Ensign LaSalle shook his head, sighing.
"I'm definitely happy to see you all Lieutentant. Until we can get control back from the Romulans, none of us are going anywhere. The limited control I had to help you with the landing bay is not available any more."
He took a deep breath.
"Ever since that Warbird left, I've been afraid it was just going to pop back up. As such, I've been trying to track the source of the signal, but with everything locked out, I can't quite get the power I need for the cartography systems to get a lock."
His fingers flew over the controls.
"But, if you all can give me a hand, I think we can get enough power around the lockout to get these cartography systems fully operational again to see just who may be helping the Romulans... " He looked up expectantly.
Two things need to be done to get control back.
1) Bypass the lockout -
Control + Engineering with a Difficulty of 3. If succeed at that, then can...
2) Siphon Power to Auxiliary systems -
Reason + Engineering with a Difficulty of 3.
Stefron says:
Fenris responds as he looks around for any clues as to what important scientific research equipment they need to salvage from the Alcubierre and just to get a general idea of what kind of research the physician might have been conducting.
Everything here seems to be focused on the general stellar regions, nothing unusual. A couple of the readouts do confirm that there's a subspace field of "static" focused on the engineering section.
Momentum: 4
Threat: 8
* Starfleet's Prime Directive is in place
* Recover the missing Oberth-class starship U.S.S. Alcubierre.
* Prevent Starfleet technology from falling into enemy hands.
Traits in Play
Subspace Interference: Sensor scans and communications are severely disrupted by the Subspace Interference being generated from the Alcubierre.
Subspace Interference (away team): Combadges will not work due to this interference. Tricorders only function on people and objects within Reach (arm’s length of a Player Character).
Emergency Lighting: This Trait increases the Difficulty by 1 for ranged weapon attacks and Tasks to observe or identify characters or objects at Medium range and beyond.
Disabled: Most ship systems are offline. This affects turbolifts, doors, transporters, sensors, communications, replicators, warp and impulse engines. Life-support and other vital functions are operational via auxiliary power.