Session Zero Character Creation/ideas

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Mar 13, 2023 8:18 pm
This is where we will discuss character creation, game ideas and more.
Mar 13, 2023 8:37 pm
So how do you guys want to do stats and levelling and stuff for this game? Let me know.
Mar 13, 2023 8:59 pm
What character concepts is everyone thinking about? Just curious
Mar 13, 2023 9:09 pm
Im thinking of a "nerd". Very bright always into books and stories maybe a bit awkward and NOT a caster.
Mar 13, 2023 9:17 pm
Although since the story is about the evolution throughout their lives this could change. For instnce a innocent bookworm turned hard after tragedy.
Mar 13, 2023 9:36 pm
That sounds cool . So maybe a young booksmart boy that becomes a hardened fighter, monk, or barbarian warrior man depending on what happens to shape your character like some sort of tragedy like the loss of family or whatever.
Mar 13, 2023 9:39 pm
Hey all! This looks like a lot of fun.

My idea here was eventually going Warlock and have a background moment when meeting the patron (which could be anything but if we start as youths I think Archfey would be great trope style scenes).

I am thinking a half-elf girl who is having her basic struggles of being between races and grows into someone special through her patron who she meets at one point.
Last edited March 13, 2023 9:40 pm
Mar 13, 2023 9:41 pm
I think it would be cool if we had a common thread....Orphanage, parents worked at the castle, Siblings....etc..
Mar 13, 2023 9:43 pm
@Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 I was thinking about, maybe literate but too poor or didnt have access to books....soooo he had to acquire them somehow :)
Mar 13, 2023 10:22 pm
So he borrowed them from a travelling cart? That would be ok. There are travelling libraries around.
Mar 13, 2023 10:25 pm
Btw how would you guys like to do stats: point buy, standard array or roll for it?

And for levelling up do y'all want to do XP or milestone leveling?

Let me know.

And you guys could be childhood friends. You all grew up together as children if you want to do that
Mar 13, 2023 10:34 pm
Wherever there were books, maybe the homes of the wealthy, or a church. As far a leveling goes im thinking growing from childhood should probably be milestone, but your guess is a good as mine.

Im thinking each tier of play would have several major events...then long downtime...flash forward 5 years...etc..
You can even do flash backs.....A character says, "hey remember that time back in...." And the scene goes back 20 years and you play the younger you... that would be interesting.

An interesting way to end each tier would be a flash forward RP scene...the pcs are all old and gray reminicing around a warm fire talking about the and joking about the the last adventure.
Last edited March 13, 2023 10:37 pm
Mar 13, 2023 10:35 pm
I am fine with any method for stats.
I do prefer milestone leveling, but that is certainly no dealbreaker for me.
Mar 13, 2023 10:36 pm
Basil says:

Im thinking each tier of play would have several major events...then long downtime...flash forward 5 years...etc..
You can even do flash backs.....A character says, "hey remember that time back in...." And the scene goes back 20 years and you play the younger you... that would be interesting
That would be complicated but really great. Running as kids and adventurers.
Mar 13, 2023 11:26 pm
I could try doing milestone leveling. I've just never done that before as a dm.

And how about 27 point buy for stats?

As you guys are level 0 characters, I say take 1 skill proficiency, 1 language of your choice with common and 1 simple weapon proficiency and if you are wanting to be a spellcaster, 1 cantrip and level 1 spell you prepare each day. As you get your class features and abilities at level 1, you can take what that is too. Also at level 0, take 1 tools proficiency of your choice.

How do y'all want to do hp at level 0 too? Just curious.

As for backgrounds, you can take any regular backgrounds or we can create one together, up to you.

And I want the game prologue to be you guys playing out your characters backstory as children until you come of age as adults from level 0 to level 1
Then chapter 1 will be the main game from level 1 and on.

And the church would have books and there would be a traveling library cart too.

But what age would your characters want to start their childhood at? Just curious and what class are you thinking of becoming once you hit level 1 and what race are you? Just curious
Let me know your character concept and backstory cuz I want to be a part of the character creation process. You also let me know where your home is and stuff too.

But I think y'all meeting up as childhood friends would be pretty cool
Mar 13, 2023 11:31 pm
Svande your character sounds awesome too. So we have a Warlock, Basils Fighter based character and whoever Eyes wants to be.

And what are their names too? Just curious.
Mar 13, 2023 11:33 pm
Also do you guys want our game forum to be public or private? Just curious.
Mar 13, 2023 11:36 pm
@Eyes What character concept are you thinking about? Just curious.
Mar 13, 2023 11:36 pm
ages...young enough to be bullied by the "big kids"
Mar 13, 2023 11:37 pm
So like Age 5-12 for your childhood age then? Cuz big kids are like 13-17.
Mar 13, 2023 11:38 pm
It also depends on what race you guys are too.
Mar 13, 2023 11:38 pm
sounds bought right
Mar 13, 2023 11:39 pm
true that! Im gonna go with vanilla variant human - take a feat at 1st level
Mar 13, 2023 11:45 pm
Ok cool.

Let me ask some questions to help get your characters created?
1. Whats your characters name, How old is your character and do they live with their parents, close relatives, orphanage, alone in a cottage, has a maternal Grandmother or Grandfather or elderly Uncle they live with, etc?
2. If a tragedy happened to your character like say your Guardians were taken away from you or were killed due to fighting or helping out in a war, or trying to protect you from a dark entity or you were captured by slavers of a different race or you fell into a portal to a different realm, what would you do?
3. What made you decide to go the way of the fighter, the way of the arcane arts? What major event in your life from childhood to becoming of age shaped you into the person you are today?
4. Upon meeting each other, who is your best friend in the group and would you protect and die for each other and would you sacrifice yourself to help /save others?
Mar 13, 2023 11:54 pm
I shall work on my character more tomorrow. Getting late for tonight now.

But I am basically thinking a girl who lives with her witchy grandmother and is an Archfey Warlock.
Probably human suits this better than my first idea of Warlock.

Will get into the details ASAP.

Also @Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 , would you mind if we'd be able to use the custom character sheets?
Mar 14, 2023 1:08 am
Awesome and yeah I can add the custom character sheets too. Only added the dnd 5e sheets tho.

But sounds awesome
Mar 14, 2023 1:09 am
Added custom character sheets with the dnd 5e sheets to the game
Mar 14, 2023 1:29 am
So we have a Warlock, a booksmart bookworm fighter type character and whatever Eyes is going to be.

But I love the Grandmother witch in the cottage idea Svande . Definitely gives Hayao miyazaki vibes and she will probably be the protector of her village as witches like in Kikkis delivery service go to find a town or village to help out and protect when they turn 16. Maybe the village you stay at with your Grandmother is the gateway between the Fey Wilds, the Human realm and the realm of Otherworldly beings and spirits.

Btw, do you guys want our game forum public or private? Just curious.
Mar 14, 2023 3:25 am
Btw got one more person joining us and that's it. So welcome Seck ! Hope you have fun with us and looking forward to seeing your character concept.
Mar 14, 2023 3:31 am
Hello everyone! This is pretty exciting. I'm happy I could get in. Thanks!
Mar 14, 2023 3:32 am
Hey Seck! I'm excited too and no problem. What character are you thinking about playing? Just curious.
Mar 14, 2023 3:38 am
I'm not sure exactly yet about my character, but I would love for it to lead to an artificer class. Perhaps he is an orphan who comes to know some eccentric tinkerer/inventor. Be fun to be a halfling, gnome or something, but perhaps just a human boy would be better. What do you think?
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:
Ok cool.

Let me ask some questions to help get your characters created?
1. Whats your characters name, How old is your character and do they live with their parents, close relatives, orphanage, alone in a cottage, has a maternal Grandmother or Grandfather or elderly Uncle they live with, etc?
2. If a tragedy happened to your character like say your Guardians were taken away from you or were killed due to fighting or helping out in a war, or trying to protect you from a dark entity or you were captured by slavers of a different race or you fell into a portal to a different realm, what would you do?
3. What made you decide to go the way of the fighter, the way of the arcane arts? What major event in your life from childhood to becoming of age shaped you into the person you are today?
4. Upon meeting each other, who is your best friend in the group and would you protect and die for each other and would you sacrifice yourself to help /save others?
I'm gonna think up some answers to all these questions.

I'm not picky about the leveling system we use or any of the game mechanics. Whatever you would like Amber is fine with me.

I would say I would be 10 years old to start.

I think if we can come up with how we all know each other, that will help me flesh out my character concept.

So...all have so far is a human orphan who meets an eccentric tinkerer who inspires the boy on a path that leads to the artificer class.
Last edited March 14, 2023 3:46 am
Mar 14, 2023 3:40 am
Hi, thanks for the invite.
I'm thinking 8 to 12 yr old wood elf. He's a street urchin pickpocket, petty theif, living alone, sleeping at a guild hangout. Usually acting as lookout and runner for the blue scale guild.

1. How old is your character and do they live with their parents, close relatives, orphanage, alone in a cottage, has a maternal Grandmother or Grandfather or elderly Uncle they live with, etc?
Living in the guild house or sleeping wherever he can. The guild leader, Tolraq; she knows he's homeless and tosses him a silver now and again.

2. If a tragedy happened to your character like say your Guardians were taken away from you or were killed due to fighting or helping out in a war, or trying to protect you from a dark entity or you were captured by slavers of a different race or you fell into a portal to a different realm, what would you do? I'd be on my own to escape or make myself valuable enough to be kept alive.

3. What made you decide to go the way of the fighter, the way of the arcane arts? What major event in your life from childhood to becoming of age shaped you into the person you are today?

Homeless and abandoned not sure what happened, I went to sleep one night and woke up alone.

4. Upon meeting each other, who is your best friend in the group and would you protect and die for each other and would you sacrifice yourself to help /save others?

My best friend would be the one that's nicest. And I wouldn't intentionally die for another but I'd try to help. I know what it's like to be alone.
Last edited March 14, 2023 3:42 am
Mar 14, 2023 3:56 am
Seck says:
So...all have so far is a human orphan who meets an eccentric tinkerer who inspires the boy on a path that leads to the artificer class.
That's funny, it was my first thought too but decided homeless future theif was a better fit for me to be able to fit into anyone's story.
Mar 14, 2023 4:02 am
Eyes says:
Seck says:
So...all have so far is a human orphan who meets an eccentric tinkerer who inspires the boy on a path that leads to the artificer class.
That's funny, it was my first thought too but decided homeless future theif was a better fit for me to be able to fit into anyone's story.
That is pretty funny. But perfect! Surely a 10-year-old human orphan and a 12-year-old homeless wood elf, running for the guild, will have opportunities to come in contact and befriend each other.
Mar 14, 2023 4:46 am
I would love for all of you to meet and become childhood friends.

I know Sayndes character is a Little human or half-elf girl living with a Grandmother witch in a cottage in the woods so that definitely gives me like Hayao miyazaki vibes while Basils character is a booksmart human boy who is going to be a fighter or melee character of some kind .

And yeah if you all met up and became childhood friends that would be awesome.

Just can't wait to find out the names of your characters and more.

Maybe you all know of the Witch in the woods that is at the borders of the Fae wilds, and the human realm and the realm of Otherworldly beings and Spirits where Sayndes character lives at who is her Grandmother named Grandmother Sophie. She helps out those in need and protects those who needs protection too.
Mar 14, 2023 4:51 am
So we'll have the Fighter, the Warlock, the Thief and the Tinkerer. That sounds like a pretty cool Zero to hero dnd 5e story to me.
Mar 14, 2023 5:30 am
Hit points and leveling
Level - since everyone is looking at around 10 yrs old avg, lets say it's like level 00 to 0 to 1
HP - use normal hp progression lvl 1 to 3 but 00=1die and 0=1.5 die, them at 1 you go to 1 die again but you're a full adult
lvl 00 1 hit die ex. 1d8 =8 no modifiers
lvl 0 1,5 hd ex 1d8+4 =12 no modifiers
lvl 1 1 hit die 1d8 + Con modifier

Damage -
Level Adult v kid kid v adult
00 +6 -4
0 +3 -2
1 normal

so if i get 1d8 per level
00 means i get hit by an adult fist for 1dmg it costs me 7hp but if i fight another kid, they do 1 dmg
at level 0 that same punch does 4 damage but I've got 12 kid Hit Points
Last edited March 14, 2023 5:57 am
Mar 14, 2023 1:28 pm
That sounds cool for hp Eyes.

The attack damage dice thing you mentioned, do y'all still want to do that? Just curious.

can see doing this with D&D fairly easily.
so start out as a character age 7, with all the stats as normal but those are 1/2 vs an adult so strength 18 vs another kid but in the real world it's a 9 when compared to an adult.
maybe 1/4,1/2,3/4 like the dice thing below.

Then all atk rolls are 1d20+modifier-(15- age) so say you're 9 with a +3 = 1d20+3-6

damage is say (1d8+3)*(age/15) the roller can't handle that should be about 7 max
there's probably a way to make a dice rule to make all rolls 50% to 33% smaller but I don't know
9/15 should be 0.6 but it looks like / or * just add numbers
So maybe just cut the damage die in 1/4 to 4, 1/2 to 9 3/4 to 14 then full damage from 15 on

1d4 becomes
1d1 from 0-4
1d2 from 5 to 9
1d3 from 10 to 14
1d4 from 15 to death

I'm not good with math but if the players ages are in between the 5-12 range it'll work out. If you guys want to use this.

Also what is the name of the city you live in those of you who live in the city (Seck, Eyes, and Basil) since you all live in the city and Sayndes character lives in the woods outside of the city which is a days travel to get there.
Mar 14, 2023 1:33 pm
So far we have:
27 point buy for stats
Milestone leveling
Eyes hp suggestion
Damage dice for attacks suggestion
Everyone takes what I mentioned earlier with the 1 skill prof, 1 language, 1 simple weapon proficiency and 1 tools proficiency.
Backgrounds: Don't know yet
Race: All human I think
Classes: Warlock, a melee character, Artificer and thief rogue
Backstories-being worked on
Names of place of origin-being worked on

Am I forgetting anything so far? Just curious

Also what would you guys like to see and incorporate into the game too? Let me know
Mar 14, 2023 1:55 pm
I was going to go for the rogue type as well, but more of the brainy schemer... Since there is another rogue we could be part of the same guild. Has anyone ever read the Gentleman Bastard series of books? In a nutshell its a story about a group of thieves that trained together from childhood. Not to be common theives but the best. Trained by a Cleric of the god of thieves. Book covers their adventures as adults with flashbacks of their childhood. Probably the best Audible book series ive listened too.
Last edited March 14, 2023 2:03 pm
Mar 14, 2023 2:03 pm
Those mechanics sound fine to me.

I’m gonna work out more details about my character today. I think it will have something to do with living in an orphanage run by a Baroness (who is exhaled from her home land). There is an eerie cat that lives there that seems to always be watching the children. It turns out that the cat is the familiar of a goblin warlock who is the adviser of a goblin king.

The orphan grounds are maintained by an eccentric old fellow who also has a tinkering workshop. He dabbles in magic himself and is interested in the artificer discipline. My character befriends him and spends much time with him in his workshop.

The old tinkerer comes to discover that the baroness has been turning children over to the goblin king and that the cat has been advising which children are the next candidate. The tinkerer warns my character and helps him escape the orphanage. The old man faces the baroness in a heated escape scene. The boy sees the old man get killed by the baroness just as he narrowly escapes.

He wanders the city for a short while alone and homeless, sleeping in gutters and alleys. He eventually is found by a young half-elf (Eyes…if it makes sense) who is also homeless but knows the ropes of the city. The half-elf helps the human boy.

Perhaps the fighter through reading something has heard of this Warlock in the woods that can help us with answers. When the three city dwellers get to know each other they risk venturing into the woods together and get ensnared in some sort of trap that Svande’s character saves them from???????
Mar 14, 2023 2:05 pm
Ha! The baroness was exiled from her homeland not exhaled (unless she lived in a whale or something 😂) she obviously isn’t a very nice person.
Mar 14, 2023 2:15 pm
Basil says:
I was going to go for the rogue type as well, but more of the brainy schemer... Since there is another rogue we could be part of the same guild. Has anyone ever read the Gentleman Bastard series of books? In a nutshell its a story about a group of thieves that trained together from childhood. Not to be common theives but the best. Trained by a Cleric of the god of thieves. Book covers their adventures as adults with flashbacks of their childhood. Probably the best Audible book series ive listened too.
So you and Eyes character are from the same guild? Nice. If ya’ll are into that idea about how we all meet then the half-elf could introduce me to you. And you have read something about warlocks and have heard about there being a helpful one in the woods and believe she could help us find out what the goblin warlock is doing with the kids from the orphanage. So we decide to venture into the woods when Svande finds us caught in some kind of (maybe…hunter’s net or hanging upside from a rope) trap while out finding spell components for her grandmother. She saves us from the trap.
Last edited March 14, 2023 2:16 pm
Mar 14, 2023 2:23 pm
Perhaps, or we could do what kids do...throw rocks and run from creepy old people in the woods until we got to know them....maybe one of us was injured running away and the creepy old lady helped.
Mar 14, 2023 2:25 pm
Ha. We could go that route too.



Mar 14, 2023 4:43 pm

Group Question, does anyone not have a D&D Beyond account?
Last edited March 14, 2023 4:55 pm



Mar 14, 2023 5:09 pm
it's free to create an account, and it's got a great character builder.
I can create a campaign, and share the books I've bought so far with the group. phb, tasha's and xanthar's. I buy 1 book per month will get DM guide next month and then Monster manual the next.

Last edited March 14, 2023 5:10 pm



Mar 14, 2023 5:16 pm

Anyway, the reason I ask is primarily the character builder. It makes sure you don't miss anything and it gets all your stats right. Also there is a way to import your sheet from DDB to GP but I prefer to just copy everything to a GP sheet.

Also, I have spell and wild shape sheets for GP if anyone wants them. So far I've got Sorcerer, Cleric, Druid, and Druid wild shapes but I'm working on Ranger and I think Wizard today.
Mar 14, 2023 5:55 pm
That's pretty cool. I do have a D&D beyond account. Although I haven't done anything with it.
Mar 14, 2023 5:59 pm
The main reason I dont use it is because to sign up you have to link it to/sign in using another account not related to Dnd... Like an email addres. At least the last time I checked. I already have the core books and flipping through paper is sooo satisfying, so for now im stuck on paper :)
Mar 14, 2023 7:41 pm
Basil says:
The main reason I dont use it is because to sign up you have to link it to/sign in using another account not related to Dnd... Like an email addres. At least the last time I checked. I already have the core books and flipping through paper is sooo satisfying, so for now im stuck on paper :)
Yeah, I use email like i have for GP and everywhere else.
It's why we create those dummy email accounts like my gmail I never check
Mar 14, 2023 7:56 pm
I don't use dnd beyond anymore cuz it doesn't remember my accounts anymore and I don't like it how you have to link to something to have an account. When it comes to websites,
I like just logging in via email and password like I do on goodreads and roll20 and stuff . but you can use the dnd 5e character sheet and custom character sheets too on here. I added them on here to use.

And that sounds awesome. Secks character backstory sounds awesome.

Svande are you going half-elf or human?

Also what is everyone's characters names? I see Eyes went with Woody which is a cool toy story reference.

Yeah a Goblin Warlock who helps a Goblin King who turns children into either Goblins or makes them his servants or slaves or eats children sounds like an awesome idea and the evil baroness helping him like Ms Harrigan from Annie sounds cool too. And him befriending a Tinkerer/inventor sounds cool too.
Mar 14, 2023 8:04 pm
Btw is everyone human? Just curious. Let me know.

So far we have Basils character-Name not revealed yet, Eyes-Woody the half-elf wood elf, Sayndes character-Name not revealed yet and Secks character-Name not revealed yet.

But Sayndes character has a Grandmother named Grandmother Sophie who is a witch.

But yeah I would suggest using the character sheets on here if you don't have dnd beyond.

I know the cottage will be at the borders of the realms of Spirits and Otherworldly beings ( which is basically the Fey realm) and the human realm (with the humans and other humanoid races).

And if you three are from the same city, let me know the name of the city you are from.
Mar 14, 2023 8:57 pm
Seems like I have missed A LOT since I was at work.
I probably miss a few things here and there.

Okay. As for my character, this is what I have been thinking and it goes quite well with your idea, Amber. Although I have no idea what/who Hayao miyazaki is.
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:

Maybe you all know of the Witch in the woods that is at the borders of the Fae wilds, and the human realm and the realm of Otherworldly beings and Spirits where Sayndes character lives at who is her Grandmother named Grandmother Sophie. She helps out those in need and protects those who needs protection too.
I like the "Sophie" and quite normal naming conventions. So I think I will stick to it too.
Athough I haven't really put anything of Grandmother's Name into a BG yet or living in the forest, it does feel like the trope I was going for. Although I am going to replace Grandmother with (Fairy) Godmother.

Roughly, the idea is the following, very fairy tale like.

Yvonne is an orphan child in a city far away, living in a very poor and strict orphanage. One day, when she was 9, she wished upon a falling star to no longer live in the orphanage. One should always be careful what you wish for, for wishes might come true.

That night the ancient hag Baba Yaga granted the wish and abducted Yvonne from the orphanage into the Feywild where the hag had her hut.
To Baba Yaga, Yvonne was nothing but tomorrow night's dinner.

That is when a gentle old lady, and nemesis of the hag, appeared. She was a professional Fairy Godmother and very upset with Baba Yaga for corrupting a child's wish. The Fairy Godmother and Baba Yaga fought it out in a highly magical duel. The fight was undecided, in that no one was killed. But Fairy Godmother and Yvonne did escape Baba Yaga's hut.

The Fairy Godmother introduced herself as Grandmother Sophie and promissed she would look after Yvonne and be her Fairy Godmother, for she genuinely loved children and warned that Baba Yaga would not forget.

Grandmother Sophie took Yvonne to a cottage in the woods near a rift to the Feywild, for she could not live far from the Feywild herself.

This is a year ago. Yvonne is 10 now.
Last edited March 14, 2023 9:00 pm
Mar 14, 2023 9:15 pm
Awesome. Hayao miyazaki is a Japanese animator and Movie director. He created the films Howls moving Castle, spirited away, Kikkis delivery service and more. @Svande

And I love the Fairy tale/mythology vibe with Baba yaga and stuff. And Grandmother Sophie is a Fairy Godmother/witch so she's like Glinda from The Wizard of Oz.

I named her Grandmother Sophie after Sophie from Howls moving Castle.

So Baba yaga being like the hungry witch from the Hansel and Gretel story is awesome. And she has the chicken legs house too.

So Yvonne being saved from being a witches dinner from a Fairy Godmother who is a witch too means she will do everything in her power to protect her so Yvonne owes her life to Sophie.
Mar 14, 2023 9:18 pm
If you are going human, then that is cool too. Cuz I think we have a few humans and a half elf wood elf in the party.
Mar 14, 2023 9:22 pm
Woody = wood elf
Mar 14, 2023 9:24 pm
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:
So far we have:
27 point buy for stats
Milestone leveling
Eyes hp suggestion
Damage dice for attacks suggestion
Everyone takes what I mentioned earlier with the 1 skill prof, 1 language, 1 simple weapon proficiency and 1 tools proficiency.
Backgrounds: Don't know yet
Race: All human I think
Classes: Warlock, a melee character, Artificer and thief rogue
Backstories-being worked on
Names of place of origin-being worked on

Am I forgetting anything so far? Just curious

Also what would you guys like to see and incorporate into the game too? Let me know
Yvonne is human (variant)
So it is one spell and one cantrip right?
How about feats as a human and those that grant spells (thinking Fey touched). I am fine if they come by later.

As for what I'd love to see - I think everyone already is setting for Feywild like style and that is what I'd love too.
Last edited March 14, 2023 9:31 pm
Mar 14, 2023 9:39 pm
Submitted character sheet needs tons more work but I need a
Mar 14, 2023 10:05 pm
Svande says:
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:
So far we have:
27 point buy for stats
Milestone leveling
Eyes hp suggestion
Damage dice for attacks suggestion
Everyone takes what I mentioned earlier with the 1 skill prof, 1 language, 1 simple weapon proficiency and 1 tools proficiency.
Backgrounds: Don't know yet
Race: All human I think
Classes: Warlock, a melee character, Artificer and thief rogue
Backstories-being worked on
Names of place of origin-being worked on

Am I forgetting anything so far? Just curious

Also what would you guys like to see and incorporate into the game too? Let me know
Yvonne is human (variant)
So it is one spell and one cantrip right?
How about feats as a human and those that grant spells (thinking Fey touched). I am fine if they come by later.

As for what I'd love to see - I think everyone already is setting for Feywild like style and that is what I'd love too.
Yes 1 cantrip and 1 level 1 spell which you can prepare each day @Svande . And if you go Variant human, you get a feat at level 1 but everyone is level 0 right now. And you guys will be able to discover background features and skills as we go along and learn tools too.

And yeah we are going from a human city to the Whimsical of the fey wild and spirits and stuff. And Grandmother Sophie's cottage lies at the borders of the feywild/Spirit realm and the human realm where Yvonne currently lives at and the Cottage is named Sophie's Cottage.

It should be a lot of fun.
Mar 14, 2023 10:06 pm
Accepted your character Eyes.
Mar 14, 2023 10:18 pm
When we start, who wants to introduce their character first and begin their backstory first? Let me know.

And if you guys have any questions, please let me know.
Mar 14, 2023 10:22 pm
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:

And if you go Variant human, you get a feat at level 1 but everyone is level 0 right now.

That makes sense! Thanks for explaining.

This time tomorrow I should be able to submit my character sheet. Tuesdays are always busy for me...

Looking forward to play!
Mar 14, 2023 10:23 pm
No problem and awesome, can't wait. Will stay patient. 😁
Mar 15, 2023 1:07 am
Seck, Basil, and Eyes, I have a name idea for the city you are all from:

How does the City of Dalton sound? Just curious.
Mar 15, 2023 1:20 am
Dalton sounds good to me.

Sorry I didn’t get to much more today. Been busy with work. And there’s so much to read through again here with everyone’s posts and the stuff about mechanics. I hope I can create my character tomorrow. I’m looking forward to this game.
Last edited March 15, 2023 1:21 am
Mar 15, 2023 2:21 am
It's ok Seck.

We're probably not going to officially start until Sunday anyway so everyone has time to get their characters ready and y'all can ask me any questions and give me any suggestions and thoughts that you might have for the game too.

And Dalton is probably where Yvonne was once from before she made the wish on the shooting star too.

I just want to be a part of your character creation and I'm letting y'all collaborate with me too as this is our story we are creating together.
Mar 15, 2023 3:09 am
My thought on my elf's Languages is that he was old enough to hold a conversation in elven, then started Common and is okay with that, but has been in the guild at least 2 years now so he can use the thieve's cant as well. But he's not got the vocabulary of a truly native speaker so he doesn't use complicated sentences.
Mar 15, 2023 3:13 am
The name's Dalton (quote from the movie Road House). Easy to type I like it.
Mar 15, 2023 3:59 am
Nice. 😁
So you are more fluent in Elven then and then learned common with thieves cant? That's cool. And yep. @Eyes
Mar 15, 2023 12:56 pm
So I got a working framework, Ollie’s was the son of merchant. There was a fire at the familys home and his parents perished. He was taken in by an orphanage, and not a good one. Word got out about Ollie, about how smart he was and could remember anything and he could read. A "Retired" Master Thief on the lookout for a prodigy adopted Ollie so his talents would not go to waste.

Variant Human with the Keen Mind Feat.
Last edited March 15, 2023 12:59 pm
Mar 15, 2023 1:22 pm
We need to get a good backstory that ties us all together - Here is one suggestion - The Thief Guildmaster and the Grandmother have history and they help each other out.

Im also thinking it might be more interesting if instead of a Guildmaster with a full den of thieves, the Guildmaster is more of an independant. Known by other thieves, but mostly neutral when it comes to their business. His perspective regarding thievery is not about accumulating wealth, but as a nescessary evil the keeps civil societies civil. Without thieves there would be no order, and without order their would be utter chaos. The nobles think they are at the top of the food chain. They can do whatever they want when they want. Thieves let them know they are not untouchable.

So in a nutshell - Philospher Thieves - Anti-heroes.
Anyone who believes that nobles and the wealthy need a good reminder every now and then would fit right in with niche philosophy.
Mar 15, 2023 6:51 pm
Awesome Basil and the Grandmother basically lives in the cottage in the woods so she helps out whoever needs help and gives protection to whoever needs it. She lives close to the gateway between the Spirit/fey realm and the human realm so those who come to see her must be respectful and those who stay with her must follow her rules which is "Be home before nightfall, If you are asked to do something, you must do it well and do not get on any roads as all roads come with a price." So unless the thief guildmaster and others come and ask for her aid or have a magical way to contact her like they are an arcane trickster rogue, she just protects those in her care and the woods and village close to her as she is the witch-like fairy Godmother and Guardian of the village and woods.
Mar 15, 2023 6:56 pm
And you all could be from the same orphanage like the one Yvonne was from before she made the wish to leave and got taken by Baba Yaga. Just a thought and those who escaped and were taken or adopted out, you all would end up meeting each other and fate or destiny would lead you to the woods. Just a thought.
Mar 15, 2023 7:33 pm
There really is a lot of good stuff going around. Great ideas.

Amber, I know that I wouldn’t mind if you were to make the decisions for us all on how to make it all work together cohesively.
Mar 15, 2023 7:37 pm
Here is what chat GPT came up with :)

The four of them had nothing in common except for one thing: they were all orphans. They lived in the streets of Neverwinter, the City of Skilled Hands, surviving by begging, stealing and hiding from the guards. They had no names, no families and no friends.

One day, they stumbled upon a strange sight: a group of people wearing colorful cloaks and masks, performing acrobatic feats and telling stories. They were members of the Harpers, a secret organization of adventurers and spies. The orphans were curious and approached them cautiously.

"Hey, what are you doing?" one of them asked.

"We're entertaining the crowd," one of the Harpers said. "Do you want to join us?"

The orphans looked at each other hesitantly. They had never performed before. They didn't know what it was like to be in front of an audience.

"What do you mean?" another orphan asked.

"We mean that we're looking for new recruits," the Harper said. "We're not just entertainers, we're also heroes. We fight against tyranny and injustice wherever we find it. You can be part of us if you have the courage and the skill."

The orphans' eyes widened. They could be heroes? They could have a purpose? They could have friends?

"Can we really join?" the third orphan asked.

"Sure," the Harper said. "We have some extra cloaks and masks. Come on, follow us."

The orphans eagerly followed the Harpers to their hidden base and put on their cloaks and masks. The Harper helped them choose their code names: a halfling rogue named Sparrow who was quick and clever; a dragonborn paladin named Blaze who was brave and loyal; a tiefling bard named Melody who was charming and witty; and a gnome druid named Flora who was gentle and kind.

They soon learned the secrets of the Harpers: how to use magic, weapons, stealth and diplomacy to achieve their goals. They also learned how to work together as a team, trusting each other with their lives.

They went on many missions with their mentors: rescuing prisoners from slavers; infiltrating cults of evil gods; sabotaging plots of corrupt nobles; defending villages from monsters; uncovering ancient relics; exploring forgotten dungeons.

They grew up together as friends and heroes, making a difference in the world with their deeds.
Mar 15, 2023 7:39 pm
That's a good start too.
Mar 15, 2023 7:46 pm
Here is Atrius (his friends call him Tink) a zero leve Artificer.
Last edited March 15, 2023 7:46 pm
Mar 15, 2023 8:15 pm
Basil says:
Here is what chat GPT came up with :)

and a gnome druid named Flora who was gentle and kind.
Thanks ChatGPT.

I am going to rename my character for I love this name and we haven't really started yet.

Yvonne > Flora
Mar 15, 2023 9:59 pm
Yeah, it's a much better name.

I submitted Flora as a character now.
I am still a bit confused on the art. Do I want art as a child or as an adult? Or find art with both ages. A bit difficult.
Mar 15, 2023 10:04 pm
I don’t know. I was just thinking that we could start with kid art and then later update our art when our characters become level 1
Mar 16, 2023 4:28 am
Awesome and the city name is Dalton though. Lol. Flora as a warlock is awesome.

And I think do children art then art as adults, that sounds awesome and Atrius a.ka. Tink is awesome too.

But whatever you guys have for your beginning backstories is how we will start your characters stories.

I love the one with Baba yaga which is Floras origin story and stuff and the artificer escaping from an orphanage where his friend/mentor gets killed by a Baroness sacrificing kids to Goblins like the anime series The Promised Neverland and the thieves guild and the fighter having become adopted by a the Thieves guildmaster or King of Thieves after he escapes from a fire that kills his parents and after being in the orphanage.

These are all awesome backstories and I can't wait until we officially start soon.
Mar 16, 2023 4:30 am
Don't forget to submit your characters to the game when you are ready.

So far I accepted Eyes and Basil. Just need Svandes and Secks character to be submitted.

If y'all have any questions or suggestions for me, please let me know.
Mar 16, 2023 4:49 am
Just submitted mine
Mar 16, 2023 4:52 am
Tink (Atrius)
10 Year-Old Human Tinkerer (aspiring Articifer) Level 0

Here are my answers to your questions Amber:
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:
Ok cool.

Let me ask some questions to help get your characters created?
1. Whats your characters name, How old is your character and do they live with their parents, close relatives, orphanage, alone in a cottage, has a maternal Grandmother or Grandfather or elderly Uncle they live with, etc?
2. If a tragedy happened to your character like say your Guardians were taken away from you or were killed due to fighting or helping out in a war, or trying to protect you from a dark entity or you were captured by slavers of a different race or you fell into a portal to a different realm, what would you do?
3. What made you decide to go the way of the fighter, the way of the arcane arts? What major event in your life from childhood to becoming of age shaped you into the person you are today?
4. Upon meeting each other, who is your best friend in the group and would you protect and die for each other and would you sacrifice yourself to help /save others?
1. Atrius. He doesn’t have or know his last name. His friends call him Tink, because he’s always taking things apart and tinkering with them. Tink is 10 years old. He doesn’t really remember his parents as he was left at the orphanage as a three year old. All he really knows is the orphanage life.

2. (This depends on if it fits with the group's overall story regarding how we get connected and become friends) Tink doesn’t know much about his parents, but he was close to Carlin Dimble the old groundskeeper of the orphanage. Dimble had a workshop in his shack on the grounds and was a tinkerer and aspiring artificer magic user. Tink witnessed Carlin get killed when the old man confronted the baroness that runs the orphanage. He was trying to divert the baroness’ attention so Tink could escape. Seeing his grandfather-like mentor get killed affected Tink profoundly. He wants to stop the baroness from selling children and get her back for Carlin’s death.

3. Tink was always interested in how things work and Carlin inspired and taught him, especially regarding the ways magic and technology could be fused.

4. It took some time but Tink has come to trust his friends and he counts on them and would do anything to help them and protect them any way possible.
Last edited March 16, 2023 5:17 am
Mar 16, 2023 4:58 am
Awesome answers. So Carlin Dimble is your friend/artificer mentor Tink? Awesome. I will be sure to note that then.

Accepted your character. Just need Svandes character submitted and we should be ready to officially start after that. We'll officially start on Sunday then.

So we have Flora, Ollie, Atrius/Tink, and Woody. Awesome.

Just waiting on everyone's characters to get submitted so I can accept them to the game before we officially start.
Mar 16, 2023 5:12 am
An idea to pull our ideas together and give us a chance to meet and know each other:

Atrius doesn't remember his parents. As far as he was told, he was left at the orphanage by them at age 3.

The orphanage is run by a Baroness (who was exhiled from her home land). This is the same orphanage that Ollie lived in. Also the same one that Flora used to live in before ending up with Sophie, the fairy godmother.

At the orphange there was an eerie cat that lives there that seemed to always be watching the children. It turns out that the cat is the familiar of a goblin warlock who is the adviser of a goblin king.

The orphan grounds were maintained by an eccentric old fellow, named Carlin Dimble, who also has a tinkering workshop. He dabbles in magic himself and is interested in the artificer discipline. Tink befriends him and spends much time with him in his workshop.

The old tinkerer comes to discover that the baroness has been turning children over to the goblin king and that the cat has been advising which children are the next candidate. The tinkerer warns Tink and Ollie and helps them escape the orphanage, telling them to find Flora because he knows she is safe with Sophie. he also tells them that the Guildmaster knows how to find Flora and Sophie. In a heated escape scene, the old man faces the baroness. The boys see the old man get killed by the baroness just as they narrowly escape.

They wander the city for a short while, sleeping in gutters and alleys, trying to find the Guild, when Woody finds them and brings them to the guild.

Basil, if Ollie has already been adopted...then instead of Tink and Ollie escaping the orphanage together, Ollie somehow hears about what happened at the orphanage with Carlin Dimble being killed and a boy escaping. Ollie knows Tink from the orphangage and suspects that Tink was the boy who escaped and goes out into the city looking for him with Woody who he now knows from the Guild. Ollie and Woody find Tink hungry and sleeping in allies and bring him to the Guild.

I'm assuming the 'retired' thief that adopted Ollie is actually the Guildmaster. The same anti-hero, philosopher thief's guildmaster that Woody knows as Tolraq and that knows Fairy Godmother Sophie
Last edited March 16, 2023 5:47 am
Mar 16, 2023 5:29 am
I love this idea, if everyone is game, we can play this all out in the Childrens Journey.
Mar 16, 2023 5:30 am
I just added a bit to my last post as you posted yours Amber
Mar 16, 2023 8:02 am
Oops. I thought I had submitted Flora. Guess I didn't. Fixed that now.

I like Seck's idea a lot too, although I can imagine Flora will not be very active in it yet, as she is not part of the orphange group. But I could imagine Flora being in town for some reason (groceries?) and connecting with the group before she brings them to Sophie.

I love this horrible orphanage, very fairytale/Charles Dickens like, to connect all our characters somehow.
Mar 16, 2023 12:13 pm
Maybe Flora had to run an errand to the guild, drop off a few things.

As far as the guildmaster we need to give him an identity and a front --- In the Gentlemen Bastards series, the guild master was named "Father Chains" A priest of the god of poverty, he would stand outside his shrine/church in chains feigning blindness and begging for money. His children, were pretty much altar boys that would help him along.

Of course it was all an act, the geezer wasnt blind and he wasnt a least not one of poverty and the altar boys were not so innocent either.... all part of the training.
Mar 16, 2023 1:07 pm
I was thinking of calling the Thieves guildmaster/The King of Thieves Dodger that is from The Charles Dickens novel Oliver and the Evil Orphanage Baroness is named Lady Georgette Grimes if that ie ok with everyone.

But yeah that sounds good. Let me go accept Floras character and we can begin today if y'all want to.
Mar 16, 2023 1:08 pm
Accepted Floras character. Let me open up the thread for the Prologue and we can begin.
Mar 16, 2023 1:11 pm
Sounds good, the orphanage probably sells the kids...and writes it off as an adoption.
Mar 16, 2023 1:13 pm
You'll see what happens. I'm still thinking that the Goblin king eats children but the ones that properly gets adopted escape that fate.
Mar 16, 2023 1:14 pm
Posted the Prologue and introductory post of the game so enjoy. We are starting with Svande/Flora first.
Mar 16, 2023 3:45 pm
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it so far
Mar 16, 2023 3:52 pm
Good starring post! I shall respond in few hours when I get home.

Is this the night she wished upon a star?
Mar 16, 2023 3:53 pm
@Svande We are starting with you and your character Flora first. Just posted the first introductory post in the prologue section so can't wait to meet your character and start your backstory with The wishing star and what comes with it.
Mar 16, 2023 6:55 pm
Svande says:
Good starring post! I shall respond in few hours when I get home.

Is this the night she wished upon a star?
@Svande Yes it is the night she wished upon the star and okay cool. I'll stay patient.
Mar 16, 2023 7:49 pm
Posted. Yay we have started.
Mar 16, 2023 8:45 pm
Awesome and yes we have. 😈
Mar 16, 2023 8:48 pm
Hope everyone is enjoying Floras backstory so far. Can't wait to see what happens next! Its Floras turn next as Baba Yaga has asked her a question.
Mar 16, 2023 9:47 pm
Nice Flora! Baba’s scary Amber.
Mar 17, 2023 12:22 am
Thanks. I was trying to make her scary. Baba Yaga gives me Ursula from the little mermaid, the hag from the disney movie Enchanted and the witch from Spirited Away vibes.

I read online that Baba Yaga eats children and more. Plus saw different dnd 5e stat blocks on her including one where she gives foes permanent scars and curses and where she had iron dentures.
Mar 17, 2023 12:25 am
This is still pretty good so far. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Mar 17, 2023 12:25 am

Spirited away is such a good movie.
Mar 17, 2023 12:32 am
Starting cash?

Silver 10d2
Copper 10d6
Mar 17, 2023 12:40 am
Svande it's your turn when you come online. We'll finish this first part of your backstory then we will move to the others.

Hope everyone is enjoying this so far
Mar 17, 2023 12:43 am
Meet Woody
Last edited March 17, 2023 1:02 am


silver - (10d2)

(2121222111) = 15

copper - (10d6)

(4423314413) = 29

Mar 17, 2023 7:19 am
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:
Svande it's your turn when you come online. We'll finish this first part of your backstory then we will move to the others.

Hope everyone is enjoying this so far
It is quite fun to actually play out this first backstory.
It turned out a bit darker than I expected when I wrote the paragraph.
And yes, Flora is safe now so it seems the good moment to switch.
I rolled Insights for the fun of it, but I think the high roll helps that Flora will trust Sophie.

I look forward to read everyone else's backstory.
Mar 17, 2023 1:39 pm
Well, I posted and if you want to play your first day with Grandmother Sophie too to actually end this first part, let me know. Otherwise I'll move on to one of the boys next. @Svande

Flora's backstory is awesome though and yeah I feel like there is a bit of Grimms dark fairytales in it cuz Baba Yaga is an evil witch from folklore anyway. And yeah , as you guys go along, you'll get a chance to learn skills and tools that will help build your characters to who they become at level 1 too. But yeah Grandmother Sophie is like glinda from the wizard of Oz and stuff. shes a kind and wise witch-like spellcaster who is either a sorceress or warlock or Merlin-like wizard but you don't know yet.

Who wants to go next? We have Ollie, Tink, or Woody.
Mar 17, 2023 1:45 pm
Great story telling Svande and Amber!

You choose who goes next Amber.
Mar 17, 2023 4:36 pm
don't know if I posted this yet,
I, Woody, woke up one morning and my parents were gone. There were no other elves I knew around, and none wanted to take in a kid. I looked and looked for my parents but they were gone. Hungry and tired I slept outside this city for months. Picking wild plants or stealing bits of food from town. One day, I got caught stealing a loaf of bread and was almost beaten to death by the shop keeper. I crawled into an alley and met a woman. She was hiding from the town guards but she forced a healing potion down me. I got up, ran into the street and kicked a guard straight in the butt. Then I had five of them chasing me. Getting away wasn't that hard, they were old and out of shape. Next time she saw me in town she pulled me aside and took me to the guild hideout. It was like heaven. Food and drink like I hadn't had in at least 2 years. She told me I could hide out here and all I had to do was help them on jobs and pay 40% of what I earned to the Guild. Until I became a full member. Then it will go down to 20%. So, I've been sleeping here, in the woods, and in the streets, ever since. I help on odd jobs as a lookout, and sometimes I am a runner, transporting stuff or messages. But in 4 or 5 years, I'll be a full member.
Last edited March 17, 2023 4:37 pm
Mar 17, 2023 6:27 pm
Awesome. Well, let me hear back from Svande if she wants to do her first day with Grandmother Sophie. If not, I'll move on to either Ollie, Tink, or Woody.
Mar 18, 2023 2:50 am
Btw made an OOC thread for the game now so we can discuss the game there too.
Mar 18, 2023 9:26 am
Woody's post made me wonder how we will do starting money and equipment (when it comes into play).
Flora obviously only has things which Sophie gave her.
Mar 18, 2023 11:39 am
Svande says:
Woody's post made me wonder how we will do starting money and equipment (when it comes into play).
Flora obviously only has things which Sophie gave her.
Eyes asked about it in the character creation thread and came up with
Eyes says:
Starting cash?

Silver 10d2
Copper 10d6
Amber said that’s fine and he rolled in the thread. I still have to do it too.
Last edited March 18, 2023 11:40 am
Mar 18, 2023 12:43 pm
Yeah you can roll for it the way eyes asked about it. I guess you get your money from whoever is your guardian or from the jobs you get or whatever. Flora lives with Grandmother Sophie so she basically gives her the funds she needs to go shopping in the village when she needs items replenished. So Flora gets a weekly allowance from Grandmother Sophie for necessity shopping. otherwise Flora just gathers things from their property and in the woods when she doesn't travel to the village.
Mar 18, 2023 12:56 pm
Woody scrimps and saves what he gets from jobs he does for the guild. the bigger the job, the bigger the reward.
Mar 18, 2023 1:21 pm
Hey Eyes, you got new eyes!

Tink doesn't get any money from the Baroness, but the old groundskeeper, Calrin Dimble, gives him money for helping out in his workshop and also sends him into town to pick up materials and supplies for the workshop. Of course, this has to happen in secret at the wee hours of the morning before the Baroness wakes up, as she doesn't allow it.
Mar 18, 2023 1:54 pm
I got tired pf the red and black

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