Robago says:
I love pulp fantasy and old school gaming. Very interested! I have not played ACKS before but have heard a lot of praise for the system, so I am keen to give it a go.
Glad to hear it, Robago! Thanks for writing in.
Yeah, man - I've managed several different types of settings within the different versions of D7D, but the one sub-genre that I drift back to as the favorite in these recent years is the "Low Fantasy" retro pulp aesthetic. I'm sure I dig it for the nostalgia, but I do think it is a great baseline style on its own merit. Rarer, more mysterious magic (and sometimes creepier!) I think is a strong pillar that maintains understandable "normalcy" but still allows for fantastical events, scenes, and stories. The other part is the unapologetic strength, ruggedness, and bravado of some of the archetypal characters.
I mean sometimes it's just good to ask: What Would Conan Do? (WWCD) Amiright? Ha!
But seriously, yes - Robago, I hope you will join.
It's looking more like there is enough interest to say that the project is probably a "GO", but I want to keep this Interest Thread active and open longer to see if we make any more connections or generate more cool discussion.
Assuming we get enough people committed, I predict start time (including CharGen) would be late this month (March) after I take a bit of time to build the base game board structure and intro entries.
I'm looking forward to gaming again on GP with the Players' Club!
Last edited Mar 8, 2023 2:35 pm