[Recruitment] Werewolf: Post Apocolypse

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ClosedWerewolf 20th AnniversaryPublic1 / dayAlordis
For centuries, millennia, Garou have guarded against the coming of the Apocalypse, the end of the world of Gaia and Garou, of Wyld, Wyrm, and Weaver. Twenty years ago, the Apocalypse happened. It was over—the Garou had failed, and the world ended.
But then the world went on. Different, changed, but still extant. The Garou had lost much in the Apocalypse- many casualties, whole septs, cairns, and tribes slain, places of old power devastated. More than that, our networks were shattered, the old powers stopped working. Magic
was lost to our kind. Many more despaired at this, and, without a purpose, without power, the Garau disbanded. The spirits would not answer our calls, our gifts were stripped, and we were trapped even in our breed forms, unable to shift. No new cubs were born or found. No Rites of
Passage succeeded, or even attempted, for there were none to take them.

Years passed.

Gaia healed.

First we found we could shift again. Then the spirits began to answer our calls, and our gifts began once more to work. Finally, some brave travelers pierced the veil and departed into the Umbra, finding it much changed and far more dangerous than even it was before.
Still no new Garou underwent the Rites of Passage.
Twenty years, and the youngest of the Garou had come of age before that time.

Until now.

Mar 4, 2023 7:48 pm
Link to game intro doc:Werewolf Post Apocolypse
[ +- ] Game Pitch
Game System: Will be using Werewolf the Apocalypse 20 Anniversary Edition
The Pitch: You will be taking on the role of the first generation of new werewolves in the past 20 years at the Cumberland Falls Sept.
Adult Material: In a werewolf game there will inevitably be blood, but sex we will keep "off screen"/implied and other adult themes we will not go into (Werewolves shouldn't be torturing the way vampires might, for instance)
Character Restrictions: See the linked document; some backgrounds are restricted and there will be no Metis, and Lupus will be restricted to only Ragabash Auspice.
Game Duration & Post Frequency: On going, and daily post expectations.
How to Apply: Just post a paragraph description of your character you want including breed, auspice, tribe, and where you plan to go with them-- remember you are starting either as a teenage homid or a 2 year old lupus so your character should reflect much more dreams/hopes/wants and much less previous experience/knowledge/history.

This game will be open to all-- I'll take as many players as are interested in playing and if it gets to be too many split into two separate packs that will filter out into separate games (but exist in a shared environment with crossover possibility).

Want to have an idea whose in by Tuesday and start gameplay with completed characters by Wednesday, but will definitely consider adding any more players after we start if need be.

Also, please forgive the typos in my document-- I saw them when I looked it over but I don't have the original word doc to edit it anymore unfortunately.
Mar 5, 2023 4:11 am
I'd like a place at the table, please.
Mar 5, 2023 5:00 am
Just chiming in to say there should be a Werewolf game set in Mexico called "Werewolf: Post Acapulcolypse."
Mar 5, 2023 8:45 pm
I am trying to find an old fetish before I pitch a character... I had a concept I wanted to try, but if I can't find one of the pieces to the puzzle I'm not so sure...
Mar 5, 2023 8:49 pm
@Phil_Ozzy_Fer tracking; any ideas on what you want to play?

@nezzeraj lol- next time I promise

@MaJunior-- what was it you were looking for? Most common sources are Hammer & Klaive or else tribe books for the less common ones.

Also-- I'm working on the character sheet for this. Started with the Vampire 20th Anniversary one and have modified it, but I don't know how to share it as a character sheet? Does anyone know the code for that?
Last edited March 5, 2023 8:50 pm
Mar 5, 2023 8:53 pm
[charsheet="Werewolf 20th Anniversary"]Character Sheet Stuff goes in here[/charsheet]
Mar 5, 2023 8:57 pm
This is going to sound ridiculously vague. 😂

I remember an entry for a talen that was bullets, and the bullets hit harder than normal. (I almost want to say they were akin to fang daggers, but this was years ago.) As part of the same write up, it mentioned that some Werewolves had managed to enchant the gun to do the same thing, instead of the bullets, but that version was a rare fetish.

Since the idea was to run a luck-based character (think Han Solo, but also Chewie in one character), the plan was for that pistol to be the "heavy blaster."
Last edited March 5, 2023 8:57 pm
Mar 5, 2023 9:12 pm
[ +- ] Werewolf 20th Anniversary
Mar 5, 2023 9:14 pm
I'll double check the source, but in general something that technological wouldn't be able to be made into a fetish-- would have to be a Glass Walkers talens if there is one.

In ye olde days the way we always "cheated" to get to those was to use a Sorcerer Alchemy path ability to make them, but that gets into some hefty mixing of system books and is outside the purview of starting levels for sure.

Edit: Well, I found the Pistol version-- "Fogg's 9MM" in the Glass Walkers tribe book, but the catch-- it's a rank 6 fetish.

Edit: and I found it-- Hammer & Klaive
[ +- ] The Slug
there is also a level 3 pistol in there.
Last edited March 5, 2023 9:39 pm
Mar 5, 2023 9:47 pm
Except, I don't think it was Glasswalkers. I remember it being squirreled away somewhere odd. I almost wonder if it was a sidebar somewhere.
Mar 5, 2023 10:45 pm
Another oWoD game? You spoil us Alordis! Luckily for me Werewolf is the other oWoD game I happen to have the 20th anniversary book for. It was collecting dust next to my Vampire one. ^^

I would be interested in playing a 15-year old tomboy with a massive chip on her shoulder. She has quite some issues with the whole idea of Werewolves being a: real and b: out there killing people for some Greenpeace-on-steroids bullshit. Sadly for everyone involved (including herself) she's an Ahroun. There's no way she can go back to live among the humans (too much Rage) but at the same time she's not just going to fold into Garou society with all its elders telling her what to do. The whole 'code of honor' thing also doesn't connect with her. She spent too much time in Juvie and foster homes to live by anyone's rules but her own.

This little bundle of joy probably got thrust into the care of the Sept's Ahroun who get the thankful job of educating her while keeping her in line. By breaking her legs if need be. That way they at least drilled the basics into her.

As a final act of spite she became a Bone Gnawer, even though she likely is of Get heritage. At least the Gnawers don't have that cultist vibe about them.

Theme song: Rage Against the Machine - Killing In The Name.
Last edited March 5, 2023 10:48 pm
Mar 6, 2023 7:12 am
My concept is a 16 year old who had previously been kicked out of home. An Ahroun who feels at home in the bone gnawrers she... *looks at Khulod's character*. Oh.

So back to the drawing board :p. Great minds and all that.

Edit: Looking at a Fianna Theurge, trying to juggle looking after siblings with the new revelation of being kinfolk and the pack. Will try and do a proper write up at lunch.
Last edited March 6, 2023 8:49 am
Mar 6, 2023 3:33 pm
Yeah, you found it! I was sure it wasn't a Glasswalker tribe book. Lol

So the idea would be a Homid Fianna Ragabash, sporting a heavy pistol. I'm thinking street kid, generally has a good heart but is willing to do shady things to get jobs done. (Which might explain where he got the fetish... I'm thinking he probably stole it. Although whether that was from a museum, a vampire's haven, or another shifter is up for debate.) Leaning more towards sneaky and social for the build.
Mar 6, 2023 3:41 pm
*Gentle patting of LoM*
Mar 6, 2023 4:54 pm
I'm considering a Galliard Stargazer, maybe in their 30s, investigating a mystery (can be unrelated to the game we signed up for). Perhaps pretending to be a migrant worker.

How does that sound?
Mar 6, 2023 6:41 pm
Yeah sorry @Phil_Ozzy_Fer - this game calls for everyone to have just gone through their first change 2 months ago.

The big "pitch" is that the apocalypse happened in 2000 and that then for 2 years there were no new werewolves changing until now and we will be forming a pack from the newly changed first group of young were wolves
Mar 6, 2023 9:51 pm
Khulod says:
*Gentle patting of LoM*
I just found it hilarious we both had near identical concepts, though mine was going to be more wary/cold fury than your ball of rage.

So there seems to be a few street kids etc, so going to alter concept:

A daughter of a long line of kinsfolk and Garou who had been undergoing increased expectations to shift as her older siblings and cousins failed. Entered the Silver Tooth's with little choice, she is a Theurge who tries to balance family expectations of being a leader and perfect with fitting in with the pack and being herself.
Last edited March 6, 2023 9:51 pm
Mar 6, 2023 9:57 pm
So, I'm tracking currently--

MaJunior-- Fianna Ragabash
LightOfMidnight-- Silver Fang Theurge
Khulod-- Bone Gnawer Ahroun
Phil_Ozzy_Fer-- Stargazer

Anyone that I missed? Still have room for more, but I will build a game and send out invites tonight.

Also- it's funny that not one but two people's first concept was Bone Gnawer Ahroun, since I actually played just that character to rank 5 myself.
Last edited March 6, 2023 9:59 pm
Mar 10, 2023 3:10 pm

Is this game open to newbies? I have limited experience with pbp, but a fan of RPGs. I also am not familiar with this game system, but I am open to learn!
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