The Swamp
Mar 21, 2023 11:55 pm
The guards at the west gate perfunctally check your passes as you head out after a good breakfast. The sun is rising above the horizon behind you and the sounds of birds and bugs almost hides the river sounds to your north. The road west of the base has been cleared and packed making the walk easy. Tall grass surrounds the road with trees rising further west. After a couple of minutes the trees are closer and the ground around the road is spotted with muds and water puddles as the grassland turns to a marsh. Soon you are among the trees and the road dwindles to a decent wagon track raised a foot above the waters of the swamp that now surround you.
Mar 22, 2023 5:10 am
The road leads to a fork with a simple wooden guard tower and a suspension and pontoon bridge connecting it to another watch tower to the west. A smaller track heads to the south, to the Grippli shamans mound. Greeting you the two guards wave you on through as you continue west and remind you the waters and thick vegetation hide a variety of local wildlife. These threats range from large alligators, swarms of fish that will strip you to the bones in seconds, poisonous snakes, and the ever-present flies.
The road continues on the far side of the second tower, which is taller and of sturdier construction with four guards, however the road dwindles to a simple track just wide enough for a single horse cart. As you travel you see a variety of plant and animal life. Snakes, insects, frogs, lizards, water rats, squirrels, and an occasional larger beast you have learned are referred to as "Dinosaurs". These large beasts are often hunted for meat by many of the intelligent species that moved into the area causing most of them to have learned to not wander too close to the road. Turning north then west you continue on following the path till the far end of the swamp is in sight.
According to the map back at the base the golems house is to the north and off the main path. You begin looking for the correct path and start sloughing through thick mud, semi-solid ground, floating grasses, and a variety of other wonders of nature.
A basic 2d6 unless you have a trait, heritage, or trade that could help in the wilds
The road continues on the far side of the second tower, which is taller and of sturdier construction with four guards, however the road dwindles to a simple track just wide enough for a single horse cart. As you travel you see a variety of plant and animal life. Snakes, insects, frogs, lizards, water rats, squirrels, and an occasional larger beast you have learned are referred to as "Dinosaurs". These large beasts are often hunted for meat by many of the intelligent species that moved into the area causing most of them to have learned to not wander too close to the road. Turning north then west you continue on following the path till the far end of the swamp is in sight.
According to the map back at the base the golems house is to the north and off the main path. You begin looking for the correct path and start sloughing through thick mud, semi-solid ground, floating grasses, and a variety of other wonders of nature.
Everyone make a test for how well you move through the swamp and deal with its dangers. A basic 2d6 unless you have a trait, heritage, or trade that could help in the wilds
Mar 23, 2023 12:15 pm
I do have the "Survivalist" trait. Rolls
Travelling in the swamps (with Survivialist - Trait) - (3D6)
Mar 24, 2023 5:38 pm
The swamp was not Baruman's natural habitat...
Baruman: swamping - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Mar 24, 2023 5:51 pm
Despite being a grassland species, Elph finds the clammy swamp comfortable on his scales. He feels at home but he doesn't pay quite as much attention as the situation demands.
Elph: Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
Mar 24, 2023 9:53 pm
Baruman find the lack of slid footing a little too similar to the back streets and allies of the impoverished sections of town. And it smells about the same too. Though he strugles to keep up with the others at last he did not bump a wasp nest like Shmautz did. The catkin quickly dashed away from the nest with only a single sting for the blunder.
The rush to escape turned to be a good thing as when Shmautz paused to catch his breath and let the others catch up after swinging wide aroudn the now ajitated hive, he spots what looks like a series of steps carved into trees, like notches for a primmitive log ladder that lead out over eater away from the trail. Pointing out the discovery you quickly move to follow the notches and soon find yourself hpooing from tree to tree to stone over mud and water. The path leads to a small island and after you will be able to reach it in a minute.
I can roll these basic check or leave them to you let me know. I no one has a problem then I will roll simple checks like thisAriving on the island You spot a crubling structure and a set of stairs down into a well built basement must be the entrance to Dean's home.
The rush to escape turned to be a good thing as when Shmautz paused to catch his breath and let the others catch up after swinging wide aroudn the now ajitated hive, he spots what looks like a series of steps carved into trees, like notches for a primmitive log ladder that lead out over eater away from the trail. Pointing out the discovery you quickly move to follow the notches and soon find yourself hpooing from tree to tree to stone over mud and water. The path leads to a small island and after you will be able to reach it in a minute.
Give me a balance,jumping,footing test (ajility/dexterity) to see how well you cross the pathI can roll these basic check or leave them to you let me know. I no one has a problem then I will roll simple checks like this
Mar 24, 2023 10:44 pm
Baruman cursed as his foot sank into the mud again. He looked ahead to the others who seemed to be striding along with ease, in fact Shmautz was running ahead for some reason. He heard the buzzing before he saw them, and realised what must have happened, following the others and giving the nest a wide bearth, he realised that Shmautz had found a path, if you could call it that. The swamp had become so wet that it was more of a pond and Baruman was scratched and soaked by the time he eventually made it over to the island and caught up with the others, just as they reached the top of a set of stairs.
"Hello! Is anybody home"
"Hello! Is anybody home"
Happy for you to roll any simple rolls if you think it's needed to keep the story rollingLast edited Mar 24, 2023 10:52 pm
Baruman: hopping - (2d6)
Mar 24, 2023 11:53 pm
I'm also always good with you making those sorts of rolls for me! (Hell half the time I've run pbp I've done all rolling myself!)Last edited Mar 24, 2023 11:53 pm
Survival - (2d6)
Mar 27, 2023 6:40 pm
Jumping and balancing feels good to me. I make sure that Baruman and Elph can keep up.
"Everything alright with y'all?"
"Everything alright with y'all?"
a balance,jumping,footing test (ajility/dexterity) - with "Acrobat" trait - (3D6)
Mar 28, 2023 1:40 am
As you move to cross the steping ston and notched tree trail Smautz easily navigates using spots besides those obviously prepared to ease the crossing. unfortunately Baruman has a bit more trouble and mutters something about giants and inconciderate creaftsmen before he falls offf a perch he had just lept too. The splash allerts Shmautz who doubleds back and fishes the small water logged figure of Baruman out of the dirty swamp water. Elph watches teh fiasco and then focuses more on his steps as he is sure he saw a leech clinging to one of Baruman's legs.
On the far side the other two quicly help Baruman scour his body for the uninvited hitchhikers. This only takes a moment and you walk over to the stairs and Baruman calls down. Shortly therafter clicking sounds are heard aproatching. A 1 foot tall centaur looking figure made of metal appears at the base of the stairs and he calls out, in a rather loud and bass voice despite its diminuative size Enter and be at peace. Master Dean welcomes seekers of knowledge for an exchange of lore and seekers of service for an exhangee or value. The tiny centaur backs up and gestures, waiting for you to follow.
On the far side the other two quicly help Baruman scour his body for the uninvited hitchhikers. This only takes a moment and you walk over to the stairs and Baruman calls down. Shortly therafter clicking sounds are heard aproatching. A 1 foot tall centaur looking figure made of metal appears at the base of the stairs and he calls out, in a rather loud and bass voice despite its diminuative size Enter and be at peace. Master Dean welcomes seekers of knowledge for an exchange of lore and seekers of service for an exhangee or value. The tiny centaur backs up and gestures, waiting for you to follow.
Mar 28, 2023 12:24 pm
"And may your home always be prosperous and peaceful" Baruman responded. He bowed his head in thanks to the tiny creature and started to head down the stairs. Not often I find somebody smaller than me
Mar 28, 2023 1:06 pm
The diminutive creature, construct, golem, whatever, leads you deeper into the underground structure. there are glowing stones set in sconces periodically set into the wall. Not far from the base of the stairs it rears and kicks a door open. The tiny impact of its hooves is barely a knock so you assume the door must have been opened by some other means.
As it swings open you see a large chamber with many small metal creatures scampering about. There are walls of shelves filled with books, a workbench where a larger metal figure is working on something, alcoves are set in the walls around the room, and the entire area is well light by the glowing stones.
A low mellow voice comes from the tall metal figure bent over the table Welcome, how may I assist you? and setting aside some tools it straitens as it turns to face you
As it swings open you see a large chamber with many small metal creatures scampering about. There are walls of shelves filled with books, a workbench where a larger metal figure is working on something, alcoves are set in the walls around the room, and the entire area is well light by the glowing stones.

Mar 28, 2023 5:05 pm
"Thank you for showing us your home, Deanmasster. We are new to thiss placce and wanted to know about how it tendss to be."
Mar 28, 2023 7:43 pm
All this metal, gems and moving things are quite a difference to the marshes. Although made of metal, all these … creatures seem more alive than the dead bodies we saw moving in the cemetery.
"Hello. Thank you for having us."
I show the palms of my paws as a gesture to indicate, that we come as friends. Baruman seems quite excited by the situation to me. He clearly was gladdened by the thingy that had led us in.
"Hello. Thank you for having us."
I show the palms of my paws as a gesture to indicate, that we come as friends. Baruman seems quite excited by the situation to me. He clearly was gladdened by the thingy that had led us in.
Mar 30, 2023 2:23 am

I tae it then that you are from the expedition that recently took up residency at the docks?
After you briefly explain your purpose for coming he continues.
Aw well you are actually the first to accept my employment offer. The older human, Danoll, has stopped by a few times but he is just fishing for information. As it is one of the few things I have in abundance I have refused to give it away for free and most of what you know is currently of little interest to me.
As I understand your expedition is trying to fill in some gaps in their knowledge due to the Shattering and Dawn War, both terms are new to me though I existed to experience both. I in turn require materials and an agent to help me assess the situation outside my domicile. You see I am a household construct. I am bound to a single master or their household. Though I know my master still exists in some fashion his prolonged absence has enabled my certain liberties not available to be while he was in residence.
As to what you can do for me there are 2 options i have decided to offer at this time.
1. Continue your regular activities, carrying with you one of my minor servants, and simply check in with me each week. This wil allow my servant to map the changes outside my home. I have tried sending some on their own but they keep getting destroyed and resources are scarce. My servant may request you to perform specific activities on my behalf but you are free to do these or not. Any activity you preform for me will give you a credit that can be exchanged for knowledge, services, or some of the resources I have access to but do not need.
2. I can give you information about one of the Remnants nearby. This information will greatly increase your chances of entering and securing controll of its facilities. In return you will use one of the Remnant functions on my behalf.
Would you be wiling to perform either of the services for me or do you have questions?
Apr 3, 2023 3:00 pm
"I know well the importancce of mutual benefit. I suggesst both of the tasskss? Elph looks at the others. He's raising his eyebrows quizzically, but the difference is scale-tone is nightmarish to spot in this light.
Apr 4, 2023 3:34 am

The Remnant I will assist you with is to the south west. It has a defensive security system that was triggered by the Shattering and remains active.
My servitor will have information to allow your to bypass some of the more dangerous obstacles. Other defense you will need to overcome on your own. Once you are at a location within it's facilities the servitor will be able to direct you how to reconnect my residence with that facility. This will allow me to assist you more directly in securing the facility for your and my use.
As he speaks he continues working on the tiny figure. When he is complete he holds out to your an odd looking figure. It's body is 4 orbs arranged in a pyramid. Each orb has 3 appendages that look to be able to act as feet, arms, or a head like appendage.
Apr 5, 2023 4:05 pm
"What a gloriouss peculiar creature! Itss shape remindss me of an egg clutch. Do we need anything to keep it optimally operational?"
Apr 6, 2023 1:05 am

Basicly a tiny costruct that does not eat, breath, AC 12, HP:8 Move 20, (10 fly,climb,swim)He holds it out to you and teh orbs and appendages rearange themselves to form a bracelet with 4 large beads. You may wear it, store it, or attach it to one of your packs. I leve this up to you bu twould ask you not store it while you travel unless there is need. I have managed to map some of the area but the servitors I send out are often destroyed so my updated records are incomplete.
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