Book 1: A New Day
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May 7, 2023 5:37 pm
I should probably mention, considering Patrick's story, "borrowed" may come with legal implications. 🤣May 7, 2023 5:51 pm
Patrick your contacts are able to "borrow" you a 2912 white Ford bronco. You assume the legal implications are such that you want to use it briefly and then abandon it.As an alternate travel route- long running is a thing you're capable of and while less speedy, it's always an option.
May 7, 2023 5:54 pm
"Alright, we got a Bronco. Temporarily. And I cannot stress that enough," Patrick says after hanging up his phone. "Don't ask. Anyway, have your shit together, we need to roll as soon as I'm back with it. It'll fit 5, but 4 is preferred. Otherwise that back seat is gonna be uncomfortable for 8 hours. Unless... the wolves of the pack could ride in the very back as wolves. That would get all 7 of us in one ride. Figure it out, I'll be back."
He heads out to pick up the vehicle.
He heads out to pick up the vehicle.
Last edited May 7, 2023 5:58 pm
May 8, 2023 2:23 pm
'Someone who knows that there are car rentals? Do you get off on analysing my every word to criticise me the second you can? Bloody hell.' Diana growls in frustration.
Misha's car had better not fail. If she was in the same car as her for out hours one of them was going to kill the other.
As Patrick confirms a car she starts to walk way. 'I'm going to throw stuff in a bag. '
She didn't need to do much to be honest. She kept everything neat in her part of warehouse. Spare clothes, torch, portable phone charger, The last thing they wanted was to have a broken down car and stuck in the middle of no-where.
Misha's car had better not fail. If she was in the same car as her for out hours one of them was going to kill the other.
As Patrick confirms a car she starts to walk way. 'I'm going to throw stuff in a bag. '
She didn't need to do much to be honest. She kept everything neat in her part of warehouse. Spare clothes, torch, portable phone charger, The last thing they wanted was to have a broken down car and stuck in the middle of no-where.
May 8, 2023 2:51 pm
"I'll ride with Misha," Paul says. "What are we going to need besides clean clothes? I've got my essentials for travelling lighht, wallet, keys, get it, but is there anything I'm missing? Like, should we have a cake with a file in it?"
This is kind of an open request. I'm not really sure what we could ask for. Some sort of blessing that might give us a bonus somewhere on the stat sheet?May 8, 2023 11:58 pm
There ARE some blessings (minor rites) that give minor stat sheet bonuses that you could in theory ask to be taught; I exected there would have been some bargaining to learn Rite of Dedication or barring that have clothes dedicated for you- but alas, you will have to do so another time as you are now in Bath Township, MI
May 9, 2023 3:09 pm
Whether its from the trip or from the sense of being rushed out the door, Paul feels a little underprepared for the expedition. "I'm not sure I packed the right stuff," he says weakly. "What are we going to do when it's time to leave? Can we use this same car?" The earlier excitement has worn away not that it's time to do the thing.
May 11, 2023 11:44 am
Pending description of how you are scouting here- Perception+ investigation for what you can see and intelligence+ streetwise to avoid notice, but as always suggest another attribute skill pair and roll it with explanation of how you are using it.
May 11, 2023 3:34 pm
Patrick looks around a bit, sitting where he can see who comes and goes from the precinct, but asks if they want him to go in with some made up story and try to get a feel for the place. A brother's wallet in evidence or something, maybe asking if it's illegal for your neighbor to make so much noise banging his gf they wake you up at 3:30 in the morning when you have school?
Last edited May 11, 2023 3:35 pm
Perception + Investigation - (2d10)
(63) = 9
Intelligence + Streetwise - (4d10)
(35109) = 27
May 11, 2023 4:39 pm
Paul mostly begins by sitting on a bench and pretends to just be a tourist, "taking it all in". He watches traffic in and around the station for a while, trying to determine if there's any pattern to it. It gives him the opportunity to look around and see how many cars, patrol and civilian are parked around the station. Hopefully, he can figure out how many people might be inside based on the parking lot and traffic.
Perception + Investigation - (5d10)
(46446) = 24
May 11, 2023 10:49 pm
Alexander will will just look for anything out of the ordinary
Perception + investigation - (3d10)
(31010) = 23
May 12, 2023 11:11 am
Misha saunters around the station once to avoid too much attention. She takes notes of how the place is secured. There was no way she was going inside just to scout..
Charisma+Stealth (Urban specialty) to look innocent. (6 successes)
Perception+Larceny to look at the locks and physical protection of the outside of the building, fences, whatnot. (5 successes)Charisma+Stealth (Urban specialty) to look innocent. (6 successes)
Last edited May 12, 2023 11:12 am
Perception+Larceny - (8d10)
(896921081) = 53
Charisma+Stealth (Urban) - (6d10)
(8109882) = 45
May 13, 2023 4:19 am
[ +- ] Patrick
You see an array of people-- some clearly citizens with complaints, but mostly officers in uniform or in those "civilian" clothes that scream "detective". Nothing stands out to you, except that many of the officers stop and purchase a can of something called "Blizz Energy" from a machine that sits outside the station.
[ +- ] Alexander
You aren't really familiar with the habits of humans to know if any of the things happening here are out of the ordinary. Many of the men wearing matching blue clothes keep putting money in a giant box and getting a can of something they then begin drinking in return.
[ +- ] Paul
You don't recognize any pattern. Counting cars in the lot is difficult as they move in/out, but there are about 20 patrol cars there at any time, in addition to a SWAT van, and several obvious "under cover" cars. You notice that many of the officers and a few who look like civilians stop to get a "Blizz Energy" out of a vending machine.
[ +- ] Misha
There actually is no fence and the doors though they have locks are all unlocked. The Police department shares space with the municipal district, and the main entrance is open to the public that seems to open into a shared lobby-- you'd have to go inside to inspect the locking system there, but you easily slip in and act as though you are dropping off a payment in a locked box in the lobby that seems to be for municipal water payments.
The door to the rear/working area of the police side is a handle-less door that appears to open on a key card, or from a signal sent from the dispatch which sits behind a plexiglass window watching the lobby/handling citizen/customers.
Also @lightofmidnight will definitely need a roll for your nightmares today.May 13, 2023 10:18 am
Thought this was same day for the previous roll for now? Will roll however. Also apologies for delay, school week has been weird.. Also as a brit I am unaware of the specific of getting floorplans for public sectors in US so sorry if a bit vague, wouldn't workBy the end of the drive she is frustrated and mumbling under her breath, hitting delays or just unreponsive messages. 'Okay so that idea might be a bust
Edit: Welp not getting those. Don't know if that counts as 'her roll; or she ca n still join on surveillance. Originally was going to her pick them up while others were doing thatLast edited May 13, 2023 10:20 am
Expression + CHA - (2d10+4d10)
(32) + (5534) = 22
WIllpower - (7d10)
(6863347) = 37
May 13, 2023 12:01 pm
Hoping no one asks her how her efforts went, but those shairng her car could likely tell she joins in trying to observes the station. She had brought exercise clothes for later, not wanting to mess up her nicer ones and changes into them. Tying her hair up, and masquerading as a jogger with earphones in she does some laps of the area, trying to make note of exits and entrances, and anything else of note of the exterior.
PER + Investigation - (3d10+1d10)
(423) + (6) = 15
INT + Streetwise - (4d10+0d10)
(5239) + (0) = 19
May 13, 2023 12:01 pm
Hoping no one asks her how her efforts went, but those shairng her car could likely tell she joins in trying to observes the station. She had brought exercise clothes for later, not wanting to mess up her nicer ones and changes into them. Tying her hair up, and masquerading as a jogger with earphones in she does some laps of the area, trying to make note of exits and entrances, and anything else of note of the exterior.
PER + Investigation - (3d10+1d10)
(3910) + (6) = 28
INT + Streetwise - (4d10+0d10)
(58110) + (0) = 24
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