Seck says:
Knighthawke, did Nevark's initial search of the ship's computer uncover anything? He searched for any past studies or logged occurrences that have overlapping mention of warp drive activity and subspace interference. He also researched more details about the Alcubierre's original mission and engine system design.
All signs indicate that the interference is coming directly from the Alcubierre, and that it seems most intense around the engineering section.

Scene 2: Aboard the Alcubierre
You’ve calculated the best course to the Alcubierre’s docking port, adjusting for the attitude and rotation rate of the silent ship. Using the calculations, Mr. Tate skillfully departs the shuttlebay for the science vessel, beginning to align with the docking port.
As your shuttlecraft nears the disabled Alcubierre, the main shuttlebay doors mysteriously open. Taking advantage of the opportunity, you adjust your heading away from the docking port and safely land. The doors close behind you and the bay pressurizes. Apart from two of the Alcubierre’s own shuttles, the bay is empty, lit only by flickering emergency lights. The bay feels eerily deserted.
As you exit the shuttle, you hear the beep… beep… beep of an active console waiting for a command. It echoes throughout the shuttlebay. Alcubierre shuttles 1 and 2 stand empty and dark. The doors to the control room are stuck half open, as if the ship’s power gave out just as someone walked through them. The light of the console inside the control room reflects in the window overlooking the bay. But there is no one inside. Whoever opened the shuttlebay’s outer doors is not here.
Momentum: 3
Threat: 12
* Starfleet's Prime Directive is in place
* Recover the missing Oberth-class starship U.S.S. Alcubierre.
* Prevent Starfleet technology from falling into enemy hands.
Traits in Play
Subspace Interference: Sensor scans and communications are severely disrupted by the Subspace Interference being generated from the Alcubierre.
Subspace Interference (away team): Combadges will not work due to this interference. Tricorders only function on people and objects within Reach (arm’s length of a Player Character).
Emergency Lighting: This Trait increases the Difficulty by 1 for ranged weapon attacks and Tasks to observe or identify characters or objects at Medium range and beyond.
Disabled: Most ship systems are offline. This affects turbolifts, doors, transporters, sensors, communications, replicators, warp and impulse engines. Life-support and other vital functions are operational via auxiliary power.