We have 3 new NPCs: the half-elf cook, captain Harkin and the night watchman
After the rough start, you start to get used to the sea as the two-masted ship sails without any incident. That is, without any
other incident. Fizel, having previous experience sailing, quickly becomes comfortable enough to walk around, quickly meeting the captain, who he slowly gets to respect due to his practical, yet fair, approach to solving the daily problems onboard. Sometimes, he can even be seen taking the icebreaking duty, replacing the captain's "missing" night-shift.
Agna struggled the most, being used to the far more stable footing of the mountains. Altough she quickly found that the sea rations are little more than boiled potatoes and egg, old beer and biscuits far too hard to eat, something that was even worse than the sea itself for the orc. The half-elf cook excused himself with the deadly cold, which prevented them from taking more than a couple of poultry, and the lack of proper vegetables in the cold north. The fight between the two grew almost to mutiny level, but the crew mostly enjoyed the resulting improvements to the food, so no one did much about it, simply hoping both would survive the trip.
Izuhn, on the other hand, even though a dwarf, surprised everyone by feeling the most at home. He could be spotted out on the deck every cloudless night or even volunteering to watch duty up in the crow's nest, having not trouble mixing with the crew. If you didn't know better, it would almost seem that the dwarf was in an elven trance as he marveled at the endless moonlit sky. The strange feeling of being called north grew strong with each night, as if his return was promised in the stars.
Well, since you did watch duty, why not give me a search roll RAAMtentacles before I move to the "fated dinner"?