The month had clearly been a trial on Diana. A raised eyebrow and a displeased look, but the SIlver Fang didn;t vocal complain. She had to be use to the pack, and maybe in time some would realsie puting their trust in someone who wanted nothing to do with bein ga werewolf was a bad idea. Or Misha would come around. Dianas money was on the former.
While with the others she would try and spend time with anyone except ofr their Alpha and Patrick, giving the angrier pair space.. and her self space from them. She had said her piece on wolves and the pack and they hadn't wanted to listen, their opinion on her apparently turning any words into white noise, and she was sure any more attempts would just cause arguments. The others she wants to get to know, and befriend. Learn how to work better togetehr, what each other can do, how she can help.
There are days she disappears, sneaking off to Mama Tee Tee or another theurge to learn more. She comes back tired, but often with supplies if she's managed to convice someone for them, though she lies of where they come from.. Even on days she's not gone she pushes her self, time not spent with others is reading or raining. She had to prove herself useful.
Her phone is often left alone. A few text sent home here and there, telling a different story from reality. Of course she is Alpha, but she is busy with the pack so can't talk much. Enough messages to keep her uncle satisfied, but not too many the lies start to fall apart.
The day Misha walks in she is reading and old tome on rites, tryng to get her head around the rituals. If others asked where it came from she'll say from home.
' Misha wait.' She sits up as the Ahroun goes to leave.
'Perhaps I should come with you. To..[/b/b] Stop their Alpha not listening, going into a rage? She hesitates as she thinks of her words. [b]' ..I got on better with the sept than you. If I am there maybe it will be more tolerable? She speaks carefully, keeping her tone calm. Not challenging. Its clearly a request not a demand.
She was growing restless in this place, neglecting what a pack should be ding, and she was curious of what the information was. If Misha went alone she wasn't sure it would get back to them.
So first time round forgot I got roll for nightmares each day :P. If people can remind me if I forget. Edit: Oof that was close.
Last edited Apr 26, 2023 10:03 pm