Prologue: A Mysterious Message

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 25, 2023 7:27 pm
Damanadros Kappelis clears out another batch of birds from the upper balcony ledge.

His Sleep spell is perfected now. Once the big seahawks fall over in their deep slumber, they are easy to cage. These majestic osprey might fetch a few coin at the market, unlike the pelicans and gulls.

Damanandros had maintained the ruined shoreline tower for nearly two years now. He had been granted exclusive access by the Port Magisterium on agreement that he kept the old ruins free from birds, rodents, and other unsavory miscreants. The task had been easy enough. Lucky for him there were no sea scrags who had taken up residency here, as had happened at the abandoned lighthouse among the old North Ruins!

The tower had been a comfortable, though eccentric, abode for a time. There was one interior room that had remained structurally sound, and relatively dry. It had a working fireplace and stove. Damanadros had been able to study his scrolls, construct and improve his own spellbook, and run his experiments in peace through the seasons.

Now though, the roof of the little chamber had finally collapsed. What was once a slow drip leak was now an open wound in the interior structure. Water had poured into the inner room as through a sieve during the last storm. What was worse, the chimney had cracked in the collapse, and the flute line was now obstructed. Smoke billowed out into the room last evening when Damanandros stoked a heavy fire.

The young mage carried the bird cages out to the lonely shore line and gazed out across the harbor. The view of mighty Kourithos in the morning sun was the same as ever. Ships glided slowly into port in a calm silence.

Damanadros faced some challenges for sure, but perhaps his circumstance would change for the better.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 25, 2023 7:56 pm
Culchas sits calmly by his fire, looking out over the mouth of the Menir Fons River.

Some mercenaries are throwing dice over a nearby slope, but their drunken chatter in the Nicean tongue is loud and grating. Culchas had moved away from the larger camp.

When the last winter frost broke, Culchas had walked from the Mearleigh Mountains into the land of the Tireneans. He had seen the large city called Amanuctum for a time, but had decided to walk the river road northwest.

Eventually he had reached the edge of this other monstrous city of the Niceans. Off in the distance, he sees a great sea that stretches across the horizon to the north.

Culchas had not entered this city so far.

Perhaps he would. Perhaps he would not.
Mar 26, 2023 2:34 am
With osprey cage in tow, Damanadros sets forth on the well-worn footpath south towards the bustling city of Kourithos. The uneven terrain beneath his feet presents a challenge, but he prefers this shortcut to the long, winding cart trail that leads to the main roadways. Besides, the path grants him the opportunity to collect shells, driftwood, and other oceanic treasures that may have washed up between the rocks and into the tidal pools.

As he draws closer to the city gates, Damanadros's thoughts turn inward, focusing on the subtle energies that surround him. The shifting of the rocks beneath his feet, the rhythm of the waves and tides, the ever-present wind, and the endless expanse of the horizon all speak to him in a language that only he can understand. He listens intently to the relationships between these primal forces at work, searching for their secrets and meanings.
It is a strange and beautiful communion, one that Damanadros finds both thrilling and unsettling. He cannot be certain if the whispers he hears are merely the voice of his own mind giving shape to the world around him, or if there is something more at play. But he is not one to shy away from mystery and intrigue, and he allows himself to be swept up in the experience.

At last, his attention is drawn back to the present as he approaches the city gates. He has always been comfortable among the masses, with a keen mind and a talent for debate and service. But there is always a risk of the unexpected, of some outlier event or unpredicted behavior that could send things spiraling out of control. Damanadros takes a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever may come, and strides confidently toward the bustling city market.
Mar 27, 2023 2:33 am
Culchas was hungry. Not for food, for he was content with the pheasant he had roasted over the fire. No, he was hungry for conquest and treasure. It had been too long since his spear had tasted the blood of man, and his purse felt emptier for it. The city was a place to find such things, but it was always too busy and noisy there. It was hard to think, hard to concentrate. And so he sat out by his fire.

Mercenaries might be just what he needed, as he was fond of their company. Niceans, as ugly as they were indelicate, were some of the only folks Culchas knew he could trust. Neighbors across the mounains, they could have been as free as Culchas had they not accepted the Empire so soon. But that was talk, and talk was not what Culchas did. Fighting is what he did, what he wants to do. Having finished the bird, he rises to his feet and approaches the drunken mercenaries, hoping to find a lead or a band. And if they didn't like his lime-bleached hair? Well, blood would be drawn either way.
Mar 27, 2023 11:46 am
Xenophon smirks as the messenger sudden fears for his safety. Legitimately, he wanted to know how much a courier makes, for once he owned his own company he'd need to factor these expenses into the margins. He lets the messenger keep his conclusions, though - a mercenary's reputation for ferocity and danger was a carefully cultivated assets, and he did not want to discourage this man from his beliefs.

He listened to the message and noted the odd features. What game was Eramus playing at? He always had his sights set high. These type of political entanglements were a complication he didn't usually like taking on, but, as the messenger said, opportunities were scarce at the moment. Although it was risky, he wondered at the intangible rewards beyond the silver. There was potential here.

Xenophon laughed at the end of the messenger's recitation. He thought to himself: "Blood and honour? He means my blood and his honour. But, that's the nature of the beast."

Alas, it seemed that blood and honor were two currencies on opposite ends of the spectrum. Blood was worth less than copper, spent so freely in this world as to make it seem worthless. Honor was worth many times that of gold, for only those with vast sums of gold could afford honor, and it was always purchased in blood when you got down to it. And yet blood was the only thing that mattered in the end, where as honor was just an idea.

In this game the powerful played, Xenophon knew he was at the bottom, at least for now. The powerful would invest in him silver, and he would shed his blood, and the powerful would gain more honor in dividends. This was the game. But Xenophon was not just a pawn, and those with enough skill and bravado could use the game as a ladder to ascend to a higher station.

He confirmed his commitment to Eramus's cause with the messenger and set out to raise the four men. He returned to the campfire. These Niceans were of reasonable quality, good enough not to embarrass him, and not good enough to demand a high wage. Still, he would like to have better. When climbing a tall ladder, you want to be able to trust the rungs.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 27, 2023 11:53 am
When Xenophon tries to recruit for Eramus's hire, it proves difficult. The best sellswords in Nicea are cautious of running afoul of the new decrees, difficult to understand and of course inconsistently enforced, that require mercenaries to declare their employment terms to the local Legion Magistrate. Few want to get involved with any job unless they are clear on the status and clout of an employer. This listing is thin, imprecise, and gives no clarity on pay.

Others simply do not want to get involved with the Packers' Guild. It is well-known that when a man gets too close to the web of Gulleyloft, it may prove difficult to ever escape.

In the end, Xenophon is left with none of his old mates. Only a lone Krysean mountain-man, whom Xenophon meets at the southern drifters camp, is willing to throw in lots for the endeavor.

Making the best of it, Xenophon is able to reunite with Damanandros Kappelis. To Xenophon's surprise, the young mage accepts the proposal and is agreeable to depart after a short time to pack and prepare.

On the following day, Xenophon and his two followers are down at the old warehouse port bays, being directed onto boats southbound.

Xenophon does not speak with him directly, but he sees when Guildmaster Dameon Korith, called the Pier King, nods to his Controller to approve the transportation.
Mar 27, 2023 3:32 pm
Dameon Korith's top advisor in Kourithos, Controller Cato, comes to speak with Xenophon directly before departure.

"You're clear, Xeno. Check in with Danarov and Tapkin at Gulleyloft.

And no talking to the Legion about anything. This is our meet, remember. Eramus made the deal."

The slender boat slides out from the port and turns upriver, towards Amanuctum.

Xenophon knows that things are underway now. Since there were no takers here in Nicea, he wonders how he might find a third and final sword to join the expedition at The Docks in Amanuctum. He needs to claim that last 25 eagle finder's fee from Eramus.

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