Act II - The Survivor
The corridors are dimly lit from the glow of the red emergency lighting. Ahead, you find three more dead Starfleet officers. You recognize them from the mission briefing. This is Captain Kelly, his first officer Commander Dandrik, and chief of security, Lieutenant T’Lau. As you examine their bodies, a disruptor blast scorches the wall beside you. You look up and see four Romulans at the other end of the corridor.
And we have conflict! :) In this case, I'm spending 2 threat to Escalate and give the Romulans Disruptor Rifles. (see the Combat thread for details on how to handle combat. )
In this Conflict encounter, the Player Characters take the first Turn, and it is up to you who goes first.
During a Turn in a Conflict, a Player Character can attempt one
Minor Action and one
Task. After the character completes his or her Turn, the action passes to the opposing side. However, the Player may spend two Momentum to instead pass the action to another Player Character. This is called
Keep the Initiative, but the Players cannot
Keep the Initiative again until the Romulans have taken a turn of their own.
Momentum: 3 *(New Act/Scene, lower Momentum by one)*
Threat: 8
* Starfleet's Prime Directive is in place
* Recover the missing Oberth-class starship U.S.S. Alcubierre.
* Prevent Starfleet technology from falling into enemy hands.
Traits in Play
Subspace Interference: Sensor scans and communications are severely disrupted by the Subspace Interference being generated from the Alcubierre.
Subspace Interference (away team): Combadges will not work due to this interference. Tricorders only function on people and objects within Reach (arm’s length of a Player Character).
Emergency Lighting: This Trait increases the Difficulty by 1 for ranged weapon attacks and Tasks to observe or identify characters or objects at Medium range and beyond.
Disabled: Most ship systems are offline. This affects turbolifts, doors, transporters, sensors, communications, replicators, warp and impulse engines. Life-support and other vital functions are operational via auxiliary power.