With the examination of the console, you realize that all auxiliary controls are locked out, and rerouted to main engineering. The person who operated the shuttlebay did not do it from here.
As you study the console, the power sputters and the display dims. Before the console goes completely dark, the following message appears:
Meet me in stellar cartography.
An inspection of the exit doors shows that the emergency hand actuator (located behind a panel to the left of the door) would be the only way to open the door with the lockdown.
Emberskyes says:
If I asks a basis question do I need to spend Momentum? ie - Is there still an atmosphere on the other side of the door?
No, you don't. :) All signs point to a viable atmosphere on the other side of the door.
Stefron says:
Fenris takes a look around in the docking deck.
"I think one of you should take a look at the console and see if you are able to open one of the doors.
Meanwhile, I'll just examine this docking bay. It seems odd that it was left open." He starts a more thorough Investigation of the dock.
Momentum spend to obtain information. Is there any indications of an emergency situation?
Extra question because of Studious: Does it seem like a shuttle is missing or is two the number of shuttles you would expect?
1) the current lockdown is atypical of normal emergency procedures.
2) Yes, two operational shuttles is standard for the
Momentum: 2
Threat: 10
* Starfleet's Prime Directive is in place
* Recover the missing Oberth-class starship U.S.S. Alcubierre.
* Prevent Starfleet technology from falling into enemy hands.
Traits in Play
Subspace Interference: Sensor scans and communications are severely disrupted by the Subspace Interference being generated from the Alcubierre.
Subspace Interference (away team): Combadges will not work due to this interference. Tricorders only function on people and objects within Reach (arm’s length of a Player Character).
Emergency Lighting: This Trait increases the Difficulty by 1 for ranged weapon attacks and Tasks to observe or identify characters or objects at Medium range and beyond.
Disabled: Most ship systems are offline. This affects turbolifts, doors, transporters, sensors, communications, replicators, warp and impulse engines. Life-support and other vital functions are operational via auxiliary power.