Mar 23, 2023 5:07 pm
A courier delivers a sealed capsa to Gundus Tavius at the Temple of Turas. Inside is a rolled scroll set.

Gundus soon learns that the written message is from his former commanding officer, Calus Eramus Andra.
Gundus was attached to Eramus's contubernium as kyrazenus, during many months of field training a little more than a year ago. At that time, Eramus was a centurion, commander of 80+ legionnaires, in the 7th Legion of the Imperial Army. The two men had become friends, working together in rugged and austere conditions.
Gundus knows Calus Eramus as a proud Auran of respected Tirenean stock, who maintains all the old Empyrean Rituals. Though hot-tempered and intimidating at times, Eramus is a bold warrior and a shrewd commander. Sluggard troops dreaded his discipline, but the high men on the line were increased by his strength.

Required Action - Red, Robago: Make a collective decision whether Gundus and Syrena are currently living and operating in or around (surrounding small towns, countryside, etc.) either 1) the capital city of Aura, or 2) the southern border city of Amanuctum.

Gundus soon learns that the written message is from his former commanding officer, Calus Eramus Andra.
Gundus was attached to Eramus's contubernium as kyrazenus, during many months of field training a little more than a year ago. At that time, Eramus was a centurion, commander of 80+ legionnaires, in the 7th Legion of the Imperial Army. The two men had become friends, working together in rugged and austere conditions.
Gundus knows Calus Eramus as a proud Auran of respected Tirenean stock, who maintains all the old Empyrean Rituals. Though hot-tempered and intimidating at times, Eramus is a bold warrior and a shrewd commander. Sluggard troops dreaded his discipline, but the high men on the line were increased by his strength.

Required Action - Red, Robago: Make a collective decision whether Gundus and Syrena are currently living and operating in or around (surrounding small towns, countryside, etc.) either 1) the capital city of Aura, or 2) the southern border city of Amanuctum.