Prologue: A Mysterious Message

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DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 23, 2023 5:07 pm
A courier delivers a sealed capsa to Gundus Tavius at the Temple of Turas. Inside is a rolled scroll set.

Gundus soon learns that the written message is from his former commanding officer, Calus Eramus Andra.

Gundus was attached to Eramus's contubernium as kyrazenus, during many months of field training a little more than a year ago. At that time, Eramus was a centurion, commander of 80+ legionnaires, in the 7th Legion of the Imperial Army. The two men had become friends, working together in rugged and austere conditions.

Gundus knows Calus Eramus as a proud Auran of respected Tirenean stock, who maintains all the old Empyrean Rituals. Though hot-tempered and intimidating at times, Eramus is a bold warrior and a shrewd commander. Sluggard troops dreaded his discipline, but the high men on the line were increased by his strength.

Required Action - Red, Robago: Make a collective decision whether Gundus and Syrena are currently living and operating in or around (surrounding small towns, countryside, etc.) either 1) the capital city of Aura, or 2) the southern border city of Amanuctum.

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 23, 2023 6:35 pm
Xenophon Pyrrhosides is at a small camp with a few troops on the outskirts when a city man approaches. He has the look of a scribner or praeco.

The robed man takes a calm but official stance and proclaims, "Ius, I am a Commissioned Speaker sent to relay a message to Xenophon Pyrrhosides."

After a quick confirmation, the Speaker continues. "The message is from a Landed Auran Nobirus of High Standing, Calus Eramus Andra, Castellan, 3rd Imperial Legion. It is by the request of my Benefactor that the message be proclaimed to you in private. Shall we relocate to an alternative setting?"

Xenophon does not reveal his curiosity, but he wonders.

Calus Eramus was a commanding Centurion when 7th Legion troops fought alongside of Strabo's Seawolf Company in the spring of 379. Xenophon remembers Eramus's valor in the skirmishes against the Celdoreans in the Syrnasos.

But the 3rd Legion is in Amanuctum. And Castellan? Eramus must be climbing the ranks - that is not surprising - but what would the Commander need that would call for sending the message in this irregular manner?
Note, Len: Xenophon is quite familiar with both the Nicean city of Kourithos and the Tirenean city of Amanuctum, as well as the route of the Menir Fons River in between.
Required Action, Len: Decide where Xenophon is currently residing / operating, either in Kourithos or Amanuctum, when he receives the message from Eramus.

Required Action, Len: Decide which force was Xenophon serving in during Spring 379, during the Syrnasos skirmishes against Celdoreans. Was it the 7th Imperial Legion or Strabo's Seawolf Company? The first is self-explanatory, a regimented military unit under ultimate command of the Auran Taurkan (Nicea is still a province of the Auran Empire now). The second is a mercenary group.
Either scenario can work. I know Xenophon is a sellsword now, but was he always? Or does he have some formal military background previous?

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 23, 2023 7:10 pm
Required Action, CB: Decide where Gennadius has been participating in the gladiator arena games: in the capital city of Aura or in Amanactum in the south?
Mar 23, 2023 8:51 pm
DMJ says:

Required Action - Red, Robago: Make a collective decision whether Gundus and Syrena are currently living and operating in or around (surrounding small towns, countryside, etc.) either 1) the capital city of Aura, or 2) the southern border city of Amanactum.
As an active explorer/scout, I think it makes the most sense for Syrena to be living in or near Amanactum.

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 23, 2023 10:03 pm
RageRed says:
As an active explorer/scout, I think it makes the most sense for Syrena to be living in or near Amanactum.
Makes the most sense. Let's go with that (unless Robago campaigns for a big objection). I'll incorporate into next entry tonight late or tomorrow.
Mar 24, 2023 2:54 am
Amanuctum works for me, it's the kind of place Gundus might be sent after completing his novitiate, to do some more independent field-work.
Mar 24, 2023 7:21 am
Xenophon rises from the game of dice to meet this Commissioned Speaker. The dice were turning sour, so he quietly thanked the gods for the excuse to leave while he had broken even. Patting his empty purse, he knows he has exactly 9 silver coins to his name, plus the gear on his back.

He looks over this Commissioned Speaker, evaluating his physique and armaments, if any. He notes his gait and any limp or impediment he might take advantage of. Old habits die hard.

Not wanting to let on that this camp outside the of the city of Kourithos is his current abode (lest he reveal the true state of his poverty and weaken his bargaining position should payment be discussed), he guides the speaker to the banks of the Menir Fons, whose loud spray would provide cover from eavesdroppers.

As they walk, his mind goes back to the spring of 379. He served with the Seawolf company then. The campaign in the Syrnasos islands was a bloody one, but he had conducted himself well. His memory of Eramus was that he was a fine commander, the kind of professional he liked doing business with.

"Commissioned Speaker, formality rankles me. Let us speak plainly. How might I call you? And more importantly, confide this in me: how much does a Speaker like yourself make to courier messages from the rich and powerful across the Empire?"
Last edited March 24, 2023 7:21 am
Mar 24, 2023 4:50 pm
"Gundus Tavius, I hope this communication finds you well. It is I, Calus Eramus, hailed Andra, Castellan, 3rd Legion, who writes this letter to you now, by my own hand."

From a noble family, Eramus was literate and a skilled writer. Gundus in not surprised that the letter is written in Classical Auran.

Gundus reads on.

"I was glad to hear that you would move residence to the Temple at Amanuctum after the completion of your novitiate. Hail to Turas and the Seven, who stood with our Ancestors and now stand with us. The City of the Golden Harvest is strengthened by your arrival and your attention to the Rituals on behalf of our Folk.

I was transferred to the 3rd Legion last spring and have since been supporting maneuvers and new patrols in the countryside north of the Fields. I am assigned as Castellan for this season, overseeing vigilance on the Old Lusetem Trail. It is a remnant route, cut long ago during the wars against Krysea. New towers have been constructed, several on the site of those forts previous from centuries ago.

Now I write you seeking your support. I ask that you join me - to win a precarious struggle and perhaps to strike a fortune that can be shared. I will not write of details here, for I have some concern of interception. But meet me here in the wilderness, and I will make my proposal.

Make this your commitment though, Gundus: do not report to the Legion to state your intention to treat with me. Instead, I have other troops with whom I ask you to coordinate. My reasons for this will be revealed later.

Your primary contact should be a particular scout who knows these rugged lands well. She is a woman of our blood, though through Ivorean lineage. I know of her family from Aura and now here in the South. Syrena Rachess, hailed Drakonis. She is sure-footed among the hills and the spen, and can take you to the trailhead of the Old Lusetem. That will be your route.

The other man is a Nicean, called Xenophon. He is a sellsword with whom I ventured in the past. Early in his career, but capable. If he does as I say, he will assemble a small troupe to support our expedition.

I have sent both of these factions to meet you in Riverside. Go to the Packers' Guildhouse and speak with Shipmaster Glais Danarovus at Gulleyloft. He will give you lodging and a meal per day for you as you wait to join these others. I have also staged a small retainer fee for you and the company.

Trust Danarov in his House - he will take care of these things for you during this time of coordination, for I have paid his tax. Tread carefully with this one though, my friend. Do not cross him. If he asks for yet another tax, I recommend paying it. He can be a dangerous man, and the Packers must be allowed their share for now.

I seek your help, Gundus! My first claim: you are loyal to our Folk and the glory of Aura. Secondly, our men here need the Rituals. We face a stress of spiritual darkness I believe. Foreign gods rove our lands even here in the spens and hills of Old Tirenea, skulking about upon the steps and words of their proselytizers - corrupting our People and making them weak. May Turas restore his Order, driving out treachery and steeling us with the Strength of our Ancestors!

For this endeavour, I will be able to pay each man at least 200 silver eagles. But what is more - there is a store of loot to be had if we are successful. I will say no more of it now, yet it is True.

Our meeting place will be this: at the junction of the Old Lusetem and the spur trail to Saromen Fro. At that intersection, we will unite our parties.

I will begin a patrol stop at the junction at midday beginning on the Half-wax in Pendaelen, and every day thereafter, awaiting your arrival. I personally will meet you there on the road. Avoid delay, for my circumstance could change quickly and without notice.

Hail to the Sun, for it gives Light to Aura.

Hail the Eternal Dawn and the Gods of Tiren.

Hail to the Ancestors, Standing in Glory.

Blood and Honor,

Calus Eramus Andra, Castellan."

Gundus thinks quickly to the calendar. It is late afternoon on second Divine-Day of Fifthmonth Pendaelon. Half-wax was nearly a week ago.

Eramus would have begun the midday rendezvous checks for at least the last 5 days.

It seems that Gundus's delayed passage from Auran to Amanuctum continues to change his own Fortune, and now perhaps that of his friend.

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 24, 2023 8:11 pm
Syrena walks into Dorinic after several days in the hills. She takes a hot meal at Mare Rufus House.

In short time, Angus Tapkin enters the common room and sits down with her.

Syrena is cautious. She knows Tapkin is a pireus of the Packers' Guild.
Mar 24, 2023 8:13 pm
The conversation begins well-enough, but soon turns mysterious, if not unnerving.

"I've been trying to catch a talk with you for a week now, Nobira," says the Krysean thug. "You are hard to find - never going home now to your father's domus up on High City, eh?"

After some short banter, Tapkin moves on to his request. Or was it instruction?

"Danarov wants you to come to Gulleyloft. He has someone to meet you there."

Upon inquiry about Port Chief Glais Danarovus's intentions, Tapkin clarifies. "It's not the Ion who wants to see you exactly. It's a priest, what I hear. Some footsie sent from up the Capital. A friend of Castellan Eramus, who wants you to take this priest out to the hills.

I don't know why we are involved - maybe you do. But we are, and it's a meet at our place. Legion stays out of it. No talking from you to the Legion. Not a word. Eramus sent that through the Ion, and now from the Ion through me. Understood, Nobira Rachess?"

Syrena has not seen Calus Eramus since last fall. As she knew, he and his men had been deep in Skausen Spen, even through the winter.

Calus Eramus Andra was a bold man - honorable, yet at times dissident. Though not exactly surprised to hear that Eramus had connections with Gulleyloft, Syrena certainly wonders what this matter is all about.
Mar 24, 2023 10:13 pm
DMJ says:
Required Action, CB: Decide where Gennadius has been participating in the gladiator arena games: in the capital city of Auran or in Amanactum in the south?
Double checking: "Auran" == "Aura"? (As I understand it, "Aura" would be the city name proper, and "Auran" would be something or someone from the city of Aura.)

The vast majority of the gladiator games Gennadius participated in were in his home, Aura. He's been traveling recently, trying to find something greater to make his mark on the world. He would be in Amanactum now and have one or two engagements in the arena there.

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 24, 2023 10:33 pm
Constablebrew says:
Double checking: "Auran" == "Aura"? (As I understand it, "Aura" would be the city name proper, and "Auran" would be something or someone from the city of Aura.)

The vast majority of the gladiator games Gennadius participated in were in his home, Aura. He's been traveling recently, trying to find something greater to make his mark on the world. He would be in Amanactum now and have one or two engagements in the arena there.
Dang. Yeah you’re right. "Aura" is the city name. I went back and had to correct a few mistakes.

Got it, on the move from AURA to the south.

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 25, 2023 1:03 am
Gennadius had a decision to make. One path might leave him in poverty. The other path might leave him dead.

Since arriving to Amanuctum a month ago, he had only participated in two bouts. He had survived both of them by the narrowest of margins.

And the fact that he WASN'T killed seemed to come at the frustration of both the Harvest Colosseum crowd and the Headmaster of Death, Barracus.

"No more Work Matches, skinny. We run Death Matches here at The Harvest," Barracus had threatened. "You come back tomorrow, you put your worthless life on the line. If you sick-snake out of another bout, I'll kill you myself."

Gennadius had departed from Aura to see the world, and perhaps escape the increasing deadliness of the games in The Capital. He had heard from travelers that the games in Amanuctum were more of a mix of sport games. Those rumors had turned out to be wrong.

This arena was filled with Kemeshi, Skysos, Dwarves, and worse. Just the previous night, one of the Jutlander captives had broken from his chains. He went on to kill two overseers and seven other slaves before being run through himself.

In truth, it was more accurate that Gennadius had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

But knowing so few people in the city, Gennadius had been unable to find steady work. And here, derelicts and loafers were often taken off the streets, either gang pressed into work camps or perhaps worse. The gladiator matches were a terrible risk, but they paid well enough for a win. Without fighting, what would he do to stay off of the streets?

Gennadius had tried his hand (and voice) at oration and epic story-telling, to some success. But not without the harassment of other street performers. Several had approached him to take part of his earnings, and even threatened to bring a gang against him to protect their turf. Every time he camped in the common parks, he feared that he would get robbed if he slept.

Now on the evening after the confrontation by Barracus, Gennadius tries again to get the attention of the departing crowd as they stroll out from the stadium.

This night he performs a few stanzas of the Comedy of Horsofos, hoping to lighten his own spirits and claim a few coins from the more generous patrons.

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 25, 2023 1:27 am
During the performance Gennadius notices a hulking man in the crowd belting out heavy laughter at every joke.

The man is a Titan! - standing head and shoulders above the next tallest in the crowd.

The giant continues to laugh at every turn in the story, even at some points that are not even intended to be funny. Gennadius remembers that he had seen and heard the man in the crowd on a few previous street performances.

When the Story is finished, the dwindling crowd has mostly been dispersed by the competing street performers lurking around on the darkening edges of the alleys and clutter. They look menacingly at Gennadius, but he also notices that they look on fearfully at the big man in the crowd.
Mar 25, 2023 1:34 am
The jolly giant is now clapping profoundly at the ending, "BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO TO YOU, STREET URCHIN! HEIN CALA!" He has a thick, foreign accent. A Jutlander?!

He steps forward to give a powerful high hand slap that stings Gennadius's hand painfully when received.

"You say great stories, funny! I like them." The big man stands there, smiling and nodding his head. Staring at Gennadius.

There is an uncomfortably long silence for a time.

Then the Jutlander starts again, "I want you to meet my Guildsmen fellows. They would LIKE your stories also! Hello, I am Brausludwig. But here in the City I am called only Braus.

I am a Packer. It is a job I have earned here since I live to the City."

In a quick explanation that leaves many unanswered questions, Brasus invites Gennadius to the Guildhouse of the Packers' Guild, a place at The Docks called Gulleyloft.

Gennadius is cautious of the idea, but then Brasus says,

"You can sleep in an inn room for every night, and a meal for every day. Our cook Corolus has a TASTY STEEEW!"

And Gennadius sees the street people looking on in frustration, longing for their chance to sack him as soon as he separates from big Braus.
Mar 25, 2023 9:02 am
Gennadius claps Braus on the shoulder and risks a furtive glance at the gang of street people. "Now that sounds like a deal, my big man! Which way to Gulleyloft? This way?" he starts walking before Braus can even indicate.

"Oh this way!" As he pivots a 180°, "Walk with me. You'll have to tell me all about what a Packer does, I'm quite sure it's less or little to do with filling crates, but before that, my good man, there is the issue of your name! "Braus" has a good ring to it, why it conjures giant men such as yourself, but it hardly commands the respect a good family name brings! Brausludwig is a fine name, a FINE name! It carries honor and strength! Why would you command only half that honor when CLEARLY you can command as much honor as you so choose!? You are quite powerfully built, sir Brausludwig! And I can appreciate the fine work that Packer men such as yourself do, whatever that may be, and you'll fill me in on the details as we go, but you also have the air about you of a man that can handle himself and take hold of the full honor of your family name. Why, few would care to tangle with a man that is clearly half giant! Have I told you I'm a fighting man myself? It sort of looks like running away, but I'm quite good at it and haven't lost a match in the arena yet! Why...

Gennadius' voice continues on with a non-stop torrent, fading from the ears of the gang as the two make their way down the street.
Gennadius isn't always over the top, but he's nervous and trying (too hard) to have Braus to personally like him. Getting away from the gang now is good, but he doesn't know if Braus really has good intentions. If Braus is leading Gennadius into something bad, hopefully he will reconsider simply because he came to really like Gennadius in the short walk to the guild house.
Last edited March 25, 2023 9:05 am
Mar 25, 2023 11:09 am
"Apologies for your troubles in my finding, Pireus Tapkin." Syrena begins and takes a drink from her goblet. "Frequency at the domus of my father has been scarce of late. Though, I do enjoy the time there when taking venture in Amanactum and the High City."

She listens as the reason for the Packer's accosting verbally begins to spill from his mouth.

She nods and takes another drink.

"Danarovus wants that I should guide this priest, at the behest of the Castellan. Discretion is want. Understood."
She confirms for Tapkin's approval. "No doubt, this matter is an urgent one?"
Last edited March 25, 2023 11:11 am
Mar 25, 2023 11:49 am
The Speaker gulps and looks a bit nervous when Xenophon watches him like a hawk and asks him about money.

Glancing down at the mercenary's weapons, the Speaker quickly assures Xenophon that he has no coin whatsoever. He explains that it is his and his fellow Speakers' duty merely to accurately convey the message, secretly if requested, for which they were Commissioned - no matter how far the distance and no matter how many speakers transmit in between until the oration to the final recipient.

After resetting his composure, the Speaker begins the oration of the message, even in a voice that sounds similar to that of Eramus.

"Xenophon Pyrrhosides, this message arrives to you from Calus Eramus, hailed Andra, Castellan, 3rd Legion.

I seek your support in a campaign. There is a reason that I need sellswords outside of the Legion, so it is a requirement that you speak nothing of this to any Legionnaires or Officers. And when I ask you to gather troops, do not seek to lure any Legionnaires on liberty away from their posts.

There is one Nicean that I ask that you retain if you can: the magic-user apprentice that was with you in Kallipos's cohort during the Skyrnasos campaign. We could use this fellow to advise us on a strange faction here.

The full pay will be negotiated later, but you personally will be paid 25 silver for each sword you bring, to a maximum of 4, including yourself. More importantly, each man will get a share of loot on a raid. I will not say more of that now, but it should be a heavy haul.

You may complain of these low wages, but I know it has been difficult for sellswords to get work since the Tarkaun's new Decree. I heard Strabo was imprisoned for dissension, and I am sure that you heard Terius Modius and his company were assumed into the 9th Legion under the command of Haceo. Things are changing, stallion, but there is still an option for you to keep the middle way and run free. That is what I am offering you.

Assemble in Amanuctum, at Gulleyloft. Do not balk at this. I have paid tax to Danarov; he will accommodate you and your team there with lodging and food while you wait. There you will meet a priest who will accompany you. His name is Gundus Tavius, from The Capital. He is entrusted with my further instructions. It should only be a short wait to join with him there.

Dameon himself will attend to your transport from Kourithas to Riverside, and the same for your men. Speak with Cato; he will arrange the boats.

I say again: The Legions should hear nothing about this. I am your employer, and no one else.

Meet with Gundus Tavius, priest of Türas, Xenophon.

Oil and sharpen your blade, young arxus. Command your contubern and maneuver here to join me.

Together we will improve our lots by degrees and lay low those deserving.

Hail the Eternal Dawn.

Blood and Honor,

Eramus, Castellan"

DMJ Inactive for 29 days

Mar 25, 2023 11:58 am
Many questions swim through Xenophon's mind when he hears the message.

Most of all, why was Castellan Eramus working with the Packers' Guild?

It was not every day that a man would cross paths with the top 2 bosses of the most powerful and dangerous criminal gang of the Menir Fons underworld.

Yet Xenophon was directed to the care of Dameon Korith in Kourithos and Glais Danarovus in Amanuctum.

And to meet a priest?!

What sort of job offer was this?
Mar 25, 2023 4:50 pm
Gundus' heart races as he reads the letter, recognising it for what it truly is - the hand of Türas, guiding him along the path he so fervently aspires to tread: the front lines of the battle between Law and Chaos. To be a warrior in that crusade is to fight for the highest cause and the gravest stakes, in the service of the greatest masters.

But the missive is not only that. It is also a personal request from a man he deeply admires, who in his own way exemplifies the virtues of Law and the merits of the Empire. The order and discipline Erasmus impresses on his troops moulds them into something greater than themselves, instills qualities in them that last a lifetime. When such a man asks a favour, it cannot lightly be refused.

His path was clear. He would make all haste in his preparations and go to the Packers' Guildhouse. And he would keep a wary eye on the shipmaster.
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