Episode 1: The Alcubierre

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Apr 6, 2023 7:44 pm
Later on, inside the shuttle...

Petty Officer Tate settles into the seat, and runs the ship through the preflight checks, which is mostly routine, but he double checks the results as the rest of the away team settles into place.

"Phobos, this is Shuttle 2, ready to depart." He waits for clearance and then eases the craft out of the hanger bay.


Control 9 + Conn 3 - (2d20)

(1216) = 28

Apr 6, 2023 11:09 pm
Lt. Ch’pok sits toward the back of the runabout and awaits departure. For the away mission, he’s sporting a sleeveless gray long coat over his uniform. Holstered at his side is a standard-issue Klingon disruptor. Were hand-to-hand combat a certainty, he would have also considered bringing a bat’leth, but for now he’d make due with his d’k tahg.

At the moment, Ch’pok is visibly frowning at the softness and comfortable contours of his seat. The warrior glances around the ship’s interior with an expression bordering on disgust. A Klingon shuttle would never bother with "cushions" or "ergonomics". It’s just more evidence demonstrating the Federation’s pliant and feeble mentality; a mentality that breeds weakness. Ch’pok would take a piece of cold duranium or a slab of stone any day over this travesty.

Strength is born from adversity, not ease and comfort.
Last edited April 13, 2023 7:10 pm
Apr 7, 2023 3:42 am
T'rissa pilots a probe in close to the Alcubierre setting it up just on the edge of the anomaly and lets it do it's thing before changing quickly and heading down to the shuttle bay.

Her long crimson hair is pulled back in a tight bun now which has a single silver rod thrust through it with a black pennant on one end containing a handful of Vulcan glyphs. She's wearing the body of an EVA suit, has the helmet tucked under her arm and a long green sash tied around her waist. "Gentlemen." she says with a nod stepping aboard the shuttle.

She takes the chair next to Chuck, "Mr. Tate."

The Vulcan woman takes a moment to check all of the controls and readouts on the shuttle making sure that everything is as it should be before turning to look at Ch'pok, "Lieutenant," she says, "is your d’k tagh from Qo'noS?" She asks raising an eyebrow, "I have one in my collection its provenience is dubious at best."
Apr 7, 2023 9:10 pm
Once in the shuttle, Fenris starts plotting the course to approach the Alcubierre. This should be a trivial matter but he double-checks to be sure.

"Mr. Tate if you are ready, please set a course bearing 019 mark 038" he says. "Do not approach too fast.

Mrs D'syre, have you any information from the drone yet?"


Reason 10 + con 3 (TN 13) - (2d20)

(89) = 17

Shuttle assist - conn 1 computer 6 (TN 8) - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Apr 8, 2023 12:53 pm
Nevark joins the shuttle with a tricorder for himself and two others as well as a med kit issued from sick bay.
Knighthawke, did Nevark's initial search of the ship's computer uncover anything? He searched for any past studies or logged occurrences that have overlapping mention of warp drive activity and subspace interference. He also researched more details about the Alcubierre's original mission and engine system design.
Last edited April 8, 2023 12:58 pm
Apr 13, 2023 7:42 pm
Ch'pok is pulled from his thoughts when the Vulcan officer addresses him. He glances at T'rissa and then down at the sheathed dagger at his side.

"Yes... it hails from the homeworld," growls the Klingon. "It was fabricated in the forges of the First City itself." Then, almost as an afterthought, he says, "I took it off of a fellow officer after we settled a dispute through personal combat."

Ch'pok smirks slightly. It must be a pleasant memory, as it's the first time since boarding the Phobos that he's ever betrayed any expression other than annoyance or disdain. A row of crooked, sharpened teeth becomes visible.

"A true d'k tagh bears its maker's mark below one of the secondary blades. If a molecular imaging scanner finds traces of alloyed baakonite in the mark, then it is probably real."
Apr 14, 2023 2:39 am
Dak listens with a certain sense of jealousy, "It must be nice to have such a strong connection to your home world with you out here, so far away." He leaves the second half of the sentiment unsaid that even having a true home world would be even better.
Apr 14, 2023 5:03 pm
"I shall have to have you examine it." T'rissa says to Lt. Ch'pok, "I won it off a warrior in test of strength. He seemed reluctant to part with it but knew little about the weapons past."

She calls up the probe and begins streaming any information about the Alcubierre and the anomaly it may have found.
Apr 14, 2023 9:55 pm
Seck says:
Knighthawke, did Nevark's initial search of the ship's computer uncover anything? He searched for any past studies or logged occurrences that have overlapping mention of warp drive activity and subspace interference. He also researched more details about the Alcubierre's original mission and engine system design.
All signs indicate that the interference is coming directly from the Alcubierre, and that it seems most intense around the engineering section.
Scene 2: Aboard the Alcubierre

You’ve calculated the best course to the Alcubierre’s docking port, adjusting for the attitude and rotation rate of the silent ship. Using the calculations, Mr. Tate skillfully departs the shuttlebay for the science vessel, beginning to align with the docking port.

As your shuttlecraft nears the disabled Alcubierre, the main shuttlebay doors mysteriously open. Taking advantage of the opportunity, you adjust your heading away from the docking port and safely land. The doors close behind you and the bay pressurizes. Apart from two of the Alcubierre’s own shuttles, the bay is empty, lit only by flickering emergency lights. The bay feels eerily deserted.

As you exit the shuttle, you hear the beep… beep… beep of an active console waiting for a command. It echoes throughout the shuttlebay. Alcubierre shuttles 1 and 2 stand empty and dark. The doors to the control room are stuck half open, as if the ship’s power gave out just as someone walked through them. The light of the console inside the control room reflects in the window overlooking the bay. But there is no one inside. Whoever opened the shuttlebay’s outer doors is not here.
Momentum: 3
Threat: 12
* Starfleet's Prime Directive is in place
* Recover the missing Oberth-class starship U.S.S. Alcubierre.
* Prevent Starfleet technology from falling into enemy hands.

Traits in Play
Subspace Interference: Sensor scans and communications are severely disrupted by the Subspace Interference being generated from the Alcubierre.
Subspace Interference (away team): Combadges will not work due to this interference. Tricorders only function on people and objects within Reach (arm’s length of a Player Character).
Emergency Lighting: This Trait increases the Difficulty by 1 for ranged weapon attacks and Tasks to observe or identify characters or objects at Medium range and beyond.
Disabled: Most ship systems are offline. This affects turbolifts, doors, transporters, sensors, communications, replicators, warp and impulse engines. Life-support and other vital functions are operational via auxiliary power.
Apr 15, 2023 12:20 am
Dak scans the bay, "I don't like the look of this." he clutches his phaser taking in the tactical situation in case of ambush.
Apr 15, 2023 4:48 am
"Agreed." Nevaek says to Dak as he attempts to get some readings from his tricorder.

Then he continues to Schofield and says, "Sir, the interference seems to be affecting our ability to get any tricorder readings beyond very close ranges, perhaps our combadges are affected as well. My scans aboard the ship revealed the source of the interference focused on the engineering deck of the Alcubierre."
Apr 15, 2023 3:31 pm
"It is," T'rissa says looking about, "unusual at best."

She turns and looks at Mr. Scofield, "Perhaps we can get some information from one of the panels in the cargo hold to help us better understand what has happened."
Apr 15, 2023 3:48 pm
Chuck forms a defensive line, taking the opposite way of Lt. Ch'pok, and flanking the door out of the cargo hold. He keeps his eyes out, his hand brushing the phaser on his hip in a practiced move to make sure it hasn't come off.
Apr 15, 2023 6:31 pm
With a quick look around, there only seems to be one console active, it's constant beeping indicating it's waiting for input. Otherwise, there is minimal power to the bay. As you approach, you realize the indicators for door to exit the shuttlebay is showing as sealed. If that's the case, it will require the use of the manual activator located to the side of the door.
Since most of you are new to the system, this is the type of situation where you can spend a point of Momentum (of which you have 3) to Obtain information. This allows a single, relevant question for each point. (Although I think some Talents also allow for an additional question?? I'd have to double-check that.

Momentum: 3
Threat: 12
* Starfleet's Prime Directive is in place
* Recover the missing Oberth-class starship U.S.S. Alcubierre.
* Prevent Starfleet technology from falling into enemy hands.

Traits in Play
Subspace Interference: Sensor scans and communications are severely disrupted by the Subspace Interference being generated from the Alcubierre.
Subspace Interference (away team): Combadges will not work due to this interference. Tricorders only function on people and objects within Reach (arm’s length of a Player Character).
Emergency Lighting: This Trait increases the Difficulty by 1 for ranged weapon attacks and Tasks to observe or identify characters or objects at Medium range and beyond.
Disabled: Most ship systems are offline. This affects turbolifts, doors, transporters, sensors, communications, replicators, warp and impulse engines. Life-support and other vital functions are operational via auxiliary power.
Apr 16, 2023 4:26 am
Sorry for not yet being well versed in the game mechanics. But from what Knighthawke posted at the start, the system sounds really interesting and different from what I'm used to. How our spending of points can influence what is available for NPCs is wild.

Yeah, I say let's spend a momentum and somebody inquire about something that will help us :)
Last edited April 16, 2023 4:26 am
Apr 16, 2023 9:12 am
"I agree. We must proceed with caution and stay close together. I fear we could lose communication if we split up.

See if you can get any information on that panel. We can try that first, then the engineering deck as Mr. Nevark suggests. I think a first objective would be to get the power system online again. If that is possible at all.

Stay alert."
Sorry for posting late. Busy weekend. Scofield is Studious and gets two questions for one momentum spend. What do we want to know more about?
Apr 16, 2023 1:49 pm
We should work out what the ships status is (red alert, hull breech, life support operating, etc.), and where the crew are.
Apr 16, 2023 3:12 pm
If I asks a basis question do I need to spend Momentum? ie - Is there still an atmosphere on the other side of the door?
Apr 16, 2023 5:55 pm
Ooo. This is getting fun. If we examine the panel and get it to take our input, perhaps we can access the ship’s log too
Last edited April 16, 2023 5:55 pm
Apr 16, 2023 9:15 pm
Fenris takes a look around in the docking deck. "I think one of you should take a look at the console and see if you are able to open one of the doors.
Meanwhile, I'll just examine this docking bay. It seems odd that it was left open."
He starts a more thorough Investigation of the dock.
Momentum spend to obtain information. Is there any indications of an emergency situation?
Extra question because of Studious: Does it seem like a shuttle is missing or is two the number of shuttles you would expect?
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