborhood in the past years when I was on GP. Never met you before, so I'm glad for a chance to say "hello" in intro (virtually). Hope you are doing well.

Have you played or managed any retro OSR games?
Yes, I've been around for a bit, but our paths haven't really crossed, I think. I do remember seeing your name, though.

I don't really have much experience with OSR. I have played in an OSR based zombie game on here, though. I just don't really like the whole gritty fantasy aesthetic. I prefer playing games in a more modern day setting and with more of a social focus.
Mar 7, 2023 3:01 pm
As far as character sheets go, I tend to make my own for games and really enjoy diving into the auto-populating and aesthetics. I don't have time today, but soon.
Mar 8, 2023 5:11 am
I love pulp fantasy and old school gaming. Very interested! I have not played ACKS before but have heard a lot of praise for the system, so I am keen to give it a go.

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 8, 2023 1:29 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Okay, I built a very basic character sheet based on your image. Since I do not know the system at all, this might not be ideal for your purposes, but it's a starting point, I hope.

Wow! Bowlofspinach, thanks a million!
That's so very kind. I'm impressed how you apparently pulled that template together in such short time.
Dang! - I've got a lot to learn.

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 8, 2023 1:31 pm
bowlofspinach says:


I don't really have much experience with OSR. I have played in an OSR based zombie game on here, though. I just don't really like the whole gritty fantasy aesthetic. I prefer playing games in a more modern day setting and with more of a social focus.
Yes. Fair enough. I know it's a niche genre, enjoyed by some and not by others.

All the same, thanks again for your input here. It has been great, and I'm glad for the chance to talk with you. You're always welcome and feel free to connect with me if you need anything.

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 8, 2023 1:33 pm
cowleyc says:
As far as character sheets go, I tend to make my own for games and really enjoy diving into the auto-populating and aesthetics. I don't have time today, but soon.
Bro, that would be outstanding. No rush at all - any suggestions or tech expertise you have over time will be most well-received.

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 8, 2023 1:58 pm
Robago says:
I love pulp fantasy and old school gaming. Very interested! I have not played ACKS before but have heard a lot of praise for the system, so I am keen to give it a go.
Glad to hear it, Robago! Thanks for writing in.

Yeah, man - I've managed several different types of settings within the different versions of D7D, but the one sub-genre that I drift back to as the favorite in these recent years is the "Low Fantasy" retro pulp aesthetic. I'm sure I dig it for the nostalgia, but I do think it is a great baseline style on its own merit. Rarer, more mysterious magic (and sometimes creepier!) I think is a strong pillar that maintains understandable "normalcy" but still allows for fantastical events, scenes, and stories. The other part is the unapologetic strength, ruggedness, and bravado of some of the archetypal characters.

I mean sometimes it's just good to ask: What Would Conan Do? (WWCD) Amiright? Ha!

But seriously, yes - Robago, I hope you will join.

It's looking more like there is enough interest to say that the project is probably a "GO", but I want to keep this Interest Thread active and open longer to see if we make any more connections or generate more cool discussion.

Assuming we get enough people committed, I predict start time (including CharGen) would be late this month (March) after I take a bit of time to build the base game board structure and intro entries.

I'm looking forward to gaming again on GP with the Players' Club!
Last edited March 8, 2023 2:35 pm

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 8, 2023 2:04 pm
To anyone who is just seeing this thread for the first time, we're all still hanging out and talking - open to hear any ideas or interest for a possible new OSR game based on ACKS and the Auran Empire Setting.

Feel free to post here if you have any interest, comments, or questions.

Thanks, y'all.

Last edited March 8, 2023 2:24 pm
Mar 9, 2023 5:33 pm
Iterating on bowlofspinach's character sheet. (WIP, very ugly right now... Just getting to understand the bbcode)
[ +- ] ACK System

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 10, 2023 1:27 am
CB - thanks, man! Looking great so far. I'll defer to this high tech-competency Players' Club on character sheets in the end.

These form-fillable versions that you and/or Cowleyc develop would be great. If there is anything that is a bridge too far, I'm fine with everyone doing manual sheets and just save them in imagery somewhere that we identify on one of the reference boards.

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 10, 2023 2:04 am
Late-stage Empyrium...
Last edited March 10, 2023 2:08 am

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 10, 2023 2:07 am
Barbarians, heathenry, and monsters...
Last edited March 10, 2023 2:11 am
Mar 10, 2023 2:34 am
J, how do you feel about us rolling some dice for stats to start getting a sense of the party and characters? Not saying we'd declare anything, but having some stats will help guide what part of the ruleset I ingest first.

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 10, 2023 2:47 am
Constablebrew says:
J, how do you feel about us rolling some dice for stats to start getting a sense of the party and characters? Not saying we'd declare anything, but having some stats will help guide what part of the ruleset I ingest first.
Yeah that's a good idea, CB.

If we're a "GO" on this project, I need to publish the final method of rolling stats.

Up front, CharGen will be OLD SCHOOL.

We have to recover the Old Ways, Players' Club: when character rolling was a nerve-wracking event, but at the same time, Ability Scores weren't the end-all destiny of the upcoming PC!

Throwing dice will be required -
down the line, in order - from STR to CHA.
Will probably allow one position swap (change position/Ability of a pair of rolls).

I'll stop there for now, more to follow,

I'll frame up a base development board tomorrow and get at least a workspace going for ROLL CHARACTERS!!!

Let's GO! (...tomorrow)
Last edited March 10, 2023 3:21 am
Mar 10, 2023 4:08 am
DMJ says:
Constablebrew says:
J, how do you feel about us rolling some dice for stats to start getting a sense of the party and characters? Not saying we'd declare anything, but having some stats will help guide what part of the ruleset I ingest first.
Yeah that's a good idea, CB.

If we're a "GO" on this project, I need to publish the final method of rolling stats.

Up front, CharGen will be OLD SCHOOL.

We have to recover the Old Ways, Players' Club: when character rolling was a nerve-wracking event, but at the same time, Ability Scores weren't the end-all destiny of the upcoming PC!

Throwing dice will be required -
down the line, in order - from STR to CHA.
Will probably allow one position swap (change position/Ability of a pair of rolls).

I'll stop there for now, more to follow,

I'll frame up a base development board tomorrow and get at least a workspace going for ROLL CHARACTERS!!!

Let's GO! (...tomorrow)
Perfect! Rolling straight down the line dictates a lot about character options. I expected we would do that, so I didn't want to come up with any character ideas until I had the basic stats in front of me.


Mar 10, 2023 6:22 am
DMJ says:
Throwing dice will be required - down the line, in order - from STR to CHA. Will probably allow one position swap (change position/Ability of a pair of rolls).
Mar 10, 2023 3:36 pm

Is this game open to newbies? I have limited experience with pbp, but I am fan of RPGs. I am also open to learning new systems!

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 10, 2023 6:18 pm
Duke_of_Nothingburg says:

Is this game open to newbies? I have limited experience with pbp, but I am fan of RPGs. I am also open to learning new systems!
Duke, yes - new PBP Players are potential candidates here for sure.

I'll catch up with you by DM to hear your take on things and goals for PBP intro. Let's see if this is something you would like and be willing to support. More to follow by separate comms. Thanks for writing in!
Last edited March 10, 2023 6:18 pm

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 10, 2023 6:21 pm
Alright, Players' Club ... I think this project is credible enough to move to a next phase of development and trial at least.

I framed out a few base CharGen boards and an Admin thread.

Invites outgoing.

Let's go retro - see what happens.


Last edited March 10, 2023 6:40 pm
Mar 10, 2023 10:07 pm
Okay. So I've been lurking this thread for a while now. I must admit I haven't played a lot of Old School since my early beginnings into RPGs. I'd like to join in for the nostalgia and the camaraderie I am seeing here so far.

DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 11, 2023 10:52 pm
RageRed says:
Okay. So I've been lurking this thread for a while now. I must admit I haven't played a lot of Old School since my early beginnings into RPGs. I'd like to join in for the nostalgia and the camaraderie I am seeing here so far.
Hello, Red. You had me at "lurking" and "camaraderie". You're def getting an invite.

Catch up with us on the game boards! It's already BANGIN' over there.


DMJInactive for 29 days

Mar 14, 2023 1:29 pm
Thanks to everyone who read and posted up on this thread.

I'm going to leave this Interest Check behind as we've moved over to our game development boards on Ascendant. The Players' Club is crushing it with amazing old-school Characters in design phase.

Happy gaming to the GP community. Stay at it.


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