There is an unimpressed look on Diana face as Pattrick starts going on about monkeys but she listens.
Her lip curls at the mention of bad parenting, and Patrick's nerve of calling her Uncle controlling. That wasn't it. She resists the urge to cut in, to point out it was just wanting what was best for her. High standards meant she could be the best she could.
It was completely different. Right?
She snaps out of her thoughts as Patrick's goes to leave and she jumps down next to him.
'Oh no. Not good talk. I listen to your speech you listen to mine.'
'You think this is still about the Alpha thing? Yes I'm upset. But I lost. I said I would accept that so I have. So I'm trying to do what you just said. That's why I' m still here. Be Diana the good pack member, Diana the Theurge. Make sure everyone is okay. What to I get for it? Treated like shit, insulted when I opened my mouth?
'Tel me, if I had won, would you let me talk to you like that? To anyone like that? But somehow it's okay? Why? Because she didn't want to be leader and I did? Her voice is starting to raise and she glance around and looks round the room, looking to address anyone else who also might be listening inm
' You' re right. We're smarter than wolves. And smarter than monkeys. We can communicate with one another. Look out for one another. A pack knows each member, watches their backs, their weak spots. They don't demean one another, or keep kicking just because they got off to a wrong start. Guess what?That's also pretty fucking damaging.
She wanted to go on. Ask what was so wrong about a tradition of fighting monsters nd protecting people, but some of his words were annoying close to home., even as she tried to justofu it to herself.
So what if her uncle was a little harsh or strict at times. He had just been preparing her. Getting her ready to live up to mothers, her ancestor name. Protect people.
Too many thoughts were running through her mind, too many to sort through.
She brings a hand up to squeeze her other shoulder, and sighs. The look of defeat flashes across her face once more and her next words are back to being quiet again.
'Look I'm trying. It' d be nice if you all bloody realised that. '
Last edited April 27, 2023 4:03 pm