Interest-DND 5e from level 0 to 20

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Mar 13, 2023 2:08 am
All of those names mean nothing to me. The idea of watching people play D&D is the same as watching people play video games -- it's f'ing weird to me.

I know some people are into that, but it honestly makes no sense to me. 🤷 If you did it though, more power to you. But I digress...

@GreyWord had a solid idea to address the PbP time investment... level jumps and time skips each chapter. That's a good take.
Last edited March 13, 2023 2:09 am
Mar 13, 2023 2:49 am
I can see doing this with D&D fairly easily.
so start out as a character age 7, with all the stats as normal but those are 1/2 vs an adult so strength 18 vs another kid but in the real world it's a 9 when compared to an adult.
maybe 1/4,1/2,3/4 like the dice thing below.

Then all atk rolls are 1d20+modifier-(15- age) so say you're 9 with a +3 = 1d20+3-6

damage is say (1d8+3)*(age/15) the roller can't handle that should be about 7 max
there's probably a way to make a dice rule to make all rolls 50% to 33% smaller but I don't know
9/15 should be 0.6 but it looks like / or * just add numbers
So maybe just cut the damage die in 1/4 to 4, 1/2 to 9 3/4 to 14 then full damage from 15 on

1d4 becomes
1d1 from 0-4
1d2 from 5 to 9
1d3 from 10 to 14
1d4 from 15 to death
Last edited March 13, 2023 3:07 am


atk - (1d20+3-6)

(19) - 3 = 16

atk roll test for neg - (20d20l1-6)

(157345526161811191916594111018) - 6 = -4

damage should be d4 - (1d2+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

math - (9/15)

() + 24 = 24

maths - (3*2)

() + 5 = 5

Mar 13, 2023 3:10 am
Anyway, I'd be willing to join in and work through it with you.
Mar 13, 2023 4:17 am
Yeah I would love to play this as a player but if not I could try dming a game like this for 3-4 players if anyone is interested in playing from level 0-1 for playing out your characters backstory and childhood until your characters come at age at level 1 and go from there.

We could figure out how to do stats and what everyone is interested in playing and things like that. Just let me know. I'm a rules as cool and rules as written dm so I'm flexible and open to ideas.

I know the way they did stats was they rolled either 4d6 drop the lowest or 3d6 for stats but we can do point buy if ya'll want to do that or standard array.

And Eyes that sounds awesome if you want to come in and play and help me out with that.
Mar 13, 2023 9:27 am
I believe a lot of people would love to play a long game, I am one of those. A game making it all the way from 0 to 20 would be an epic in itself, a worthy of a lifetime award (probably take one lol).

The biggest challenge is finding a DM with the energy and stamina to keep things interesting and fresh for that length of time.
Mar 13, 2023 1:12 pm
Be very clear in what you want to achieve.
Playing some D&D game from 1st to 20th level? - That is a mechanical achievement
Playing a story from zero to hero? - That is a story achievement
Mar 13, 2023 1:25 pm
I would love to do a zero to hero dnd 5e game from level 0 to 20. If anyone is interested, I can try running a game like this, just let me know.

And the characters could meet each other as childhood friends or are siblings but its totally up to the players how they want to be connected to each other and how they meet each other via playing out their backstory as children until they come of age as adults.
Last edited March 13, 2023 1:29 pm
Mar 13, 2023 5:59 pm
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:
I would love to do a zero to hero dnd 5e game from level 0 to 20. If anyone is interested, I can try running a game like this, just let me know.
I surely would be interested. I like the idea of playing the backstory and then becoming big heroes.
All the way to 20 sounds like a big, fun challenge. But the story behind it really appeals.
Mar 13, 2023 6:11 pm
Bubbles uses a system of starting without any proficiencies and tracking any rolls made. Each roll was accompanied by a d8 and it's result was added to your skill proficiency %. Racial skills progressed at double rate. We had around 4 active sessions/scenes. In between sessions your get a pool of dice, ex 6d8, to add to your skill progression.
Mar 13, 2023 7:41 pm
Count me In, love to take that for a ride!
Mar 13, 2023 7:55 pm
So Eyes, Svende, and Basil. Do y'all want to join me? Let me know. I can set a game up to invite you guys to and set up a Session 0 character creation/game idea thread for ideas on how we can do this and character creation and what type of game you guys would like to do. I will take 3-4 players for this but if y'all are just happy with just you three, let me know.

Also would y'all like to do point buy, standard array, or roll for stats? Let me know.

The game is called Project Zero to Hero right now.
Mar 13, 2023 8:17 pm
Made a recruitment thread if you guys want to join up Basil, Eyes and Svande
Mar 13, 2023 8:18 pm
Yippee! I have a character concept ready to roll!
Mar 13, 2023 8:21 pm
Sent out the invites. Please post in session Zero when you guys accept and let me know what you all are thinking about. Thanks.
Mar 13, 2023 8:24 pm
Let me know when you accepted and I'll close applications and if you guys want this is to be a public game, let me know
Mar 14, 2023 3:15 am
Already full? Or one more space available? I would like to join.
Mar 14, 2023 3:19 am
Sent an invite Seck. Once you accept, I'll be closing applications
Mar 14, 2023 3:27 am
Applications are now closed, thanks for your interest. Got my 4 players now.

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